October 19, 2007

Closing Shop

ItÂ’s not been a good week for me. Today things got a great deal worse when members of my firm became aware of my blog. Since itÂ’s against corporate policy to have blog, I was asked to shut it down immediately. Though I tried to negotiate a proper burial I was unsuccessful. The final decision was given to me just moments ago and I only have a few minutes to do close up shop and hand over the keys. As a result, I don't have much time to say a proper goodbye.

Know that I will miss you all as you have meant a great deal to me. To those of you who extended themselves in friendship and helped with my healing, I say thank you, I was truly honored to have you in my life.

May you live long and prosper.

Posted by: Michele at 05:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 15, 2007

Mail Bag

I got home from a busy, fun weekend (of hikes, apple picking, and taking my son to his first county fair) to find lots of wonderful emails in my inbox. That's a first for me! The sentiments ran the gamut and since I am pressed for time I will post a quick response here with individual emails to follow.

A few of you wrote asking for lots of interesting details on how my romance is going. Sorry folks, but I don't like to kiss-N-tell.

Several more wrote urging me to be careful and proceed cautiously. I am nothing if not very careful. So careful in fact that guys usually get tired of waiting for me to come around, they give up and eventually walk away. That suits me just fine because it's only over time that a person's true nature is revealed.

Some of you urged me to stop the torture and get it over with and jump his bones and share the details. One person in particular wanted pictures. No Lisa, I will not put a hidden webcam in his bathroom. I think your bathroom fetish is going too far now and you need to consider getting some professional help.

The jumping of the bones is fine for most people but not yet for me. Fortunately, my erogenous zone is somewhere in my brain, so the jumping of bones is for after the fact, or should I say after that act. Besides, you know what the Supremes say: You can't hurry love. No, you just have to wait...", but in the meantime, its a wonderful journey.

To those who are wishing me well, a heart felt Thank YOU! I am truly touched by your caring and thoughtfulness. I especially liked the email I received from Eric (Norway), which contained his wonderful wishes wrapped in the beautiful poem below. I am sharing it for our mutual enjoyment.

Again, a heart felt thank you to all.

Love One Another by Khalil Gibran

Love one another, but make not a yoke of love
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup, but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread, but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous,
but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone
though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping;
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together;
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

Posted by: Michele at 11:28 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 14, 2007

Death & re-Birth Announcements

While a few bloggers may rejoice on my virtual demise, another blogger took the time out last night to include me in his joyous re-birth. Please go and send your hisses or congratulations to the appropriate parties!

Posted by: Michele at 08:39 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 22, 2007

Three Years

It's been 3 years since I began blogging to heal from all my losses. What started as a place to pour out my pain and tears has become a place to reflect, create, and explore. Even though the pain is mostly gone, I continue to use this blog:

- to reflect on how the past continues to affect and imbue my present spirit and actions.
- to create, using my talents and the inspiration I receive from others.
-To explore who and where I am, while continuing to move towards my dreams and discover who I am yet to be.

Thanks to all of you who stop here along your own personal roads of discovery, for you have all become part of me in one way or another.

Posted by: Michele at 12:28 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 132 words, total size 1 kb.

March 28, 2007

Who wants to do a BAD Call?

A Bad Example Family and Friends Telephone Call that is. AND ITS FREE! My teleconferencing account will soon be disabled if I don't use it by the end of this month, so I need to get a few people on a call and use it for at least 15 min.

So, is there anyone in the BAD Example clan who wishes to get on the phone this Friday night at 10:00pm Eastern/9:00pm Central/8:00pm Pacific Time. I can have as many as 24 people on the line. Just one thing though, I currently have laryngitis and although I can be on the call, it would only be to listen, since I can't talk.

So.... anyone interested? Daddy? Some of you blog siblings both near, far, and in between? Let me know in the comments and I'll send you via email the info with the toll free number . So what say you Richmond, Friction, Mrs. Who, & Lemon Stand?

Posted by: Michele at 10:38 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 172 words, total size 2 kb.

