March 08, 2007
A Reminder
"A Statistical Analysis Is Only as Good as Its Starting Assumptions."
Although a basic tenet, it's one that is not always followed by analysts & media types.
Posted by: Michele at
11:53 PM
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November 17, 2006
It's Over!!!!!
I'm preparing my documents and materials for our after-event-debriefing scheduled to begin soon, so this will be a short post. I couldn't tell you what I was doing yesterday for security reasons. I still can't talk much about the conference, but what I can say is that we hosted 50 full bird Colonels and some of their spouses to amongst other things discuss Business Crisis and Strategic Planning pre & post 9/11. It was a very interesting, lively and educational discussion on all sides and by all accounts a complete success. There are 3 people who I need to thank for sharing their experience, and providing me with invaluable guidance and support. I will be thanking them personally later on today.
There were 3 men & their wives whom I just adored and really went out of my way to make them feel comfortable and assist during their stay in NYC. I was both honored and lucking to be asked to join them for part of dinner last night.
They were 2 Marines both with Iraqi combat experience and an Army Air Assault Helicopter Pilot w/Afghan and Iraqi experience. During dinner we were able to discuss NY history, military history, politics, NY culture & parenting. The wives were equally impressive. I unfortunately had to leave early to tuck my son in bed but they understood and were very kind about it when I initially accepted their invitation. Anyone else would have pressured me to stay.
Having had such an engaging dinner with like-minded people made me realize a few things. Chief among them is that it's not me who's not been able to make friends in NYC, it's just that I've not found the right kind of people that would make it worth while to extend myself in friendship.
Well, I've got a debriefing session to run to sooooo, see ya later. In the meantime, I'll leave you with another beautiful picture of Central Park. I took this one also with my now dead Treo 650. Enjoy!

Posted by: Michele at
11:48 AM
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Yay! I was right about Central Park... *grin*
Congratulations! You made it through! Have a wonderful restful lovely Thanksgiving week!
Isn't it wonderful to meet such terrific people and know that there really are people you can relate to out in the world.
Oh yeah... I'm still cringing over the treo, I hope you have time to get it replaced over the weekend.
Posted by: Teresa at November 17, 2006 12:55 PM (o4pJS)
And now that all that meeting stuff is over, you can head back to where this picture was taken and relax some!
Posted by: Ogre at November 17, 2006 03:44 PM (oifEm)
and so long as you were entertaining colonels, you were having an AAR.... After Action Review...
Posted by: RSM at November 17, 2006 08:36 PM (IyNwh)
So glad to hear the even went well. You've been in my thoughts. So now, can you relax?
Oh, and a warning - I'll be back in NYC the week of Valentines Day.
Big Toy Fair. I sure hope they don't expect ME to be the clown..... ;-)
Posted by: Tammi at November 17, 2006 08:37 PM (3UQTn)
Lovely picture! I would love to go there and relax today...
I hope that you get some time to just *be* as well...
Posted by: Richmond at November 18, 2006 09:45 AM (e8QFP)
I have found that the military men I work with, both active duty and retired, are the most understanding of family obligations. There is a retired Colonel that I work with out of 'Seattle' that always says to me at the end of our telecon, "Thank you for all that you do for us. I know you have a family and they come first..." It's just cool.
Posted by: Bou at November 18, 2006 11:01 PM (iHxT3)
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November 13, 2006
My Day Yesterday
In 12 hrs I had 14 mtgs, read 257 emails, responding to 89 of them and rescheduled 5 mtgs cancelled by others. I also produced 1 report and must finish & email another before midnight. I made calls to 2 people in London (former colleagues who were transferred there by the firm) to get insight and input on how their move impacted their families and about the British educational system. In addition to all that, I called my insurance agent, health/benefits Rep., company assigned financial advisor, mortgage co., and the Intl relocation team with lots of questions (and those were just the personal calls). These questions came up Sunday, after I read the 275 page book thatÂ’s given to potential international employees, so they can make informed decisions financial/benefits decisions when accepting an overseas position. The deadline to give my answer is 11/22, for a start date in London on 1/8/06. Tomorrow, I donÂ’t have as many meetings, but I do have just as many phone calls and emails. Boy, am I looking forward to Friday! ThatÂ’s when I hope to pick some bloggers brains about this IT offer. Hopefully theyÂ’ll help rather than confuse.
But enough about me, what do YOU think about me? LOLÂ… Just kidding! What I really want to know is how YOUR weekend was, and how your week is shaping up?
Since the rest of this week will be demanding I will be share here interesting articles over the next few days which might interest and amuse you, until my life returns to normal (if in fact it ever does).
First up, are some great tips from the ProBlogger on How to Drive More Traffic To Your Site During The Holidays. Link sent to me by someone who thinks I should make money on my blog. What he doesn't know is that I blog to write, not to make money. If I had to worry about making money while I write I'd neither write nor would make money as the pressure overwhelming.
Next up, are some incredible poems and stories hosted at the by the Tarheel TavernÂ’s Blogging Poet. ThereÂ’s something there for everyone, you just have to look. Here's was my favorite post of the round-up. [Hat tip to Ogre]
For those of you who want something a little ‘heavier’ to read, I give you John’s essay on the effects of feminism on literary study programs. I know exactly what he’s talking about, because I too was in the minority whenever I offered a balanced, contextual view of literature in my graduate classes.
Finally, a post from my blog-sis TammiÂ…. What she said!
