October 30, 2004

T-Minus 3 and Counting

I don’t know about you, but I find it ironic that P. Diddy’s latest voting campaign ad, “Vote or Die” was taken to new heights by Osama bin Laden yesterday. Not only is he taunting us to vote in his latest video, he threatens us with more acts of terror if we vote Bush back in office.

Hmmm, now let me get this straight, Osama – a well known terrorist, who yesterday admitted to being the mastermind and financier of the 9/11 attack which killed over 3,000, is threatening me with violence if I vote for Bush? Of course later he says that we will not be safe as a nation if we interfere with any Islamist nation, no matter who is president.

As any new yorker would say: “What is he… stupid!?” Does he think that I’m actually going to listen to what he has to say to me? Does he really think that I can threatened into changing my vote?

I just realized thatÂ’s the 3rd Islamist endorsement Kerry has received in the last 7 days. It seems that Kerry's sister Beth, was busier than I originally thought in getting ex-patriots and others oversease to campaign or vote for Kerry.

Posted by: Michele at 01:42 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 673 words, total size 4 kb.

October 29, 2004

My Favorite Munuvians

My cold is still dragging me about, but I am getting better ever so slowly. So for today's post I'm going to dispense with electoral rhetoric, political profiles, memes and conspiracy theories (not that I ever did any of that), in order to encourage you to read some truly talented people. May you delight your eyes (during my period of recovery) by visiting my favorite munuvians:

A Likely Story
Ambient Irony
Annika's Poetry & Journal
Anticipatory Retaliation
Blog Showcase (showcases new bloggers)
Hold The Mayo
The Jawa Report
The Llama Butchers
Ravings of a Corporate Mommy (a must read!)
Random Pensées (a must read!)
Rocket Jones (a must read!)
Simon World (a must read!)
Snooze Button Dreams
The Cheese Stands Alone
Willow Tree

Posted by: Michele at 01:05 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 212 words, total size 3 kb.

October 25, 2004

Down & KO'd

That's right, day 3 and my cold just knocked me out today. It took me 12 times before dialing the right number to call in sick to work this morning. Maybe it was the medicine I took. Normally when I'm sick I watch tv or surf or alternate between the 2. This time I did neither. Instead I alternated between sleeping and laying in bed, deciding whether I should eat regardless of not being hungry, and disregarding the old wives tale to "starve a cold". I comprimised. I drank a truck load of juice and nibbled on toast.

It's a good thing I don't have a fever, otherwise I'd say I have the flu. There have been enough flu cases in NYC to freak people out. Not me. If I get, I get.... if I don't, I don't. In the meantime, I'm just going to lay in bed till I'm better.

If you still need some entertainment, scroll down a bit past the autum picture and there you'll find links to my blog family. Try visiting them if you want some amusement! Ciao for now.

Posted by: Michele at 07:52 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 1 kb.

But can she cook?

In order to fight off a slight cold, I decided to stay home and rest up, choosing to seek my weekend entertainment and mental stimulation online. That's when I happen to come across Rammer's latest post entitled "Women's Work?" in which he brings to light a very sexist study.

The National Post, published an article yesterday on a recent study by scientists entitled "But can she cook? Women's education and housework productivity.”

The study “found that the greater a women's education, the lower her domestic productivity. In other words, a woman with a degree in engineering is likely to take more time to mop the floor than one who hasn't finished high school.”

I would I love to know what my blog sisters have to say about this!

Posted by: Michele at 05:50 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 23, 2004

I Love Autumn


Posted by: Michele at 12:24 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 6 words, total size 1 kb.

When in a political Funk...

The political atmosphere in NYC is horrible. Kerry supporters are attacking Bush supporters in public. There is a general air of incivility and confrontation everwhere I turn. Tolerance is non-existent. Every time I'm out of doors I see people wearing buttons with either "I Hate Bush", "Fire Bush", "Bush Lied"; well, the list of sayings goes on.

The only thing that's been helping me get through this week is quietly visiting my blog family. I say quietly because I'm managing my Carpal tunnel by not commenting or blogging too much.

