May 05, 2007
I watched the first panel via their live webcast and it was awesome, plus I got to see some of my favorite guys!
I'm watching some of my favorite bloggers walk around in front of the cam and I'm sending text messages to them. This is great fun... it's like sorta being there.
Update: I spent the afternoon multi-tasking by listening to the conference, watching RSM be a poser (whenever he past the cam), chatting in the chatroom, texting some of the attendees, all while peeking at the Redwings/Sharks game. The Wings beat the pants off the Sharks (sorry Rocket).
Now I have a humongous headache! So I"ll blog more later.
Posted by: Michele at
10:21 AM
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March 21, 2007
If you ever wondered what it would be like to hang out in New York City,
here's your very own window on Times Square, via 8 live webcams. It's like having your own corner office. Maybe someday, when I'm not so busy I'll go and stand in front of one of those cameras with a sign saying Hello World, so you can see me..... NOT! That is so not me. But it was a funny thought though.
Posted by: Michele at
12:12 AM
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Post contains 120 words, total size 1 kb.
November 22, 2006
And I'm still standing here, and you're miles away
And I'm wonderin' why you left
And there's a storm that's raging through my frozen heart Tonight
I hear your name in certain circles, and it always makes me Smile
I spend my time thinkin' about you, and it's almost driving Me wild
And there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance Line tonight
There's a message in the wire, and I'm sending you this Signal tonight
You don't know how desperate I've become
And it looks like I'm losing this fight
In your world I have no meaning, though I'm trying hard to Understand-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For 10 smarty pants bonus points, who sang the song above?
For the rest of you, here's a great Turkey Resource link when you're in need of help. Friday, they'll have great recipes for leftovers like Easy Turkey Chili so stay tuned. more...
Posted by: Michele at
01:13 AM
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Post contains 313 words, total size 2 kb.
September 22, 2006
Recommended Action
Microsoft encourages users to exercise caution when they open e-mail and links in e-mail even from trusted sources.
You can guard against these exploits by turning off JavaScript and ActiveX in Internet Explorer or using an alternative browser. Ensuring virus definitions are up to date also helps to secure the family PC from the attacks.
Threat Overview
Two new computer malware attacks exploit vulnerable code in Microsoft Internet Explorer and attempt to install spyware to hijack systems. When a user opens an exploited webpage, it may corrupt system memory in such a way to enable an attacker to execute arbitrary code and infiltrate the affected system.
In the News
The vulnerabilities have been acknowledged by Microsoft and have also been publicly disclosed. News articles describing the threat can be found at:
CNET - Web sites exploit visitors IE hole
Microsoft Security Advisory (925444)
Microsoft Security Advisory (92556
Tech World - Explorer hit by new attack
MS Users are encouraged to keep their anti-virus software up to date. Customers can also visit Windows Live OneCare Safety Center and are encouraged to use the Complete Scan option to check for and remove malicious software that take advantage of this vulnerability.
Every man should be content to mind his own business.
~ Aesop (620 BC-560 BC)
Posted by: Michele at
12:25 PM
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Post contains 257 words, total size 2 kb.
July 23, 2006
To quote Bones (BouÂ’s youngest): I would just die from the cold! Especially without the right gear. I hate even cold air conditioning in the summer. But all I need to make sure I donÂ’t freeze to death is 2 sub-zero sleeping bags (one for me and another for my son) and a solar panel pack with multiple connectors and capable of storing/converting enough solar power to run a heater in one room for a few hours, a laptop and a cell phone (the last 2 are essential to my mental stability and well being as a Gemini). Yesterday I briefly tested out a solar powered laptop backpack and a solar power charger (loaners from a colleague at work) . With it I was able to come home and set up my broadband and briefly get online (the pack needed to be charged before using it extensively). ItÂ’s now charging, while IÂ’m using my laptopÂ’s own battery to tap this out. If you see this post it means that I successfully charged the solar panel and was able to set up the wifi to get online and post.
The first time I used solar panel chargers was in 2000. I was living in the Philippines, and working as part of the advance team for setting up wi-fiÂ’s in remote areas, with little or no electricity, With the solar panels charging I would also use/charge my satellite phone and laptop.
Spurred on by the fear of dying a cruel frozen death, I did some research and discovered yesterday that with the right solar panel kit I would be able to run a heater for a few hours in the dead of winter. I also came across a solar panel charger for my Treo and found a Hurricane Solar Survival System, for both Bou and VW. If I discover any other interesting solar products, like a solar powered air conditioner (admit it, it makes perfect sense, especially in the South), IÂ’ll share it with you.