Posted by: Michele at
11:05 PM
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May 03, 2006
October 21, 2005
Long Stressful Day/Week
My week has been filled with early appointments for preliminary interviews, networking breakfasts, lots of work deadlines, dealing with my son's school and navigating the issues of my new work duties. Today started with a 7:30am meeting with the head guidance counselor of my sonÂ’s school, and a few other individuals. My sonÂ’s teacher has been having a bit of a challenging time with my son adjusting to his new school environment. She was so dissatisfied with his independent and sometimes willful spirit that IÂ’ve been called to the school twice since September. On my 3rd visit this past Tuesday, she insisted so much there had to be something wrong with him, that I finally relented and agreed to have my son tested for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
I did manage to get him tested by a private Dr. recommended by our pediatrician, rather than by their staff. Hey, this is my son theyÂ’re talking about, if heÂ’s going to get labeled from now to high school I want to be the one to choose who labels him and who gets access to his medical information.
Well, having arranged for the results to be communicated to all of us via teleconference (through my Treo plugged into a regular speaker), the Dr. informed us that my son didn’t have ADD (music to my ears) and was simply bored, unchallenged and frustrated by the school environment where he’s “made to sit for hours on end” (my son’s words not the doc's). According to the Doctor, he’s a very bright and advanced student whose knowledge base is that of a 3rd grader, who happens to be in 1st grade. The guidance counselor said he suspected as much because my son has been getting 95/100’s in all his tests (he gets 5pts off for forgetting to write his name on the tests). It seems to him the conflict here is the teacher’s rigidity for not allowing them to move freely about the classroom during various points of the day. [No kidding!] Anyway, we discussed possible solutions we (me, his teacher and the support team) could implement and I set up a timetable for them to be impemented systematically and not all at once (so we could measure the success of each), then we set up a follow up date for next month to check on my son’s progress. Sigh! I’m so glad I waited till I was much older to have a child!
The rest of my day was spent in having my “field demotion” and possible exit, addressed by the appropriate individuals within my firm. The first meeting took place at 8:30am with my department head. He was so upset when he learned of the situation that he immediately went up the ladder with the info. To my surprise, by 3:30pm the matter went all the way to the division head. I chose this week to address the issue because next Wednesday is our deadline for everyone’s performance and compensation review to be submitted to HR. Unbeknownst to me, she is well known for her intransigence, belligerence, and inflexibility. Man she had me fooled!
So I accomplished 3 things by bringing this to light:
1) to have her input on my review minimized or neutralized by the truth of the situation, giving me the opportunity to possibly remain or to have plenty of time to move on to something better;
2) it provides those who are reviewing “her/my boss” with the proof that she’s still "not able to play well with others".
3) it helped me see that there's nothing wrong with me as she's been trying to make me believe, because the high turnover rate indicates differently.
My last meeting of the day was an impromptu one. The head of the dept asked that I accompany him to take a tour of our possible new work space. Well, I went, I saw, and I liked! Ohhhh, itÂ’s sooooo prettyÂ… cream and black marble walls and floors with beech wood trim! I would still have a cube, but this one would be a much, much bigger one. One in which my chair doesn't hit the wall when I move my chair back to get out of my seat.
Since I didn’t think the men in my group wanted to hear the word “pretty” associated with the space they’ll be spending 8+ hrs a day in, I instead used lots of big positive real estate terms with adjectives that men love to hear like: big, strong, bold, and impressive! At this last one my boss perked up, smiled wide, turned to the Property Manager and said: “Great! We’ll take it!” And thus, a deal was consummated.
Posted by: Michele at
11:57 PM
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Sounds like great news all around: you've got a smart kid, your contributions are being recognized at work and you're getting a bigger/better work environment. Congrats!
Posted by: zonker at October 22, 2005 03:16 PM (/y7q3)
Michelle, it sounds as if things are going better, given the circumstances. One thing I'm confused about, tho...when you wrote, "...she is well known for her intransigence...," who does the
she refer to? The division head mentioned in a previous sentence, or the pain-in-the-neck analyst who is the cause of so much grief?
Posted by: Victor at October 22, 2005 03:30 PM (l+W8Z)
I am so happy to hear about your son. That is great! Oh, and your work is good news as well.
Posted by: vw bug at October 22, 2005 04:59 PM (flzGe)
You manage to keep an even keel when things get rough. Way to go, kiddo!
Posted by: Ted at October 22, 2005 09:00 PM (+OVgL)
Posted by: _Jon at October 22, 2005 09:47 PM (/R7YK)
Yeah Team!!! Good news, good news.
Posted by: Bou at October 22, 2005 10:22 PM (5JHEt)
"simply bored, unchallenged and frustrated by the school environment where heÂ’s "made to sit for hours on end"
I know that feeling. Went through the same thing myself as a kid.
The school's solution was to send me to one of the higher-grade classrooms during Reading classes. It helped.
Posted by: Harvey at October 22, 2005 11:37 PM (ubhj8)
Yes excellent news about your son....terrific news for sure.
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at October 22, 2005 11:44 PM (1XnJ1)
Excellent news all around! Thanks for sharing it, and good thoughts will continue to head your way.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf at October 23, 2005 04:46 PM (5cMH5)
Great news! It is good to be assured that the problem is with her and not you isn't it? See all those blogosphere good thoughts your way are working!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 24, 2005 10:34 AM (6Gm0j)
So much good news packed into one post! I'm glad about your son and glad that you were able to stand up to what for some would be a lot of pressure from a school.
Posted by: RP at October 28, 2005 02:04 PM (LlPKh)
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October 14, 2005
My New Name
Behold, my new name in Chinese:

It's Min Li which translates in English to smart and nimble jasmine flower.
I know where my colleagues got the smart and the jasmine part (I love jasmine leaves in all my teas). But where the heck did they get nimble from? Must investigate... excuse me while I send off a few text messages.