So, when I'm in a funk I just pop in on my blog family, for a stress relief and a laugh. Okay, fair warning: some have stuff on their blogs that make me turn beet red and shock me a bit. But you know what, when I'm done reading I sometimes have laughed so hard that I forget all my troubles and I'm happy again. So here they are, starting with the my wonderful Blogfather, followed by my blog sisters and brothers:

Harvey of Bad Example
Alex in Wonderland
Boudicca's Voice (fave blog sis)
Closet Extremist
Drunken Wisdom
Jeff at Au fait
Lee Ann's View
Madfish Willie
Mike the Marine
One Happy Dog Speaks
Quality Weenie-Sis
Road Warrior Survival (fav blog sis)
Technicalities(another wonderful sis)
There's One, Only!
We Swear
Whimsy Capricious

Once my hands are better (from my CTS) they will be permanently on my blogroll, till then this loving post will have to do! My next and final blogroll will be those foreign blogs that I admire greatly, for their blogging prowess (how much quality stuff they produce) and their amazing insight and clarity in their posts and memes.

Enjoy your walk about!

Update: I noticed that I have an old list which does not include a blog sibling:
Class Mishaps
Sorry about that!

Posted by: Michele at 10:00 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 316 words, total size 3 kb.

October 22, 2004

Terrorists love Kerry

In a recent communiqué, the Ansar al-Sunnah Army in Iraq, wrote that “it increased the joy in [their] hearts that Kerry…has criticized President Bush for taking so long in making the decision [to place al-Zarqawi and his people on the global terror list].

It continues with: “The one who may become president of America is already struck with terror by our brothers…” (via Anitcipatory retaliation).

No doubt the terrorists love Kerry and find him an ideal candidate. They would be able to easily woo and make love to KerryÂ’s face as they negotiate, while committing all sorts of crimes against Iraqi civilians and American troops.

I guess they like Kerry's softer and more sensitive approach to terrorism.

Posted by: Michele at 08:26 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 112 words, total size 1 kb.

October 20, 2004

The Iraqi Perspective

For those of you who have wondered what the Iraqi perspective is on this war, please have them visit Iraqi blogger Alaa and urge them to read his open letter to Americans entitled "Listen America". This alone should educate, and hopefully silence the critics. Please forward this entry to those who are on the fence or misinformed about this war. It will help them learn the truth about this conflict from those that are living through it and are willing to sacrifice their lives for a taste of freedom.

I promise, you will not be disappointed. Thanks.

Posted by: Michele at 01:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 103 words, total size 1 kb.

October 19, 2004

The Right War...The Right Time

Yesterday, I got home and found my mailbox jammed packed with letters, and a note from my mailman that more that were waiting for me at the post office. I was stunned. As I flipped through the envelopes I saw that all the addresses were from soldiers in Iraq. I was overwhelmed with emotion and of course as I hurriedly read the first one in the elevator ride up to my apartment I nearly began to cry.

You see, I began writing and sending these brave men and women letters since they were first deployed. Most donÂ’t have time to write backas they work long days, in challenging environments that when they finally do get back to their bunks itÂ’s to take care of themselves and get ready for the next day. This company finally received a short assignment in Kuwait.

As a company, they decided to write back to thank me for the care boxes I've sent them this past year. Each letter touched my heart in a special way. I for one donÂ’t take their service lightly, being the direct recipient of their efforts. So, I decided to share a portion of a letter, from the leader of their company, whom I will refer to as Major Ken. I think he sums up eloquently why this is the right war at the right time!

Dear Michele...

We are here in Iraq for a one-year tour and the time is flying past. There are so many good things happening and as I write this letter the interim government is preparing to meet tomorrow morning to begin preparation for the upcoming elections. I am grateful to be a part of the process and after being here last year IÂ’ve seen a dramatic change in the country already.

Although this is my second deployment, my time here this year continues to be rewarding and challenging. The soldiers are working very hard daily to give the interim government a chance to get started.

It is hard to give you a glimpse of what a day looks like for the average soldier. Of course every soldier gets food and we are eating well. The heat is a challenge, but the biggest struggle is being away from those we love and away from the freedoms we have grown to take for granted while in America. Each day soldiers put their lives on the line to make a difference here, so that freedom can be won for the people in Iraq. A freedom that other nations neighboring Iraq fear, because then their citizens will be inspired and emboldened, also calling for freedom. It is a great mission, but one that is difficult to see when your out fighting on the streets of Baghdad. Unlike what is reported in the media, our fighting with the enemy is rare or infrequent. The enemies of freedom donÂ’t want to face us directly so they leave explosives on the roads to detonate as our vehicles pass by, killing soldiers and innocent civilians in the process.