Posted by: Michele at
05:52 PM
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Post contains 492 words, total size 3 kb.
June 12, 2006
Updated on 6/13/06
Before opening your email program, client, or browser to check your email Please make sure you update your anti-virus software first so that you can catch this worm. Please note, If you're a yahoo messenger or music subscriber it's also attempting to come in through the launch applications in those programs. Luckily, I always update my anti-virus before surfing or opening up my email application. Although I've got the Yahoo email beta the worm still tried coming in through a friend's email who unkowingly had been infected, and through my Yahoo Music Launch program.
If you're viewing this please make sure you update your anti-virus before surfing any longer, because if you get it, you'll definitely pass it ON to everyone in your address list as this worm goes behind the scenes to copy contacts, without your awareness, by sending email messages out with cloned copies of your signature info as if they were from you.
So be a good friend/neighbor and clean yourself up before coming over and visiting, because if you do send me the virus, I will out you publicly even if I don't get infected. Hopefully the embarassment alone will help become more vigilant.
Posted by: Michele at
04:27 PM
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Post contains 243 words, total size 2 kb.
June 09, 2006
Microsoft has made some significant changes to the way Internet Explorer handles controls (ActiveX) within Web pages as a result of the Eolas v. Microsoft patent case. After months of testing and running it in pilot phases, this update will be implemented globally on June 9th. So make sure you update your browser application as soon as possible if you don't want to encounter issues/errors when you visit your favorite sites.
Some examples of ActiveX controlled programs include:
Adobe Reader
Apple QuickTime Player
Macromedia Flash Player
Microsoft Windows Media Player
Real Networks RealPlayer
Sun Java Virtual Machine
Placeware Slide Uploader [usually a Corporate Application]
and possibly some VOIP online TelCo software
When Internet Explorer encounters a web page with ActiveX controls (such as a media player or an interactive animation site), the control may require a single mouse click to activate. For example, when viewing a streaming video clip in the RealPlayer you may need to 'click once' before being able to adjust the sound volume.
To date, only 30% of websites have incorporated this update to their servers and made the necessary adjustmets on their sites. Be aware when you surf to less popular or technically supported web sites you may encouter usability errors as a result. There is nothing for you to do once your IE has been updated. If you encounter error on a site it just might mean their webmaster hasn't gotten around to doing the relevant updates on their back end.
Since I manage 3 sites what this means for me is lots of solitary, quiet busy work for this weekend. I'm realy looking forward to that as I have not been in the mood to deal with people and unfortunately that's exactly what I've been forced to do all week.
Teresa, I have been envying you this week. Have you been feeling it?
Posted by: Michele at
12:12 PM
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Post contains 347 words, total size 2 kb.
May 21, 2006
As for my laptop, after getting additional things to consider in the comments/emails I received, the search became a bit more broader, not narrower. It seems that what I want is what your average young male (20+) wants in system. So, to make sure I got what I wanted I made a list of all the things I need to do with my computer and all the new things I want it to have. It helped create a list of minimum required & features I need to look for in my new baby. Of course, price, user & editor's ratings will be the final deciding factors, but at least I would get something that had everything I needed to get me (and eventually my son) through the next 10 years. Below are my basic needs & the specs that will satisfy them.
My needs (technically speaking):
- Soft & gentle touch keyboard – that will stand up to my intense manipulaiton and not wear out with my heavy playing session. It also must not aggravate my carpel tunnel condition in the process.
- Long battery life – what’s the use of setting up a wireless network if I have to be hooked up to a power cable. I want to be free of cables! Free to go anywhere and be in any position I want when I play.
- Infrared port – so I can update and back up my phone apps (calendar, contacts, financials, etc) wirelessly between my pc and phone.
- Lots and LOTS of RAM for me to play with. That way I can install every last bit of software I use and not have to decide which pc I should install it on. More importantly I want to use multiple apps and access multiple files simultaneously. Right now as I type this IÂ’m running a file search on my hard drive, typing this in a word processing app, while listening to music with a headset and running a search via an online search engine. If I were to do my infrared hotsync between my phone and pc both would crash. Imagine being able to upload and download simultaneously. Now THAT would be HOT!
- Fast processor w/high benchmark scores. I don't want some salesman telling me how fast it can go. I want to have proof of how fast he can go and make sure he can execute all my commands at or near warp speed BEFORE I put my money on the table. Right now my pc is running real slow with all the demands IÂ’m placing on it. This girl is tired of slow! I WANT TO PLAY REALLY FAST AND WANT POWERFUL THRUST SPEEDS on my new baby. As for processor type, I think weÂ’ve established that CORE DUO is mostly hype. I recently discovered that it can only run 64 bit apps knocking it out of contention with me.