This. however, is not my first adopted name. When I taught English as a 2nd language in the Middle East, I was given a name that people could pronouce locally because otherwise I would have been known as Miss. The naming task fell squarely on the shoulders of the Village Chief where I lived just 100 miles outside of Cairo.
He gave me a very unusual sounding name, but one which I took too easily because everyone could pronounce it very well. Phonetically it was pronounced Neal-ba. I thought it was neat sounding name so I kept it and never asked what it meant. It was only later on, almost upon leaving really, that the translation of my arabic name was revealed to me, after much grinning ensued at the airport. It was Big Storm Amounting To Nothing. To this day I don't know what the Village Chief saw in me on that first day, as he stared into my eyes, to come up with such a name.
I guess I've moved up in the world since then, huh?
Posted by: Michele at
04:59 PM
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Yeah, you've sure amounted to a great person!
Posted by: _Jon at October 15, 2005 12:26 AM (/R7YK)
i shudder to think what my name would be in chinese. it would probably mean "he who kicks dead squirrels off his deck" or something like that, eh?
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 15, 2005 02:36 PM (U28kD)
The Chinese letters aren't showing up in my browser.
Would it be possible to post a jpeg?
Posted by: Harvey at October 15, 2005 06:17 PM (ubhj8)
Hey Michele;
Here's a better translation for your Chinese name:
'Keen Jasmine'
Let me explain. Min is hard to translate; but I wouldn't use smart and nimble - As min does not refer to just book-smarts or high IQ (I am not saying that you don't have that!) it is more along the lines of both book-smarts and being able to use those book-smarts in a clever way (is that where they got the nimble from?)
However, I wasn't aware of this word 'min' being used for physical agility; I had always thought that it refered to mental agility, but perhaps I am wrong. Can we say someone is nimble-minded? That just doesn't sound so good!
The word min has good connotations - so words like 'sly', or 'witty' are out. I think, perhaps, quick-witted, clever, or, perhaps, the best translation would be keen.
The only problem with 'keen' is that it seems to me that we don't use this word often enough or by itself enough that it can sound funny or somewhat archaic, and I don't mean it that way. But, ask your colleagues if they think these suggestions might be better words to express the feeling of 'min'.
The 'li' part is easy; that is white jasmine flower.
But, no matter how you translate it; it is a really great name and sounds very much like an authentic Chinese name; not something 'made-up' for a 'wai-guo ren' (foreign person) And from reading your writings here on your blog it does sound very much like you!
congratulations, Keen Jasmine!
Posted by: Charles at October 18, 2005 10:00 PM (TPBu/)
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October 13, 2005
It's a Beautiful Day!
Just had to blog because its such a great morning! Theres a steady heayv rain falling since Friday that had made everything that's green wet and lush. I love the rain almost as much as I love music. Because it's been raining so heavy lately the scent from the river, which is at high tide, is reaching farther inland than usual and the scent is magnificent. The river scent is so strong I almost feel like if I turn the corner I'll see the buoys a block away.
Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stopped by and left comments. I also want to say thanks to those of you who have sent supportive emails and and text messages. And finally, to the select group of you who have called, thank you for making my day. You guys are ALL awesome!
Posted by: Michele at
12:23 PM
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Even though you don't say it, it has to feel good to have someoen there not only recognize the work you do, but to appreciate it.
Your company may need to look into what is going on in your position to have that many people pass through it in the last year.
Posted by: Contagion at October 13, 2005 12:47 PM (Q5WxB)
I agree with Contagion. Perhaps its the person at the top that has to go this time! Hang in there, it is a beautiful day.
Posted by: oddybobo at October 13, 2005 01:09 PM (6Gm0j)
Hope things continue to work out for you.
Posted by: vw bug at October 13, 2005 04:44 PM (MNp8q)
I think when/if you leave... this will not be the end. I think you made such an impact, that your leaving will have more of an effect than those others before you.
Sometimes someone has to stand up and say, 'Stop the madness!" Perhaps what has happened to you and your actions as a result will make someone grow some cajones and finally take a stand.
It could happen.
Posted by: Bou at October 13, 2005 05:06 PM (5JHEt)
Ooooh, that worked well!
Hey, wanna go swimming?
Posted by: _Jon at October 13, 2005 07:47 PM (/R7YK)
thanks for quoting me!!
here's some other things ive said:
"dont eat the yellow snow"
"spring only comes once a year"
"a bird in the hand is worth seventeen dollars according to the latest exchange rates"
"it's always darkest before it's lightest"
"its always more shadowy before it's pastel"
"tomorrow's a beautiful day too!!'
"why put off today what you can put off tomorrow"
"today is the first day of the rest of my massive royalty checks"
see you all on the next tour!!
Posted by: bono at October 13, 2005 08:43 PM (U28kD)
Well I would say that unless your boss goes - you are very smart to use the probationary period to get out. Working for that kind of person will only get worse - as I know you know.
At least you know of one person (maybe more) from this job who will give you good references. I am so sorry this job isn't working out and I'm praying that an even better job will come your way.
Posted by: Teresa at October 14, 2005 11:42 PM (FZwDL)
Michele, if your little discussion with the senior staff member was half as well-phrased as I suspect it was, I bet a certain other analyst will soon find herself under a microscope. It's such a pity that the higher-up some people get, the more mature your average kindergartner seems by comparison ("Professional" my fat, balding ass!) Fortunately, a company with a good corporate environment frequently finds ways to weed out those who don't deserve their jobs. The only thing that has me concerned about your corporate environment is that no one seems to have twigged on the fact they can't keep a warm body in your job slot--nine people, turning over fairly quickly, should have raised a red flag *somewhere* higher up.