March 07, 2007

Blogosphere Converges on NYC

On April 6th & 7th the first (hopefully annual) Podcamp Conference will take place in NYC. It is free to attend, and with attendees from around the world, participating in over 90 sessions, it promises to be venue for interesting discussions that will direct the viral impact and future of this new technology.

There's some very compelling reasons to attend. But I wonder if the free registration, food & tshirt is enough of an insentive for some of my favorite bloggers to attend? [She says expectantly as shelooks over at her blogroll.]

Posted by: Michele at 12:28 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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February 16, 2007

Linky Love & Lucky Streaks?

Well, I have some interesting situations developing as a result of the snow. Around 2:30pm yesterday afternoon we lost heat and around 4:00pm we lost power. The power loss is being blamed on some underground feeder cables, that were scorched from the chemicals, salt and melting snow near my home, Its currently 18F and feels like 4F and that will drop to below zero overnight.

The good news is that power should return by tomorrow night. Also good was the purchase of a small solar powered generator after the 13 day power outage I went through this past summer. I also bought sleeping bags that stay warm below sub-zero temps. The generator is currently powering a small heater, which combined with our sleeping bags should help us sleep comfortably tonight.

So I will leave you with some interesting and fun links for you to visit and be entertained. First, here's an interesting sports site that is chock full of the latest interesting sports newsAmerican Legends. Oh and itÂ’s not just sports, thereÂ’s also a link for the 2007 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.

Next is a link for the recent Fall Fashion Week in NY. There youÂ’ll find photo galleries for all the designers that participated in this event.

Finally, thereÂ’s a link for AmericaÂ’s Test Kitchen, one of my favorite shows on public television that educates the consumer on all things culinary.


Posted by: Michele at 01:13 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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February 15, 2007

My Sweet Valentines Date

UPDATE: 10:30pm Just spoke to Tammi and she's finally home! Yay! Well, almost. She was still 20 miles, out but she was almost there. She sounded awful though, high fever, chills, aches.

UPDATE: 3:30pm Major prayers needed for Tammi, who's stuck at LaGuardia Airport in NYC trying to get home while dealing with a fever and a cold that's coming on. Thank you.


Yesterday, most of the northeast was buried under snow. Parts of Orange County, New York received 30 inches of snow in a single day. My area got 6 inches of mostly ice & some snow, which really concerned me because I had a wonderful dinner date planned.

Well, after a slight delay, caused by the ice that was everywhere, I made it into Manhattan by train. My date arrived just as I was about to sit down and I was stunned by this beautiful person before me. Pictures do this individual no justice. Folks, I couldnÂ’t stop staring through most of dinner. Then add a witty and sparkling personality, throw in some wonderful stories, and great conversation, and itÂ’s a great recipe for a wonderful time. I, on the other hand felt like I was a bit of a drag being truly in awe of this fun and exciting person before me. You see I had spent the entire day in bed keeping my nausea at bay from my chemo treatment from the day before and was focused on saving all my energy just so that I could be there that evening. After all, who turns down an exciting fun date on Valentines? Not Moi!

And a wonderful time it was. I was truly hoping that my quietness didnÂ’t make the date end early. Two hrs just wasnÂ’t enough time for me, so to keep the fun going I suggested we do something else. So my date suggested we go to the Empire State Building. [Hmmm, did my date know that one of my favorite movies is an Affair to Remember?] Well, big points were scored there. I love a lot of the classic movies of the 30Â’s & 40Â’s.

Even though IÂ’m a native New Yorker and have gone to the Empire State Building many times, IÂ’ve never been to the top at night. As always, my city was ready for the occasion, dressed in her most resplendent and shimmering lights. The only drawback, we only had a 10 mile of visibility because of the bad weather

The only negative of the entire evening was when we still werenÂ’t able to get a cab after 20 min. Thankfully, after much prayer, some walking around and some cursing (on my part) after seeing plenty of cabs out of service, we were able to get one. Yay! After dropping off My Wonderful Date, my blog sis Tammi of Tammi's World at her hotel, I continued on home. BTW, the reason I don't say more about last night is that what happense in NY stays in NY... that is until a book deal comes along.

