October 15, 2007

Musical Monday Returns

Comments are still closed. May you all have a wonderful week!

Posted by: Michele at 12:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 14, 2007


There’s something unbelievably sexy when someone you like a lot leaves a voice mail message in a slow, deliberate manner, in a tone just above a whisper and says: “I called just to let you know I was thinking of you.” [Sigh!!!]

After listening to his message a few times, which gave me enough time to regain my breath, I was finally able to subdue my endless grin and bring it down to a reasonably normal smile. When my head finally got off it’s “giddy” Merry-go-round, this great song came to mind. Someday, I’ll let him know the effect his voice mail message had on me and how this song was posted in response. Yes, someday, just not today.

Now let me see if I can get out of my head, wipe the silly grin off my face and get back to work.

Posted by: Michele at 11:27 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 144 words, total size 1 kb.

March 01, 2009


Reçu votre message, mais son trop retard pour appeler. Voici, un cadeau de mon coeur. Je traduirai le texte portugais personnellement quand nous nous voyons.

Posted by: Michele at 12:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.

October 05, 2007

Bittersweet Passion

Poems by Rumi; Translated by Deepak Chopra; Reading by Chopra & Madonna

~ My Burning Heart ~
My heart is burning with love
All can see this flame
My heart is pulsing with passion
like waves on an ocean

My friends have become strangers
and IÂ’m surrounded by enemies
But IÂ’m free as the wind
no longer hurt by those who reproach me

IÂ’m at home wherever I am
And in the room of lovers
I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances

Behind the veils
intoxicated with love
I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world
I have lost my senses
in my world of lovers

~ Bittersweet ~
In my hallucination
I saw my beloved's flower garden
In my vertigo, in my dizziness
In my drunken haze
Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel

I saw myself as the source of existence
I was there in the beginning
And I was the spirit of love
Now I am sober
There is only the hangover
And the memory of love
And only the sorrow

I yearn for happiness
I ask for help
I want mercy
And my love says:

Look at me and hear me
Because I am here
Just for that

I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl

I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you

Oh sweet bitterness
I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I, too, have been covered with thorns

~ Intoxicated by Love ~
Because of your love
I have lost my sobriety
I am intoxicated
by the madness of love

In this fog
I have become a stranger to myself
I'm so drunk
I've lost the way to my house

In the garden
I see only your face
From trees and blossoms
I inhale only your fragrance

Drunk with the ecstasy of love
I can no longer tell the difference
between drunkard and drink
Between lover and Beloved

Posted by: Michele at 12:12 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 358 words, total size 2 kb.

September 18, 2007

Dear _Jon

Happy Birthday!

Posted by: Michele at 11:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 01, 2007

I'll Be Back

Dealing with carpel tunnel and tendonitis in both arms and so I'm resting them and listening to a lot of music in the process. I'll be back when I'm better. In the meantime, here's my 2 favorite music videos of 2007. The first is from Michael Buble a lovely original ballad he wrote that I know all of you will like. The 2nd is a beautiful song from a little known group called Selah. Please have a listen, they are worth the 7 min it takes.

Posted by: Michele at 07:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 92 words, total size 1 kb.

July 30, 2007

Puisque tu m'as manqué...

Je pensée à toi toujours. Avez-vous reçu mes prières?

Posted by: Michele at 12:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 12, 2007

Promise of a Lifetime

Posted by: Michele at 01:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 21, 2007

Musical Hiatus

I'm too busy to post so here are snippets from 2 of my favorite movies paired with one of my favorite goo goo dolls songs. Care to guess which movies they are or the song title?

Update: Macklin is correct on movie and song title. It's North and South, Pride and Prejudice and Iris.

Posted by: Michele at 12:49 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 58 words, total size 1 kb.

June 18, 2007

You and Me... First Time on Musical Mondays

To help you ease into your Monday and take your mind off of work, I'm posting one of my old favorite songs entitled You and Me by Lifehouse off their 3rd self-titled album. In the extended entry is my new favorite, First Time, which is a wonderful upbeat song about falling love. It's their new lead single off their yet to be released 4th album - We are one. Enjoy!


Posted by: Michele at 12:55 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 347 words, total size 2 kb.

May 21, 2007

Dear Mike, Happy Belated Birthday!