The more and more I read your blog, though, the more I'm convinced that should you find yourself handed a pink slip, the more I'm convinced you'll find a better job quickly. And I'm also more convinced I don't want to play p0ker against you :~)
Posted by: Victor at October 17, 2005 08:25 AM (L3qPK)
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October 10, 2005
Hit with a 2x4
That's how it feels right now! It started as an awful day and it went steadily downhill from there.
Essentially... I was demoted as a result of using false and/or incorrect info given to me by a 3rd party. I have no way of checking the info's veracity or accuracy, as that's the responsibility of others. Yet, because I published it unwittingly in today's reports, I'm the one that gets crucified this week.
I've also been put on 30 days notice.
Well using me as the scape goat enable the senior analyst in my dept to escape from censure and more for all the errors she's committed these past 2 weeks. Using those reasons also enables my boss to continue sleeping w/my Ex's uncle without a care or concern for my uncomfortability.
In fact, they kill 2 proverbial birds with one stoning.
So now I have to figure out if I let them fire me, or quickly begin looking for another job after being there for only 2 months. Or, try to do both simultaneously. I've never, ever, been demoted or fired. I've always had stellar reviews! So this is also a blow to my ego.
As Dax Montana would say: Damn! Just damn!
Posted by: Michele at
06:45 PM
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.. ouch.. Just Damn, indeed....
Posted by: Eric at October 10, 2005 08:18 PM (uHA2j)
I'm so sorry. That just stinks. Plain and simple.
Posted by: Tammi at October 10, 2005 09:30 PM (hgbsg)
at the risk of cussing, i shall join the general chorus of just damns with my own.
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 10, 2005 11:05 PM (U28kD)
Michele, I'm so very sorry to read this. One thing that took me years to realize is this: It's pretty much standard procedure to put new empolyees on a probation program, in case they don't work out for some reason. However, your employer is on probation to you from day one for forever.
Another friend reminded me once: Talent is rarely out of work for long.
How you decide to handle it is a decision only you can make--I have faith you'll make the best decision for you.
Posted by: Victor at October 11, 2005 07:37 AM (L3qPK)
Damn. Just Damn. Document the hell out of it, and start looking.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf at October 11, 2005 08:09 AM (5cMH5)
Yep, Just Damn. Good luck, and I'm with the Wolf, document the hell out of it, where you got the info and why and how it all happened. Oh, and the sleeping with the ex-uncle, hmmm, hostile work environment? Sorry, that is just the lawyer in me!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 11, 2005 08:35 AM (6Gm0j)
Unbelievable! What did they demote you to? Copygirl?
It sounds like that job is just not the right fit - these people are crazy. If they fire you, they fire you. In the meantime, you can always look for work elsewhere.
Sorry to hear. :<
Posted by: Lisa at October 11, 2005 10:58 AM (y9UuV)
Well shite! (didn't want to say damn like everyone else) This just sucks, hopefully you are able to document everything so that if you really wanted you could go for a wrongful termination suit.
Posted by: Contagion at October 11, 2005 12:04 PM (Q5WxB)
People are not only defined by what they succeed at, but how they handle failure too. I've seen many good managers promoted because they handled a bad situation well. It is relatively easy to handle a successful situation. Talented people handle bad situations well also.
Posted by: _Jon at October 11, 2005 02:51 PM (ZM3Qb)
Holy crap.
And... What _Jon says. He is right.
Posted by: Bou at October 11, 2005 05:06 PM (5JHEt)
just remember what i always say...
"if the story doesnt fit, then they must not fire"
uh...wait...that isnt what I say, exactly.
how about...
"if the story doesnt fit then they cant make a slit"
no, no...that aint it either.
oh, i got it now!
"if the glove dont fit then you must acquit!"
yeah, THAT'S the ticket! i think. or maybe not.
awww, what the hell do i know? after all, im dead, anyways.
Posted by: johnny cochran at October 11, 2005 08:40 PM (U28kD)
I'll leave the advice-giving to those with more experience :-)
Posted by: Harvey at October 12, 2005 11:39 AM (ubhj8)
Ouch. Everyone has said the most important stuff... I'm just here to let you know you can call and talk if you want.
Posted by: vw bug at October 12, 2005 05:58 PM (MNp8q)
Oh my... I think JUST DAMN says it all. I'm so sorry. I'm with the rest - document and get looking.
Posted by: Teresa at October 13, 2005 12:13 AM (FZwDL)
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September 20, 2005
My Health Alert
I was in a good mood this morning when I got into the office. I had been listening to my MP3 and did a little dance in my seat at seeing very few emails. Woohoo! So as I started to read emails while listening to Tom Petty I came across a subject that was rather alarming: HEALTH ALERT – PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY
Apparently, there are 3 employees who have been diagnosed with Infectious Mononucleosis or Mono, and 2 more who are now exhibiting symptoms. 2 of the diagnosed individuals worked with me in the relocation of Gulf coast employees from the temporary working and living environments our firm had set up prior to Katrina to now more permanent locations further inland throughout the south. My assigned location was Virginia and thatÂ’s where all of those diagnosed were with me.
So the health dept. has been called and warnings issued and notices posted everywhere including the bathrooms. The essence: Wash Your Hands People! This is something IÂ’m fanatical about, but it seems that the microbes from this virus can survive for long periods of time on surfaces.
IÂ’m currently not feeling my usual great self as IÂ’m fighting off a bad sore throat (one of the symptoms) but so far thatÂ’s all. IÂ’ll be calling my doctor later today to see about the blood work I need in order to check. But must say, this absolutely friekinÂ’ sucks! Unfortunately, I have to now alert everyone IÂ’ve been in close contact with, whom I might have shaken hands with or kissed on the cheek.