Your packages, prayers and letters of encouragement continue to make a difference in our everyday lives. I have shared with my soldiers your letters, which have inspired them to write to you directly. Whether you realize it or not, your prayers, letters and gifts of kindness have gone a long way toward helping Iraq become a free nation. Please continue to pray for these great troops, as their spirit is fortified with your prayers.

Today I visited one young soldier in the hospital that just lost his arm to a grenade last night. He was positive, upbeat, and grateful just to be alive. His attitude was contagious and that thankfulness just permeated the room where he was seated. IÂ’ve experienced the resiliency of the American soldier on so many occasions since my arrival that you as American can be truly proud of your nationÂ’s soldiers. Thanks for your continued prayers and I hope you can visit us at Fort Hood, Texas, so we can thank you in person, and also let you experience the proud tradition of the First Team someday.

Maj. Ken

Posted by: Michele at 08:40 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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October 16, 2004

The Great Pumpkin

Central Park is hosting today, the largest tag sale in history to benefit NYC public schools. If youÂ’re in town, stop by and expect to get bargains galore! I unfortunately won't be there. Instead I'll be going to a pumpkin festival where my 5 year old son and I will be auditioning pumpkins for the position of Jack OÂ’Lantern.

Last week, as we shopped in Union Square’s farmers market, he began to knock on pumpkins and say to them “Jack, are you in there?” After placing his ear to the pumpkin he’d knock on them again saying, “Jack, are you in there?” staring intently into the pumpkin. I smiled as I tried to figure out what on earth he was doing. Those around us chuckled and laughed quietly.

After talking to him I pieced togther what he was doing. Apparently his teacher had explained to them how to pick a good Jack OÂ’Lantern pumpkin and somehow he interpreted that to think that the knocking would wake up a dormant Jack and coax him into talking back to him. Well, Jack never answered him last week, so this week weÂ’re determined to find one that will. Even if mommy has to throw her voice and attempt to be a ventriloquist. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Posted by: Michele at 10:51 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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On Things Electoral

With the DNC and Pres. Jimmy Carter, demanding that foreign observers be dispatched to our polls on election day, citing the 1965 Voting Rights Act; and with the Justice Dept. sending over 1000 election monitors nationwide, I expect November 3rd to be a contentious day in America, thanks to the unresolved issues over provisional ballots and computerized voting. I took a look at provisional voting earlier in the week, here are some news articles that discuss the issues surrounding these machines: FoxNews, Christian Science Monitor,

What do you envision on Nov. 3rd?

Posted by: Michele at 10:32 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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On Health Concerns

The Commissioner for the NYC Health Dept said yesterday that the Federal Government was to blame for this flu vaccine disaster. He said more, but I wasnÂ’t willing to listen beyond this point as this alone made me angry. No blame was placed on Chiron or the decision of US drug companies to get out of the vaccine market years ago due to the federal constraints and interference.

Never mind that British officials were warning for almost a year now, that they might have to shut down Chiron, the 2nd largest flu vaccine maker in the world, for health and manufacturing violations. I get angry with this commissioner for laying blame elsewhere, when in this crisis could have been managed more effectively and with a more positive spin.

Instead of blaming George Bush, why not take responsibility for your failure to plan and find other alternatives, like educating the public to the flu mist option and urging people to observe safe health practices before and when they do get sick. Instead, they are creating panic and fear, which has caused dangerous situations in NY, Georgia and Florida. Of course, the media is doing a great job at helping to create panic and fear instead of disemminating good information. So I raise my coffee mug in salute to the harbingers of doom.

To get a different perspective on drug companies visit Laughing Wolf and read his post "On Merck, Drugs, and Medicine.

Posted by: Michele at 10:12 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 247 words, total size 2 kb.

October 14, 2004

The kindness of strangers

I am always awed by the kindness of strangers. Living in New York leaves people with very little personal time, which in turn means there's very little time for you to be extraordinarily kind to anyone else. So when someone spends time and goes out of there way to do something kind I'm always floored. Sometimes I even get choked up.