- Solid graphics processor with longevity – as my son will eventually be inheriting my new baby. Looking 5 or 6 years down the line when my son’s 12 or 13 he’ll want the laptop to be able to play dvd's, video and online games on this baby. I'll want the laptop to be able to be upgradable and functional for 4 more years beyond that, well at least till he’s 16 and can afford to buy his own racehorse.
- Multiple networking platforms This pc will be my virtual office (where IÂ’ll be answering calls made to my office phone line remotely on htis laptop and emailing via the VPN simultaneously) when IÂ’m working from home. To be truly wireless I'll need for the pc to have Bluetooth capability. But when I travel I want to be able to have access to Wi-Fi Hotspots and connect via the local office network when I visit the Wash. DC office (Ethernet).
- Expansion ports/slots - Yes, I want to have the oppty to have my baby interface with any number of peripherals and grow with all my ever-increasing needs: IEEE 1394a (FireWire), Serial port, S-Video out, I/II/III PC / SD and Express cards.
- It also has to be able to handle hot swapping and have easy seamless integration with any state of the art high performance gadgets I have in order to keep this baby very happy. Gadgets like a dual layer optical drive CD/DVD+RW, bluetooth telephone headset and bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
- Finally, it has to remain quiet and stay cool at all times, but especially during long, intense and rough mpa playing sessions. It also has to play flawlessly with me in the hottest of environments [@=>30F & @=<105F].
Ohhhhh, writing about my fantasy laptop felt sooo gooooooood. Sighhhhhh! Now that I'm clear on what I want, I can focus on making sure every single one of my needs is met by an exciting, new, high-performing, state of the art, piece of equipment. YesÂ… YesÂ… YES, I WANT IT ALL! Ahhhhhhhh! and IÂ’m not going to pay a lot for it either. NO siree! IÂ’m going to make damn sure of that.
ItÂ’s now time to flex my excited and nimble fingers over my current hard keyboard and fire up its search engines. This is a job way beyond Zonker and his Library Elves or Mr. HelpfulÂ’s capabilities. This is a job for me to embark on alone. IÂ’ll let you all know when IÂ’m finally finished and successful.
Again, thank you all for your help and suggestions!
Posted by: Michele at
10:23 AM
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Post contains 998 words, total size 6 kb.
May 15, 2006
The advice I need is simple: help me select the laptop by you guys chooseing the spec's. The bottom line is I'm unsure if some of the new tech features are really advances or just hype used to drive up prices. Also, any help/guidance you can give me in selecting a wifi solution for my apartment environment will be greatly appreciated.
So should I choose:
a) AMD or Intel Core Duo ?
b) Password or Biometric security?
c) Fast Ethernet vs Ethernet, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, Gigabit Ethernet
d) Open Slots: 1 Memory, 1 PC Card vs. 1 Memory SO DIMM 200-pin, 1 CardBus Type I/II, 1 ExpressCard 34mm/54mm.
Finally, I'm doing research into setting up a home wireless network, any suggestions or tips on things I should look out for or include?
As always, I am very grateful for any advice or suggestions you share with me. Who knows, my new system might inspire me to blog more frequently. Right now my Thinkpad 600E just doesn't cut it anymore for travel and mobility. BTW, does anyone know if T1G's friend is still looking for a laptop?
Posted by: Michele at
01:34 PM
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Post contains 320 words, total size 2 kb.
February 03, 2006
This malware, commonly known as the Blackmal/Mywife/Nyxem/Kama Sutra worm, has been getting a good deal of media attention, mainly due to the unusual actions of the program hidden within it. When the program is triggered, it will attempt to delete a number of files associated with applications such as Microsoft Office.
To avoid infection you must do the following:
- Before logging online disable your email client from downloading your email automatically.
- Connect to your ISP and then to your Virus Protection Program vendor
- Download updates on your virust protection program.
- Run the updates and then check for viruses.
- If you're system is clean you're ready to then go back online and retrieve your email. Keeping your virus protection program open in the background will make your system run a bit slower but the security is worth it.
Read more about the Blackmal/Mywife/Nyxem/Kama Sutra worm.
Posted by: Michele at
10:31 AM
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Post contains 229 words, total size 1 kb.