Do you know how many people that is? With the French delegation alone I not only shook hands, I kissed them on both cheeksÂ….. hmmm. I guess this would be one trade export theyÂ’ll have no say so onÂ….heh, heh, heh!
Posted by: Michele at
08:10 AM
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You take it easy and get better. Make sure you are legitimately getting sick and not just psych thing. I did that once when I was exposed to a nasty bug.
Posted by: Contagion at September 20, 2005 11:19 AM (Q5WxB)
Not a psych thing. In fact when I met Eric of SWG for lunch I mentioned it to him.
OMG,... I gotta let Eric know. I mean I did hug him but ...
Posted by: Michele at September 20, 2005 01:41 PM (BN/Fu)
Don't forget to make a list of people you *want* to hug and kiss just in case you are contagious.

Feel better and take care.
Posted by: Ted at September 20, 2005 01:50 PM (blNMI)
I use to have mono a lot as a teenager. I was lucky in that it just made me tired.
Posted by: vw bug at September 20, 2005 06:13 PM (J3xJ9)
So you passed a virus to the French.....
How apropo...
Posted by: _Jon at September 20, 2005 11:08 PM (sSrI9)
I have a robust immune system, so...
Get better :-)
Posted by: Harvey at September 21, 2005 09:11 PM (ubhj8)
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September 17, 2005
It's Over!
Yes, the work week was finally over for me when I stepped out of the Karaoke/Cyber Dating Bar at 9:30pm last night. The Tokyo office staff, having a penchant for these kind of places, were all a giggle to go back to the scene of the crime from the night before that had already claimed one amateur casualty. She being so hungover she couldn't work today. This meant that I was to be co-host to a group of guys from the EU and others from the Japanese Finance Ministry. Number crunching, post nubile men that were desperately seeking liquid oblivion and dreaming perhaps of carnal pleasures after an extremely long and stressful week.
As co-host I had to stick around for awhile, even though all I wanted to do was go home take off my 3.5 inch heels, get out of my clothes and slip into something infinitely more softer (like my 500 thread count cotton bed sheets) and hook up with something more familiar (like my beloved laptop named Bob).
But work demands continued, so I had to stick around. My role became a sort of voyeour, consultant, and Cyrano for a few of my colleagues who were floundering in their attempts to find "true love" [or temporary love for that matter]. You see this is a very unusual bar, where everyone sits in small groups at these booths or tables that have webcams and flat screens on them. With a push of a few buttons at the base of the screen you're able to look at or check out people sitting at their tables or booths through out the bar. In other words guys or gals no longer have to be shot down when they approach someone in person. Nope, now they can be shot down from the comfort of their barstool and at a distance and with humiliatingly lightening speed, just with the end of . Yes folks, that's urban dating in the 21st Century.
Posted by: Michele at
01:13 PM
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Hope you have a slow and wonderful weekend.
Posted by: vw bug at September 17, 2005 04:53 PM (J3xJ9)
It's moments like that that make it all worth it. I love the stress-melting walks.
Posted by: Ted at September 17, 2005 08:07 PM (+OVgL)
So... how DOES one approach New York women?
Posted by: Harvey at September 17, 2005 11:53 PM (ubhj8)
sounds like that form of "urban cyber dating" neatly eliminates the need for uttering the time honored cliche of general cyber dating...
"hey, baby, what are you wearing?"
Posted by: mr. helpful at September 18, 2005 01:49 PM (U28kD)
I'm still green with envy at the mention of 500 thread count sheets as it was only a few months ago that I was all excited when I found 400 thread count sheets. Is this the new arms race? MAS: Mutually Assured Sybaritism.
Posted by: zonker at September 18, 2005 07:13 PM (/y7q3)
Sounds fun to watch, but I don't know... it takes me almost two minutes to type this much!
Hope you have a slower paced week!
Posted by: That 1 Guy at September 18, 2005 11:25 PM (ml3v7)
Posted by: _Jon at September 19, 2005 10:55 AM (R6yie)
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July 26, 2005
Hello, hello...
I see you are one of those people who just cannot look away at the sight of an accident. So you've either returned out of morbid curiosity or to poke some fun at me, as I've often done with other's.
From your comments I can see that some of you are not above a little prurient reading. And a few of you, whom wrote to me directly, spotted my affinity for the Stones. I must confess, my overall preference is for classic rock of the late 60's through pop rock of the early 90's.
Well, as you can see, thereÂ’s been no major changes to the site in the last 48 hrs, but the night is still young, and I've been known to accomplish much in very little time. Although M [my pet name for Michele] gave me carte blanche with the site (quite trusting isnÂ’t she? I wonder if she's that way with everything?), I think IÂ’ll keep things as they are for awhile. The only thing IÂ’ll perhaps add is a few pints of Guinness, to give a little color to the place. I know she wonÂ’t mind.
I promised you 2 things, that I would tell you a bit about myself, and that I would tell an interesting story about Michele.
Posted by: 1Colin at
01:00 AM
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ROTFL! I guess I'll just have to keep coming back ... out of curiosity and for a pint.
Posted by: vw bug at July 26, 2005 07:10 AM (dkZJv)
Hmmm, I'm wondering if you didn't do it on purpose?!
Posted by: Machelle at July 26, 2005 08:41 AM (ZAyoW)
Colin... not funny! We need to talk!
Posted by: Michele at July 26, 2005 12:30 PM (cV7Xy)
Well old chap, it seems to me there'll be some slapping going on later tonight. Do give details love, I'll be waiting.