I'm posting Eva Cassidy's rendition of Over the Rainbow, because its by far the best rendition of your most favorite song I have ever heard. When I hear it, it always makes me think of our fun sing-alongs during our roadtrips to Canada, Florida, & Pennsylvania. Here"s another favorite - Wonderful World - that is also sung beautifully by her. Enjoy!

The song below is a relatively new one, which I could have easily written about our friendship after you passed on. Thank you for having been in my life. You were truly a gift that I will always treasure and love.

Comments are closed due to the personal nature of this post.

Posted by: Michele at 12:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 123 words, total size 1 kb.

May 15, 2007

Musical Dedications from NYC to You!

I have shoutouts or dedications today for 2 very sweet and special guys. The first is Zonker who will be visiting nyc in June. I'm reeeeeeeally looking forward to it! Not only is he a fellow vegetarian, he has me howling everytime I read his blog or talk to him on the phone. I so looking forward to his visit, that I thought I'd post a video/song dedication, just to get him in a NY state of mind (and no it's not the Billy Joel song; you have to be a resident to feel that way. Don't you think Erica?).

The second shoutout goes to Tuning Spork for being a great musicologist and fellow blogger, who posts some of the most unusual music videos on his blog. He helped inspire my Musical Mondays posts and the New York, New York dedication to Zonker.

So for Tuning Spork I have the irreverently humorous new band (check out their interviews on you tube) The Rogers Sisters. They first came to my attention during the Siren Mermaid Festival in Brooklyn. The video I'm sharing with you is "Never Learn To Cry" which is their lead single off their debut album 'The Invisible Deck'. Its a sweet tune that is somewhat evocative of a softer, gentler B-52's, but with the poigniant lyrics of Natalie Merchant's 10,000 Maniac days. TS, if you disagree let me know.

I dare say it's mellow enough for most of my readers and just rocky enough for me. Hell, it's a song even the bluesy/jazzy Zonker could love and if used well during his visit, could help him to finally score with the ladies. 'Cause he's sure not gonna score with what he's writing about now.

Zonk, here's a tip when you visit: dress hip (70's), talk cool, don't comb your hair and I guarantee you'll have an oppty to score with those unsuspecting & unknowing college girls.

Posted by: Michele at 03:49 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 330 words, total size 3 kb.

May 14, 2007

Music Monday - I Turn To Country & YOU!

This week I"m turning to Country Music. Here are 2 of my 3 favorite songs. First up is Selah singing - "Bless the Broken Road" which always leaves me in tears as it holds special meaning for me. I dedicate this song to some of my wonderful blog-family members & readers, for the strength you share with me whenever I face challenges. Thank you & please wait while the video loads!

This weekend I turned to Country, seeking some wonderfully familiar & soothing sounds. Here's another lovely video montage, accompanied by Carrie Underwood singing lyrics by Tresa Jordan - I Turn to Country. Enjoy!

Posted by: Michele at 12:14 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 122 words, total size 1 kb.

April 21, 2007

Funny Political Music Video by Tony Blair

This was sent to me by someone trying to cheer me up. Its Tony Blair covering one of my favorite songs by The Clash - Should I stay or should I go in regards to his deciding to run for office in 2008. Thanks Derek, humor is indeed the best medicine. It made me smile and it made me chuckle. Thanks!

Posted by: Michele at 12:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 75 words, total size 1 kb.

April 09, 2007

Musical Interlude - Hillsong

Yesterday I heard this beautiful song. I enjoyed it so much I decided to share it with you. It even stayed with me and comforted me after I received the news that my father had past on. I believe he's in a much better place. Being the oldest by a considerable margin, it falls on me to make the phone calls and help his current wife make arrangements, so I'm very busy. I'm okay though, sad but okay.

Just wanted to let you all know what's going on since I won't be posting for a few days. I have closed comments 'cause I'll be travelling and really don't want to deal w/a mountain of spam when I return. Sorry about that.

Posted by: Michele at 12:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 129 words, total size 1 kb.

April 02, 2007

Musical Mondays - Late Edition - Evanescence

Posted by: Michele at 11:53 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 14 words, total size 1 kb.