I was glad that traffic was light because it mant that I would be able to get home only a little late, or so I thought. After only 2 min of being on the bridge, the car 30 ft in front of us slid into the right lane (we were in the center). Luckily no one was driving fast and we managed to avoid a collision. But we weren't so fortunate either. As an idiot tried to pass us it slid into our car and tapped us. I simply braced myself for the impact. Not only did we spin slightly as we glided forward, that tapping action caused us to drifted first to our left and then back to our right eventually climbing the accumulated shoveled snow which softened the impact as we hit the concrete protective barrier and came to a stop. Hey, at least we didnÂ’t spin out of control!

Relieved that we were both Ok I called 911. The lanes on the bridge are just too narrow, so we sat there with our hazards and the driver put a flashing light on the hood to alert people to our presence. All we could do was wait for either the police or the tow truck, whichever came first. I was talking to my sitterÂ’s mom, letting her know I was going to be very late getting home and so was her daughter when the police arrived. It was from them that I learned they were short handed so they couldnÂ’t give me a lift to the other side of the bridge. Okay I thought, no problem, so I called the car service IÂ’ve been using lately and begged them to come pick me up.

Having had a great night I settled into the back seat to kill some time and used my cell phone to surf, send out text messages and write a few emails. An hour later a car finally pulled up and the police escorted me to my awaiting chariot which finally got me home safely, or so I thought. I had worked out with my sitter to come down just as I arrived so the cab could then drive her home.

Although a wonderful idea, itÂ’s execution unfortunately didnÂ’t go as smoothly as I had planned. You see, the driver was from the south, and had never driven in snow or on icy roads like the hill I live on, so he naturally got stuck. It turns out he and I not only had to use my cane to break the ice and move the chunks out so he could get out, some passersby tried to help as well. When I saw that he really didnÂ’t know how to drive on the ice I asked him if he would let me help him get unstuck and drive the car out for him. After 20 minutes he finally gave up and let me get behind the wheel. You see these were the conditions I learned to drive in many years ago and as a result I got him out in just a few minutes. YAY!

So, I finally got into my apartment shortly before midnight. All in all an exciting evening. So though IÂ’m sore and stiff this morning, thereÂ’s one thing I have to say, evenings with Tammi are definitely NOT BORING! And after all that happened last night, I wouldnÂ’t hesitate for a moment to have some Tammi Time once again! IÂ’m praying youÂ’re able to get home safely and soon kiddo.

Posted by: Michele at 02:16 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 1088 words, total size 6 kb.

February 12, 2007

An Anti-Valentines Inspired Post

This post was inspired by Drunken Wisdom's controversial Valentine post and the interesting commentary left thereafter. I like to be supportive of those I care about and being the self-appointed Queen of Heart Ache [or is that heart break?] I thought I'd give those in the Anti-VD camp something to help alleviate their frustration with VD by providing them with anti-love themes of darkness, apathy and heart break.

So here's a special playlist for those who feel as T1G! May you enjoy A VD - free of love day!

First up we have Vertical Horizon saying Goodbye Again as T1G suggests we do.

Next we have Vertical Horizon telling their undesired ex-love (and potential stalker) to Get on Outta Here in their song Give You Back Again.

To Close off this set, we have Seether with THE REMEDY for love, as shown in this intense rock Anime video.

Finally, if the person that loves you still doesn't get the message, that you are no longer interested or in love, then feel free to send them one of these cards and that should seal the deal!



Posted by: Michele at 03:22 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 188 words, total size 3 kb.

February 11, 2007

Tammi Tales - Part I

Tammy Tales

I’ve spoken to Tammi briefly three times since she arrived. Last night she called while in a limo going north of Manhattan close to the end of a 20 mile ride, to find replacement samples for the ones that did not arrive in time for the show. When I asked her what store she was looking for she said “Michael’s”. I immediately blurted out without thinking: “Oh Tammi, there’s a Michael’s just 3 miles from your hotel near me.” Of course in my defense, my head cold is not letting me think clearly.