Posted by: Cathy at July 26, 2005 02:11 PM (y9UuV)
Wait, you live in Manhattan... dammit, that means no Hagas from you. Sigh...
As for the story, good show ol' chap!
Posted by: Contagion at July 26, 2005 02:56 PM (Q5WxB)
struting, on top, flushing, slapping... gee colin sounds like the mating call of the wild.
Posted by: lisa at July 26, 2005 03:00 PM (5PeMR)
Colin, you'll be glad to know that you fit in perfectly :-)
Posted by: Harvey at July 27, 2005 03:54 PM (ubhj8)
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June 25, 2005
My last days in Purgatory
My internment in Purgatory has ended! However, not without a warning from former boss that if they needed me they would call me. I informed my prison guard that I'll be in and out of training for the first few weeks, but that I would definitely return her calls as soon as I returned to the office (READ: NOT!!!!)
Her response: if she couldn't get me at the office she would call me at home. (Heh, I have caller ID Lady!) Under normal circumstances I'd cooperate and make the new person's transition smoother, but knowing that the new person was extended an offer before I even returned to work or found another position pissed me off.
What made me angrier? Knowing my replacement is getting less resposibilities, no projects and $15K more than I did. So for the week I smiled, I endured, and complied with her demands, being that she's the #4 woman in a global company of 60,000. For the remainder of the week I worked my old schedule of 13 to 18 hr days while enduring the meanest, most passive/aggressive behavior from some of my immediate coworkers. As far as I'm concerned, my loyalty ended when I left last night.
Since I believe in Karmic retribution I already know that she and the others will pay for how awfully I was treated these past 2 weeks. To start with I found out that not only is her secretary leaving at the end of next week, the person she hired to replace her Secy (and who'll absorb a few of my duties) doesn't now the Microsoft Outlook/Exchange Server programs. The person she hired to replace me has not used a PC in 5 years as she's been teaching art to little kids and using a Mac during that time. I know she's not prepared for the cutthroat, fast paced, demanding, "market-driven" pace of investment banking.
I can see the crashing and burning way into the future. The smoldering fires of what's to come when research has to be done on when, who and what were the last terms of a bifurcated swap. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that moment. If either woman lasts more than 3 months it will be a miracle. I did get an insult of an offer (as it would mean a demotion) if I wanted to stay; but as far as I'm concerned it's a little too little, and it comes way too late in the game. I had a football analogy of a 3rd down... but I'll spare you.
As for me, things started turning way around when I called a friend and spent over an hour lauging my head off and when I activated my new beloved Treo650. As of this morning, life has finally and definitely turned the corner!
Mellower, happier posts are soon to come.
Posted by: Michele at
09:11 AM
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don't answer the phone....
I went through this one time, it was gut wrenching.
Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at June 25, 2005 09:56 AM (G51Uu)
Good for you! I'm so happy you are able to let go and move on. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Posted by: vw bug at June 25, 2005 12:05 PM (9cb42)
Thanks for sparing me the football analogy.
As a Packers fan, I wince whenever I hear the phrase "4th & 26" :-)
Posted by: Harvey at June 25, 2005 12:17 PM (ubhj8)
Actually, answering the phone could be theraputic. Especially if the words "Sorry, but I don't work for you anymore." are used. And the last thing old boss should hear as you hang up is laughter.
Posted by: Ted at June 25, 2005 05:03 PM (+OVgL)
The Treo 650 is great! Even better depending on who your carrier is ;-)
Yea, I'd say don't answer your phone, or forward it to some strange number!
Posted by: Sissy at June 25, 2005 10:07 PM (uXS+O)
So many things I wanna write, but no time.
Just got interrupted to fix something.
But I'm very glad your life isn't like that anymore, and it's good you are strong enough to tell her to bugger off.
Posted by: _Jon at June 26, 2005 09:49 AM (4hJEV)
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June 14, 2005
Hell, First Circle
Earlier today when I called a collegue to vent over having to deal with an extremely difficult temp (who took over my old job) and who was interfering with what I needed to do, she listened attentively and was amazed at my tale. Two hours later I received the following email.
Wouldn't it be great if you could hire a professional limited liability service company that provides a professional smacker?
Imagine an ad for a company like that called.... Smacker, Wallop & Whacker, LLC. They are highly recommended, totally confidential and professional in all their wallops. All you have to do is tell them the location, person, and pay the smacker, and SMACK they go.
When they leave you have no liability, 'cause they'll never know what hit 'em.
Even though that came at 4:15pm it really made my day!!!
(Humor courtesy of blogless Oz)
Posted by: Michele at
01:11 AM
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Posted by: vw bug at June 14, 2005 06:39 AM (n+JjT)
S,W & W's lawyers?
Dewey, Cheetum, and How.
Posted by: That 1 Guy at June 14, 2005 08:27 AM (7OEbG)
Posted by: Harvey at June 14, 2005 10:00 AM (ubhj8)
Sounds a lot like the Biotch Slap Machine I want to build for my place of employment.
Posted by: Machelle at June 14, 2005 12:58 PM (ZAyoW)
Posted by: _Jon at June 14, 2005 01:36 PM (R6yie)
Bene, detto questo... LOL
Posted by: Fastidio at June 14, 2005 05:42 PM (ht2RK)
Posted by: becca at June 14, 2005 05:48 PM (ht2RK)
Posted by: Sissy at June 14, 2005 09:41 PM (uXS+O)
Yea! I've got some neighbors who are always blowing their loud car horn and their music pumping out the back of their car trunk for the whole neighborhood to hear (We are in a courtyard so the music reverberates around the courtyard like crazy) and they are doing it right now! So, I'll pay double the going rate!