August 20, 2005
Yesterday, the title of this online article caught my eye: R u redy 4 uni's txt msj classes?. Before you shake your head and start laughing as I once did, I suggest you go take this short quiz and see how familiar you are with this technology.
The only reason I'm so good at texting now is because Michele persisted in teaching me text messaging through consistent use. As I got better I would txt teasing messages to her or txt jokes about others while we were in meetings together. My aim to make her laugh, was successful and came during an excrutiatingly boring meeting.
In the extended entry you'll find Michele's instructions to me on how 2 txt someone + her top txt msg accronyms to help you get started.
And the message I sent which made Michele laugh outloud... one of my coworkers shared this new acronym with me which I later sent to Michele: TD2M which means: Talk dirty to me.
After she had done blushing and the attention was no longer on her, the txt she sent back was: FU (I don't think I need to translate this, do i?)
My immediate reply was: A3 which means: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
After that she quickly turned her phone off :C [sad face] thus ending our SEX txt chat and my fun.
Posted by: 1Colin at
12:25 AM
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August 14, 2005
SO... until somebody comes along and tells me how to freakin' fix this, it's staying that way. Oh by the way, just in case you were considering making any suggestions... [can you tell I'm mad as hell?] you better first tell me why... OH why after setting the following syntax up in my stylesheet template:
<$MTSetVar name="highlight_color" value="#CCCC66"$>
and indicating the corresponding MTGetVar syntax in the .date subsection of my stylesheet, WHY... W.H.Y. IS MY DATE HEADER STILL FREAKIN' GRAY?
So if you've stopped by to read pt. 2 of the mobile blogging post, try guessing when I might be posting it.
Instead, I suggest you go visit:
Eric, of Grumbles Before The Grave, and get his code on Creating a Cell/PDA version of your site with comments enabled. Folks, this is a first for an MT blog community, so get it while you can still say you were the first on your block to have it. Then visit...
Paul, of Light and Dark, who has a great post for ICEing your phone, it's a way of setting up your phone in the event of an emergency with special info. It just might save your life.
Now if you'll excuse me, my hot and sore wrists and elbows need some icing of their own!
Posted by: Michele at
03:07 AM
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Post contains 260 words, total size 2 kb.
August 05, 2005
[Via Laughing Wolf]
Posted by: Michele at
12:07 AM
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Post contains 12 words, total size 1 kb.
July 02, 2005
- USB hubs and USB Cable extenders - taming the cable madness
- Creative's Zen Micro mp3 player - your life with a soundtrack
- My beloved Treo 650 - it's more than a phone
This picture was taken with the Treo 650
Posted by: Michele at
10:00 PM
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Post contains 161 words, total size 1 kb.
June 21, 2005
In that backpack I also usually carried a newsmagazine, a wallet calculator, a cd player, my 3 zone wristwatch, something spiritual to read, several pens and a micro device for my presentations. On weekends I would occasionally also throw in my old camera (which was too old and heavy) for me to use and cdÂ’s for my son to listen to and a large bottle of water for us to share.
Well, except for my water bottle, my Treo 650 has replaced all of those items and provided lots more! WOOOHOOOO! I now have unlimited storage space for each calendar entry and I can link them to the respective contacts listed in my work/personal Outlook contact files. I can set an endless number of alarms for a single or multiple events in my calendar.
If youÂ’re like me and forget names but always remembers faces, your contacts can now display a picture for each entry. If youÂ’re in sales or in the medical/legal profession this baby is worth more than itÂ’s weight in gold.
In addition to having a digital camera, it also has a camcorder (I used both as a back up eqpt. for my sonÂ’s graduation when the batteries on my ex-brother in lawÂ’s digital camera failed). It also works as an mp3 player, and has the ability to do text/instant messaging and surf the web, all wirelessly! I have downloaded documents, updated contacts and calendar entries from my work PC onto my Treo and then transferred them to my home pc via the infrared port in no time at all. Seamless syncronization!
I've begun subscribing to RSS feeds of all my favorite blogs. They're not that many popular blogs that have RSS feeds available to readers, so if you're looking to up your readership that's one way to do it. This device will also enable me to post updates on my blog, check my private email account, stay in touch w/all my favorite bloggers and BAD family members without violating my firmÂ’s strict technical equipment usage policies. Oh, and it came with a wireless blue tooth headset that looks like Lt. UhuruÂ’s headset on Star Trek. No wires to get tangled in!!!