When she called back an hour later she was on her way back to the hotel after 16 hrs of being awake and having had no time to eat. It was then that I learned the bad news: it seems the driver had no idea where he was going and didnÂ’t speak enough English to communicate well with anyone. Though they reached MichaelÂ’s just before closing, they discovered upon getting there they didnÂ’t have the items they needed. Already this trip is sounding like a trip from hell, so I asked what I could do to help.

We worked out a back up plan so if the samples didn’t arrive she would call my local Michael’s store and order them and I’d go in a car and pick them up and then go and deliver them at the show – a 10 mile round trip which would be done by car so it would have been no big deal. After saying a prayer for her I went to be early and told my son that we might have to go into Manhattan and briefly visit the Toy show—again not thinking what that means to a 7 year old after watching the news briefs of the show for the last few days showing off the new toys that will be displayed by Tonka, Mattel, etc.

This morning I spoke to her again, and was given the good news: The samples had arrived, to the relief of her and her boss. YAY!!! Now how do I break the news to my son, that we’re not going to the “Toy Fair” as he calls it. Sigh! When my head is clogged like this I can’t self-edit or think clearly.

As she was talking with me she began to chuckle at a Fruit Band walking bye. “A fruit band?” I asked checking to make sure that my stuffy head hadn’t misheard what she said.

“Yes, a group of people dressed in fruit costumes carrying musical instruments.”
“Okay!” But in that moment I was trying to muddle through my head and figure out the connection between Toys and Fruit. Nothing was coming.

Anyway, she’s looking forward to having dinner with this wonderful gentleman, and said I’d be welcome to join them. Oh how I wish I could, but I’m in the same predicament as this lovely lady – who’s all dressed up and unable to go- because we are at the mercy of our sitters. I however, will be anxiously waiting to hear Tammi’s exploits of the day when she calls next. Since I plan to stay home she will be my eyes and ears out there in this great big city.

Posted by: Michele at 10:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 552 words, total size 3 kb.

December 31, 2006

Personal Update

Well after hobbling about and finally getting all the results back and the 2nd & 3rd opinions out of the way, it has been confirmed that I will need knee surgery. That major ouch is scheduled for January 8th. After which I will need several months of recovery and physical therapy. On the positive side I will be out of work focusing solely on my recovery. On the negative side, my carpel tunnel and and tendonitis in both wrists and elbows has returned, keeping me away from blogging. This will keep me more isolated that ever and will drive me absolutely nuts. I am a very active person, not a sit around, hang out and watch tv type person. So I will need your positive thoughts and prayers more than ever.

In the interim, if you all start off your New Year healthy it's a great start to your year. May it also be joyous and prosperous and full of funny blogging fodder!

Posted by: Michele at 07:22 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 167 words, total size 1 kb.

December 19, 2006

So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehn, good bye

Well boys and girls, the time has come for me to fly and say good bye.


Over a week ago I had a knee injury where I tore some ligaments. Painful yes, then and now, but I"m holding my own. The injury requires me to hobble about at excrutiatingly slow speeds. So doing something simple, like going to the bathroom at work and back takes me about 20 min., so something a little more elaborate and complicated, like taking a shower, is an enormous production.

All of this has taken a toll on my son as he saw me fall off the ladder and has been forced to help quite a bit. He's had to unfortunately go wiith me through some of these tests becausae I've not been able to get a babysitter. So these past few days he's begun reacting to my injury in a less than positive way. He's actually become afraid of my knee because he hates the sound of cartilage rubbing against cartilage coming from my knee when I move about the apt. I don't enjoy it either.

So as you can see, at the end of each day there are no spare minutes left for me. And I would really like to use that time to get some badly needed sleep and to spend time with my son going on Inter-planetary voyages and reading The Chronicles of Narnia aloud, instead of sitting awkwardly in a chair surfing for blog fodder.

I'll be back after the surgery and ensuing months of grueling physical therapy are over. But hey, I had fun while it lasted.

In the meantime, I want to leave you with a TRULY hysterical post someone sent to cheer up my spirits. It was exactly what I needed to read while laying on a stretcher in pain in the Emergency Room. BTW, the hospital staff loved it too.