Posted by: Charles at June 15, 2005 07:03 PM (hnhBb)
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June 10, 2005
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!!!!
Day 2 was even more exciting than the first. Darn, I wish I could write about the breakfast meeting. Had lots more training today on protocols and procedures. By 11:30am I was a bit tired and hungry and my attention span at a very low point so off I went to a farewell lunch w/my soon to be former collegue, who I'm replacing! I'm really going to miss her!
After returning to work I kept going non-stop absorbing, learning, reading, listening, contributing ideas until it was 3:00pm. Then my boss said: "you've done more than enough for one day, why don't you go out and have some fun." So I went to the bank to make a deposit and picked up a nice ice cold lemonade drink on my way back.
When I returned 15 min. later I wondered where everybody had gone. So I sat down to read some more briefings, when I was asked what I was still doing there. I must have had a look of confusion on my face, so a colleague pointed out that I was free leave. I tried playing it off by saying "Oh, he meant THAT kind of fun." That's when I was told that on Friday's in the summer, the staff usually starts leaving around 3:00pm.
Although I smiled and chatted for awhile, internally I was doing an incredible happy dance. So I got home early, picked up my son and spent extra playtime with him. I LOVE THIS JOB!
Posted by: Michele at
09:23 PM
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Day 1
Started the new job today. It was interesting; especially getting the White House, Sentate, and House briefings faxed to me. Something I have to read on a daily basis. Woohoo! Also exciting was a last minute crisis before a legislative vote. Notice I'm not writing which state, there's a reason for that and that's the bad part.
The bad part of this job, (and believe me, I can live with it!) is that I'll have to be careful not to blog about certain items due to SEC, NASDAQ, European Union, and WTO Charter Agreements (just to name a few).
My first challenge today, which I'm still researching, is what personal information absolutely cannot be retained in our corporate files. In some states and countries, a spouse's name and identifying data, along with their personal affiliations and investments must be part of our permanent records, whereas in others, it's absolutely prohibited. So today I had to do some digging on this, that was the fun part. Once I find the answer, I have to communicate that in several directions before I can modify our policies and database.
Not bad for a first day's work! !
Posted by: Michele at
01:02 AM
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Posted by: vw bug at June 10, 2005 07:01 AM (n+JjT)
I'm just so happy you found something you like, where you are challenged and fufilled.
Yeah! Answered prayers indeed!
Posted by: Tammi at June 10, 2005 08:43 AM (F4oo1)
Se avete amici Italiani, ricordategli di andare a votare...La chiesa italiana boicotta il referendum!Conto su di voi...thank's
Translation by Michele: Don't forget to remind your Italian friends to vote. The Catholic church is boycotting the referendum! I count on you to encourage voters.
Posted by: fastidio at June 10, 2005 09:17 AM (W7o3o)
Well, cool! Congratulations on the new job and it already sounds fun!
Posted by: RP at June 10, 2005 10:24 AM (LlPKh)
Harvey, its just there as a phallic symbol!
Posted by: michewle at June 10, 2005 11:48 PM (ht2RK)
I'm so glad you like your new job! That's fabulous. Instead of blogging about work... you may want to either avoid it for the most part or possibly pick a broad topic and run with it in your posting. Such as what you're doing with personal info on files / identity theft as your doing in the post above... it's all in the same ball park. Best of luck with the job - I hope it retains its fun!
Posted by: Teresa at June 12, 2005 11:11 PM (nAfYo)
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June 04, 2005
Taming of the Beast
I've had to mediate my leavetaking and separation between two warring factions: my new [Zoe] and old employer [Belzebub]. I think it would be easier if they didn't know each other socially and in business, but at their level the circle is so small that everyone knows everyone else in NY.
So, the past 2 days have been spent with me going in for meetings to wrap things up, pass the baton, finalize reports, and to help my former boss manage her anger and anxiety. Anger w/me for leaving, anger with HR for letting me get away (so she says), anger w/the dept. OM for not managing things better, the list goes on. So after many phone calls between HR, Zoe and Belzebub, I decided to take over the mediation process from HR, as they were getting know where and instead I was being drawn into the fray as it descended into a playground scene of "she's mine".
Posted by: Michele at
12:05 PM
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You have a birthday coming up?
Posted by: _Jon at June 05, 2005 10:06 AM (+Sf1P)
Sooooo.... birthday next week, you have?
Congrats, on your negotiations, and on your B-day! Hope it's a happy one for you!
Posted by: That 1 Guy at June 05, 2005 11:49 AM (o9P0B)
About *time* you turned 21. Now I can get you drunk & take advantage of you without feeling guilty ;-)
Posted by: Harvey at June 05, 2005 12:54 PM (ubhj8)
That's about the nicest present I've gotten so far. Thanks!
Posted by: Michele at June 05, 2005 07:51 PM (ht2RK)
Dang, I did get you anything. Especially after the very nice gift you got for me.
Happy Birthday!!
Posted by: Machelle at June 06, 2005 01:59 PM (ZAyoW)
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November 09, 2004
Dealing with a flare up of Carpel Tunnel and colleagues so obnoxious they defy the norms of social behavior. So today my mood is reflective of the character Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh stories.
I'm hoping my mood improves and I'm able to see Bridget Jones/Colin Firth movie this weekend!
It just dawned on me that the only reason that quiz thought I was interesting was because I speak several languages and I've lived overseas half my life. That doesn't make me interesting! Those are aspects of my personality which make me worldly not interesting.
I was so drained by the antics of several petulant children at work, that when I went to meet a former co-worker for lunch, at one point I became amazed by the intelligent conversation we were having. We were discussing Christian monasticism and Indian mysticism's influence on Sufism. That really made my day.