March 25, 2007

Musical Monday - An Upbeat positive song

Some weeks back I made a presentation before a couple hundred people that got a very good response. Colin wrote all about it here. A number of you asked I post the presentation, but at 12 min in length its just too long. I'm in the process of modifying it for my own personal use, so I will share it with you once I'm done. In the meantime, I'll leave you with one of the songs I used for that presentation entitled Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. The Lyrics are below the fold. Enjoy!


Posted by: Michele at 11:50 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 554 words, total size 3 kb.

March 19, 2007

Musical Monday

Update: During comment outages you can still post a comment at this site by going to the 3rd section on my sidebar entitled: Site Syndication & Resources clicking on the Cell/PDA Site and entering your interesting and witty comments there. Everyone will be able to see them. Feel free to have a comment party. Can you tell I'm jonesing for comments? Or to de-stress, why not listen to some music and then tell me if you loved it or hated it.

Portuguese is one of the 5 languages I understand & speak. If you ask me where I learned it I couldnÂ’t really tell you, because I was too young to remember. What I can tell you is when I returned 10 yrs ago to do volunteer work for a month in the Amazon region of Brazil, I was speaking Portuguese by the end of the first week.

It was then that I first heard the incredibly beautiful voice of Dulce Pontes. Last night as I lay in bed, the melody of Cancao de Mar / Song of the Sea, returned to haunt my sleep, as it does every so often when I think of my friends. I relate to the story she tells, that of the cruel sea snatching her loved ones away from her too soon.

My second favorite song is a duet she sings in Italian with Andrea Boccelli entitled O Mar e Tu / The Sea & You. The lyrics are so beautiful IÂ’ve translated them for you (my Italian is better than my Portuguese) in the extended entry.

Posted by: Michele at 12:21 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 459 words, total size 2 kb.

February 27, 2007

Musical Mondays - Muddy Waters, Nina Simone, B. B. King, John Lee Hooker & Otis Rush

Update 2: Because of Apple's desperate drive to rid the world of all things Microsoft, one pc at a time, I'm enduring a technical challenge that is greater than usual. I"ve called in a couple of noble Jedi Knights to do battle with these nepharious creatures, while Yoda and Obi-wan stand guard with me. Hopefully by tomorrow we'll emerge victorious. May the best creature win!

Update 1: Due to a technical glitch I'm not able to comment on 99% of sites, so I'm lurking. Yes, I'm a voyeur extraordinare! Hopefully I can spend some time with some apple experts and fix the issue by tonite. If things begin to look bad I'll resort to emailing. It's either that or reading some more on String Theory, so lets see which side of me wins: the humorous or the intellectual. You know what th Blues song says: You can't keep a Good woman down.

"Oh yes, he done gone and done me wrong baby!" It's all Q's fault. Q being the Quicktime/iTunes download that corrupted some of my registry files, forced itself on my poor virginal and unsuspecting laptop, without the opportunity of protest or a gasp. As a result, I'm now suffering from MAJOR technical ills and I'm unable to run the applets/plugins needed to comment on various blogging platforms, or to listen to my music or watch videos (damned iTunes), in order to bring you this week's musical selection. Lucky for me, I was able to visit this master digital spinner and lo and behold, he - like me, was feeling the blues! Different kinda blues, but blues nevertheless.

So go on over and have a listen to 2 of my favorite blues artists amongst the other greats. They are great for when your heart has been trodden upon. At his site you'll find:
Muddy Waters rousing the house with Mannish Boy, and
Nina Simone singing I Fell For You.

Thanks Daz'd. Hope you & your wife are feeling better!

Posted by: Michele at 12:01 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 362 words, total size 2 kb.

February 19, 2007

Musical Mondays - Adult Version

I usually get inspiration from other artists, in particular musicians. Burlap to Cashmere (B2C) is one group that I still wish would make it big onto the music scene. They're a local band that has played across the country, but has yet to break through onto the music scene. I first came across their music one night when I was walking past The Bitter End and was so enthralled by their music that I paid and went in to hear them play. I enjoyed every song they played. Later they announced they were going on tour as the opening act for Jars of Clay. I'm still hoping they'll produce more songs as I love their music. Below you'll find a video and links to a few of their songs on youtube.

The video is an acoustical version of B2C's Treasures in Heaven. This is one of my favorites. I hope you like it too.

Link to "Eileen's Song"
Link to "Basic Instructions"

Posted by: Michele at 11:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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