The link was courtesy of a certain fabulous non-blogging redhead that shall remain nameless. BTW, all comments will be closed on this site shortly, so I want you to know that I appreciate all your visits and warm thoughts in advance. Thank you!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

Posted by: Michele at 08:14 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
Post contains 380 words, total size 2 kb.

December 07, 2006

Go Elf Yourself!

I have been missing all of you. As the kids say in NYC: "Work has been MAD CRAZY!" I am inundated with great projects and having to participate in a few events which are not so great. More on this over the weekend.

In the meantime, may I suggest that for a little holiday fun you all go Elf yourselves!

Posted by: Michele at 05:42 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.

November 01, 2006

Tammi Does NYC

Yep, Tammi's a PRO! Don't let her southern charm fool you. She came, she conquered and she left us a little empty for having had the pleasure of the Tammi experience.

Though I was too sick to go out and play, we got the oppty to talk. And talk we did... about NYC, what doing business here is like, managing to succeed in business in a predominantly man's world, cubicle life (yep, Tammi got a good dose and whiff of what that's like), blogging and what's up ahead for her. Throughout it all we managed to laugh and I managed to not throw up due to my flu. She kept my mind going which kept me not thinking about how I was feeling. Tammi, thanks for the phone calls!

Don't let her posts fool you, she truly aced NY and I say we're the better for her having been here.

My only regret was not being able to meet up with her and exchange warm hugs. Darn! Yet another blogger I don't get to meet. Yep, my record for meeting up with bloggers is non-existent. I think I'm just going to have to go out of town just so I can meet up with Tammi, Laughing Wolf, Teresa, Eric, and myriad of other bloggers in the midwest.

Anyway, Tammi, though your time here was brief, you will be missed. I'll be working from home most of the day and will venture out for just 1 mtg. Oh, and at the mtg. you won't be able to miss me. I'll be the woman in the back with the lovely skin color of pale gray to green, with a garbage pail next to me.

Posted by: Michele at 09:23 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 288 words, total size 2 kb.

October 21, 2006

Funny Moment

I was over at VW's site reading some really funny anecdotes and it brought to mind one of my own. In high school I found myself in Midtown Manhattan one sunny afternoon when this handsome young man steps in front of me dressed in his Sunday best and says hello with his girlfriend in tow. Puzzled I simply said hello back and stood there for a moment because they were blocking my way. Realizing I didn't recognize him he finally said: "It's Tony from the YMCA."

"Ohhhhh" I said looking at him up and down realizing who it was. "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you with clothes on."

At hearing this, his new girlfriend yanked her hand out of his and punched him in the arm. "I've never seen you naked!"

To which I quickly added: "I'm only used to seeing him in that tiny speedo he wears during swim class." That didn't make thing any better, so I simply said good bye and quickly walked away leaving Tony to deal with a very angry girlfriend.

Posted by: Michele at 09:25 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 180 words, total size 1 kb.

October 15, 2006

Birthday Boys & Girl

A couple of my favorite bloggers have either recently celebrated a birthday or are about to. I want to celebrate them in the way they have celebrated my efforts in living life - with lots of humor. So here for them are some very special gifts:

For Dear Sweet Eric: The big question was what to get a man that has everything in life. The only thing I could come up with that he needed, was something to fend off those fearless nubile promiscous squirrels he has roaming his property. Here it is Eric, your very own squirrel protection system.

For Zonker - Mr. Funnyman the Thunderman: Sweetie, thanks for thinking and calling me in good times and in bad. Here's a litle something to keep his mouth busy!

For Jim - Mr. Joisey Cool: Here's a sweet set for you to play with ; )

My blog sisters are all incrediblely smart, funny and sexy women. This week my PDA told me it was one of my blog sis' birthdays. VW, I had your birthday on my calendar for this week, so I'm celebrating it now. Sorry about the mix-up but I'm sure you won't mind when you see that I've gotten you your very own luv-mobile with a special edition pillow. Enjoy!

Posted by: Michele at 08:57 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 222 words, total size 3 kb.

Okay, Okay, Okay....