Posted by: Michele at
09:02 PM
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I thought the quiz hit you spot on! :-)
Feel better soon, and my the "children" take a time out!
Posted by: Tammi at November 10, 2004 08:43 AM (UOdfZ)
I like kitties!
Posted by: Ted at November 10, 2004 01:01 PM (blNMI)
I find worldly VERY interesting :-)
Posted by: Harvey at November 14, 2004 11:23 AM (ubhj8)
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October 25, 2004
But can she cook?
In order to fight off a slight cold, I decided to stay home and rest up, choosing to seek my weekend entertainment and mental stimulation online. That's when I happen to come across Rammer's
latest post entitled "Women's Work?" in which he brings to light a very sexist study.
The National Post, published an article yesterday on a recent study by scientists entitled "But can she cook? Women's education and housework productivity.”
The study “found that the greater a women's education, the lower her domestic productivity. In other words, a woman with a degree in engineering is likely to take more time to mop the floor than one who hasn't finished high school.”
I would I love to know what my blog sisters have to say about this!
Posted by: Michele at
05:50 PM
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That is so offensive on so many levels, I am not even sure where to begin. Let me ask the rhetorical question, "Where is the study showing that the more educated the man, the less housework he does?" I mean, this is the year 2004. EVERY man I know is perfectly capable of cleaning a toilet or mopping a floor. As a matter of fact, when my husband I split cleaning duties, his job was doing the floors. I did the laundry.
I hire someone to come in once a week and she and I work side by side. I work just as quickly as she does to get the tasks finished. I hired her as a compromise in an ongoing argument my spouse and I were having with regard to housecleaning. I'm not going to sit around all day, cleaning house when my children need volunteers at their school or there are errands he needs run for his business or any other myriad things that come up. NOR does he expect me to.
I like you am not going to plop my kid in front of the TV while I clean. Sorry. They NEED me to read to them or play with them.
Here is my other rhetorical question, "How do a--holes like this get grant money?" Just goes to show that we are so far from equal anything in this country, it's not even funny.
Posted by: Boudicca at October 24, 2004 06:03 PM (XH1zZ)
I was just getting ready to comment....Ohhh wait til Bou sees this one. She's gonna hit the roof.
You see, she's very well educated, she runs a tight ship, takes damn good care of her family and can cook like...well, check out the Carnival of recipes for the answer to that one.
I can't believe they received grant money for this. Amazing.
And I got news for has NOTHING to do with your ability to do housework. Some of the biggest slobs I know never got past the 10th grade (can you say "trash"). Oh...and I have friends that also have PhD's and couldn't clean their way out of a paperbag. It's in a person's make-up.
I come no where near you and Bou when it comes to education. But I'm willing to bet we live fairly similarly.
This grant money would have been better spent figuring out how to tell a good melon from a bad one in the supermarket. THAT would have at least been useful.
Posted by: Tammi at October 24, 2004 07:56 PM (UOdfZ)
Well according to this survey my house should be a pig-sty and we eat nothing but take-out food.
I am very anal about my house, comes from being an engineer. Everything has a place and it is in that place. Nobody can clean my house to my satisfaction, not even my hubby.
And as for cooking, I love it. And were not talking about some pre-packaged, open the box and throw it into a pan every night thing either. I do my fair share of scratch cooking.
Ignorant people, agh.
Posted by: Machelle at October 25, 2004 09:56 AM (ZAyoW)
I'm going along the "comparative advantage" angle.
Silly waste of time, that study.
Posted by: Harvey at October 25, 2004 10:55 AM (tJfh1)
I was so looking forward to Boudicca's response to that. And she didn't disappoint! Tammi and Machelle said the rest. Nothing to add :-)
Posted by: Sally at October 25, 2004 11:51 AM (a1D32)
OH? And I'm chopped liver?
[sticks tongue out at Sally]
Posted by: Harvey at October 26, 2004 10:21 AM (tJfh1)
Phew. Glad I read the comments. I was so mad when I read this that I was ready to let loose. Ok, I have to add to Bou and Machelle's comments. Who says all the work engineers do is 'stimulating to the mind'? How many times did I have to write mind numbing documents or read them? Ugh. Actually I have a lot more to add, but am trying to contain myself. Argghhhh. What a stupid article.
Posted by: vw bug at October 27, 2004 08:16 PM (NcJJ4)
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September 19, 2004
Work Environment since 9/11
For some, life in NY has not changed much since 9/11/01. For others like me, who work for a firm that is still on terrorist lists, in a part of Manhattan that has been a target for extremists for some time, it is a life full of multi-layered security measures meant to protect.
Perhaps if I gave you a glimpse of what my morning was like today, you would get some idea what working in NYC is like these days.
Posted by: Michele at
12:11 PM
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Noting like walking a mile in someone elses shoes to get perspective.
So many of us take such things as running out for lunch for granted. After 9/11 the company I worked for was also forced to increase security on campus and it became impossible to even just dart into the bathroom. Many "short cuts" had been eliminated and swipe cards were used for everything. Many times I got myself in a jam by not remembering that.
I know it's inconvienent, but I'm also glad those procedures are in place. We can't change what has happened in the past, but we can make things a lot harder for "them" in the future.
Posted by: Tammi at September 20, 2004 09:00 AM (UOdfZ)
Well, there's always Stadium Gal :-)
Posted by: Harvey at September 20, 2004 11:50 AM (tJfh1)
Wow. I had a friend who was in the first WTC when it was hit. She still works in NYC. We don't talk about it, but it never occured to me what security must be like for her now to go to work.
Posted by: Boudicca at September 20, 2004 11:08 PM (y48tn)
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