I will be giving my old Treo 300 to my ex-sister in law, who is an international attorney, so she can hold all of the international commerce laws in Asia in a 5Gb memory card, and have her most valuable reference material with her at all times. This treo almost saved my son's life during a blackout sometime ago when he was extremely sick and required round the clock meds. At one point I got up in the middle of the night and was about to give him medication thinking I heard my alarm clock, when in fact all that had happened was that the power had restored. Just as I was about to give him the meds I decided to check my Treo to make sure the alarm in it had in fact gone off and I had not dreamed of it. I discovered by checking the Treo that I had already given him his meds only an hour before.
My pediatrician saw my Treo and itÂ’s functionality and when I told him of the PDR and Patient History file storage card that was compatible with his software he went out and got it the next day. He called me today to thank me as that device helped him give complete medical history to an ER doctor on a critically ill child. Since IÂ’m not using the MP3 player IÂ’ve only needed to charge the battery every 3rd day.
One warning though, the phone/data plans associated with this phone are expensive. I am not happy about the cost of mine. The reason I agreed to pay the $90 a month for the phone/data plan is to ensure that in case of an emergency I could call/text/email/send pics to any of my relatives, friends, business associates, or my sonÂ’s guardians who are located overseas and vice versa. Now if only everyone in my life would just get on the Verizon Wireless network my life would be complete.
YesÂ… it does take a high tech, high performance toy to make me happy!!! Don't give me jewelry, just give me software
: )
Posted by: Michele at
09:34 PM
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Post contains 804 words, total size 5 kb.
June 17, 2005
I really love this thing! Not only is it a great source for hours of entertainment, it also provides lots of capacity for ALL itÂ’s functions. Even though I have 4Gb of music in it (almost the equivalent of an entire music library of several thousand songs) it helps me store all of it in many ways, which is better than any smart stereo system you can have, plus, you won't wake up your neighbors, except if you dance. IÂ’ve stored all my sonÂ’s music (and carry a spare set of inexpensive earbuds) just in case we go out somewhere and get stuck on the train or delayed at an appointment.
In addition to his playlist, IÂ’ve created several of my own. One playlist for each of my moods and for different activities like working, exercising, cleaning, or relaxing. I have also transferred 2 books on tape so that when I want to listen to something interesting or literary during my commute home I can listen and ignore my sardine like environment during rush hour.
I still have enough room left over so that I can store/carry large amounts of data (like large databases) and exchange it between my home and work pc. Also, I can save battery life because the software has enabled me to transfer and hold the music in my work pc so while I'm there I can simply listen to the prearranged playlists via my pc. HOW COOL IS THAT!
This device and it's music has been a godsend for my noisy cubicle environment. I have a classical/instrumental playlist that has really helped me focus on my work this week. I was reading lots of legislation and it helped me stay awake and stress free while my noisy neighbors chatted away endlessly about their personal lives and the latest episodes of various reality tv show. I don't watch tv so I had no idea what they were talking about.
This device has enabled my music to truly become the soundtrack to my life.
Posted by: Michele at
09:17 PM
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Post contains 426 words, total size 2 kb.
June 14, 2005
These emails are so well done that I almost fell victim to their scam. Luckily I decided to contact my bank via phone to make sure. It took them over 3 hrs for them to call me back and let me know it was fraudulent. They admitted that even they were almost fooled. A large number of Citibank customers were not so lucky and became victims to these scams last year. Citibank was forced to recently make changes to both their customer emails and to their online banking websites in order to prevent more victims of phishing expeditions.
Not heard of Pharming much? You will soon as the ISC reported that in February of this year over 1300 Internet domains were redirected to compromised web servers, where unsuspecting customers thought they were logging on to legitimate sites to conduct their electronic business. In March that number increased by 1.8%. HereÂ’s a list of a few sites which have suffered from Pharming hackers:
Banking:,,,, and
Email:, and
Travel:,, and
Pharming is a relatively new and dangerous way for internet fraudsters to obtain all your personal information with your help. These fraudsters exploit peopleÂ’s natural curiosity via pop-up windows, planting crimeware onto your PC. They steal your credentials directly from you by using Trojan keylogger spyware that sends back to its creator information regarding where you visited and what information you typed to access that site. Hackers can also misdirect users to fraudulent sites or proxy servers, typically through DNS hijacking or poisoning to make you believe youÂ’re at a legitimate site, then steal enough personal identification or data from you to enable them to access your online banking and credit card accounts.
Tomorrow IÂ’ll post tips on how you can prevent from giving away the pharm!
Posted by: Michele at
12:51 AM
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Post contains 392 words, total size 2 kb.
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