I'm getting a bit self-conscious and embarrassed from all the attention. Believe me it is all greatly appreciated. I'm just not used to it. I'm more comfortable being invisible, the unnoticed one; the one that always flies under the radar undetected. So all I can humbly say is thank you. Thank you for all the support and kind words. Thank You for making a rough and challenging week easier. And thank you for not letting me sit home all alone with my thoughts and coaxing me out of my shell with your comments, emails and text messages.

The turn around began in earnest when I started to receive them; it continued with a long phone call in the middle of the night Friday morning, from a professional comedian friend of mine who read my blog. At around 2am Friday he had just finished a show and decided to call to cheer me up. At one point he had me laughing so hard that I was gasping for air and had tears in my eyes. That helped my outlook Friday and the day went a lot easier and faster. My co-workers also helped by picking up my lunch for me on both Thursday and Friday and helping with anything I needed. IÂ’m grateful that work is slow and it will continue to be that way until election day. By then I should be feeling 100%.

Some of the kids I have mentored in the past stopped by midday yesterday to help with small chores and errands, which made me even more grateful and made me believe that I had an angel looking out for me. Last night, while laying on the couch getting bummed out as I watched my Mets loose horribly, I began getting text messages from several bloggers that I really respect and admire. To one of them I wanted to text “I’m not worthy” but he’s already told me once to cut that out and not go there, so I didn’t. This morning I got a call from the firefighters who worked the rescue with me last Sunday. They were on duty and were checking in on how I was doing. They’re a great group of guys who were also fun to talk to. One of them, who has done 2 tours in Iraq, gave me pointers on what to do about the rescue related nightmares and flashbacks For that bit alone I’m most grateful, because now I have tools to work through some of the challenging stuff that has been going on in my head recently.

In truth, I have felt the same way about all your wonderful comments and messages. They have all been good for the soul; and they have all helped me in one way or another. I still donÂ’t feel much like a hero because I did what any decent abled body human being should do in the same situation. In fact, in NYC itÂ’s a crime not to help someone in need. Sad isnÂ’t it that we need such a law on the books, but there it is. So for today, all thatÂ’s left hurting are from my trapezoids to the base of my skull, which are being treated with some state of the art patches I was given by my orthopedist Friday. They feel good, but I donÂ’t know about wearing these patches on my clothes. I donÂ’t like drawing attention to myself, and well, wearing these over your clothes you canÂ’t help but draw attention to yourself. The good thing is that my suit jacket will cover these things tomorrow AND thereÂ’s no granny smell. I seem to getting tendonitis in both my elbows, but I think my texting to the different people yesterday for a couple of hours has more to do with that than anything else. My calves and hamstrings are no longer cramping and getting spasms, but for the life of me I donÂ’t understand why my glutes are still hurting. All this pain defies comprehension. My orthopedist gave me rational explanations for what happened and found bruises on my back to explain it all. Apparently, I was slammed repeatedly against the rocks and just didnÂ’t realize how hard.

So for today, IÂ’ll just continue relaxing, watching football in the daytime, baseball at night and live in dread of losing the bet to my blog bro Jon. Darn, I really was hoping to overhaul his site. I thought lavender and pink with cute lite airy bubbles would look smashing on his macho site. I even made drawings of what I wanted to do to it too. Guess it was the drug induced cockiness that made me talk of sporting a bathing suit and posting it on my blog for a week if I lost. WHAT WAS I THINKING???!!!!!

Anyway, as you can tell, IÂ’m feeling much better emotionally too. Maybe what IÂ’ll do is post some of the jokes my comedian friend told me once I get clearance from him. They were hysterical and much better than some of the jokes Redneck has been posting at his site. I think he should just stick to fishing advice. He does better at that than his jokes and predictions. BTW, Redneck, that last swipe is so youÂ’ll leave my blog-sis and Michigan alone.

Posted by: Michele at 03:05 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 890 words, total size 5 kb.

September 21, 2006

For some time now...

For some time now I've been wanting to express how hypocritical and ludicrous this whole issue of the Pope's remarks. As a writer, I usually can't rest easy until I feel I've captured and expressed the essence of my thoughts and feelings about something that bothers me. When I can't express them cohesively I do other things like take quizes and post their results in the hope that by doing right brain stuff it'll free up my subconcious. In that way, my left brain can then come up with what I'm trying to say.

Well, I've stopped torturing myself (and you) with idle blog fodder because I found a new blogger who's expressed my views more eloquently than I ever could. Go on and read him, and also say hello to our new neighbor in the blogosphere.

I already have high hopes for Y.O.Y as he's eluded the curse of the sucky first post by making his short and sweet. Welcome YOY I look forward to reading your POV on life's observances and annecdotes on all the funny things that happen to you.

Posted by: Michele at 09:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 1 kb.

September 17, 2006

To blog or not to blog

To [blog] or not to [blog]: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them?
~ based on Shakespeare's Hamlet: Act 3:Scene 1

That's what's been on my mind. Whether or not to succumb to the forces that successfully silenced my blogging temporarily through a very skillfull cyber attack that brought down my entire network (& fried 2 of my pc's), OR to take up cyber arms against these cowardly bastards in a never ending cycle of technical one upmanship.

So as I contemplate my cyberfate, I lie here in my bed exhausted from the efforts of unsuccessfully countering the attack, fighting a flu-like cold and recovering from a chemo treatment that has kicked my a$$ this week. At the core of the matter is: can I live without blogging? Can I just walk away from it all and hang up my keyboard without looking back for the sake of my well being. Or can I simply exist in the gag zone of cyberspace without expressing factual yet consevative views & stirring up controversy. I wonder how Matt of Black5 & others deal with this crap.. The threats I ignore cause I've gone to great lengths to protect my anonymity, but cyber attacks are something else. This is my 2nd since I started blogging almost 3yrs ago. This is the first time that my pc's have been fried. Then there was the munu outage this weekend and I wonder if that was also a threat fulfilled.

So I ask myself, do I go ahead and get my pc's replaced & comeback to do battle against the slinging arrows, and by doing so, simultaneously bring down the wrath of moonbats & islamo-fascists on all of us?

Truthfully, most of me is willing to do battle, but not at the expense of others and my health.

One thing's for sure, with everything that's going on in my life I can't continue to replace hard drives & motherboards & expend the time & energy necessary to rebuild these pc's. more...

Posted by: Michele at 07:00 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 537 words, total size 3 kb.

July 09, 2006

They Say It's Your Birthday

Dear Joe,

I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and say I'm sorry that I missed your call when you were in Georgia visiting with Zonker & RSM. I really would have loved to have been able to talk to you. But I'll just have to console myself with reading about your exploits through the blogosphere as you travel.

I for one am glad that you're back safe & sound and wielding one liners all over the place once again. The wonderful stories I've read from our blog family are enough for me to put you on my list of "People I'd Like To Meet Someday". Your exploits are legendary, at least as Zonker & Eric tells them. Actually, I now don't have to worry that my son freaks out at the sight of spiders or snakes and runs. If you do it, then so can he! So, when you went away this last time I wondered what incredible exploit was taking you away for so long time and on such an odd route. I tried all possible ways of discovering your true secret mission this last trip and finally I bribery won out. In fact, it helped me get photographic evidence of your true mission - that of auditioning to be in a music group. But of all the things I learned about your sooper sekret trip, the one thing that puzzled me (and your cousins from Gainselville from which I got this picture of your last night there at about 4:00am), is why in the world you strapped your mike there? (scroll down)"

Dude, I did not know that was one of your life long dreams... to audition for Bare Naked Ladies that is. If that's your dream, I hope it comes true! Of course I wonder if it has anything to do with turning 39, 'cause 39 is just 4 years into middle age... for men that is. Well, if its mid-life crisis, that's okay too. I subscribe to the philosophy of live and let live, so if it makes you happy then I'm behind you all the way. Well, you know what I mean. Anyway, I hope this year is full of dreams come true for you!

Before I forget, please let me know where I should send your birthday present", as you can see one for every mood. In the meantime, I'm sending you a virtual hug and a wish that today is a wonderful day, Happy Birthday Joe!

Posted by: Michele at 12:01 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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