That's what happened when I read the comments in my I need feedback post. I saw that Jeff Harrell of The Shape of Days had generously given of his time and talent to modify my favorite photo of Ground Zero (see below). He nearly brought me to tears.

When I stopped by his site to thank him, and saw his entry of 'why he blogs', I understood his generosity.

tower lights.jpe

Jeff, for your talent and your kindness, THANK YOU! Now if you agree, go visit him!

Posted by: Michele at 03:18 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Bush wins today's Hip-Hop Debate

Bush and Kerry endured a fierce battle today, Hip-Hop style. To see a replay of the action and the debate results view this mini-clip. Once you've seen all their moves, you too can VOTE for your favorite candidate and make it a decisive victory!

Posted by: Michele at 03:15 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 54 words, total size 1 kb.

October 13, 2004

I need feedback

A month ago I saw the picture below taken by a spanish journalist/blogger who was in NYC on Sept. 11th and went to pay his respects at Ground Zero. He took this picture which I love and asked if I could have a copy to add the image to my site. I still love the image and use it as my screen saver at work. However, I'm now wondering if it just might be too dark to have it on the top position in the upper right corner of my blog.

tower lights.JPG

What do you think?

Posted by: Michele at 12:19 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 101 words, total size 1 kb.

October 11, 2004

Provisional Ballots - the hanging chads of 2004

UPDATED 10-12-04 at 10:12pm: I have provided 8 new source links on this post to show the seriousness of the situation. In visiting a reader's site, The Cassandra Page, I also came across this link to a Powerline post that talks about a reently uncovered voter fraud scheme in Wisonsin, relating to provisional ballots.

As if the 2000 elections were not bizarre enough, and the current political condition not tense or divisive enough, along come provisional ballots. What’s that you ask, “what are provisional ballots?” Well they are nothing more and nothing less than paper “ballots [made available to] voters if they cannot be found on registration lists, are in the wrong polling place or don't have proper identification but insist they are eligible to vote. Those people will be given "provisional" ballots that will be kept separate from others until their eligibility can be confirmed.”

Now lets see, if theyÂ’re at the wrong polling place, doesn't that mean that someone will check with the correct polling place that they didnÂ’t already vote there before counting it here? Funny, I made sure I was able to vote and check my polling place online. I also checked what documentation I will need to present in order to vote. Of course the democratic party here has also sent me voting information on my polling place. That was nice of them, donÂ’t you think? more...

Posted by: Michele at 01:41 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 520 words, total size 4 kb.

October 10, 2004

Election results

No, I've not lost my marbles. I simply want to jump for joy over the Australian elections, which is a very important event. John Howard has won his 4th Consecutive election, and picked up 85 seats for the Coalition, to retain his position as Prime Minister of Australia.

Pixy of Ambient Irony, gave a detailed description or breakdown of how things stand per region. These elections were important because John Howard, is a strong supporter and an important member of the Coalition of the Willing in the Iraqi war. For some thoughts on what this means to Americans, visit Nicole at Potomac Ponderings.

Now, only one election remains for this year, ours. Let me say that from walking around NYC this weekend things do not look well for Bush in NY. Yes, despite having a Republican mayor and governor, the Democratic machine and celebrities have been out in full force these past 2 weeks.

Posted by: Michele at 11:48 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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First Taste of Freedom

It was wonderful to see liberation and democracy in action today. Millions of women, who were previously living in the shadows of fear and oppression, were given their voices back.

voterNred.jpg(photo: AP - click to enlarge)

It is a first step in their long journey to freedom.

boxes3.jpg(photo: Reuters- click to enlarge)

To see more pictures and read accounts from those that are their at the polls, visit Sgt Hook and Yahoo News.

Posted by: Michele at 09:35 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 09, 2004

For Tuning Spork

In an effort to help a fellow munuvian and poet, Tuning Spork of Blather Review to find the perfect picture to accompany his poem on his 9/30/04 post. I am posting it here as I don't have his email address.

asian girl.jpg(click to enlarge)

I had a tough week at the office so this weekend I'm spending it outdoors doing fun physical things to relieve the stress. Don't know if I'll post, I hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for visiting.

Posted by: Michele at 10:08 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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October 08, 2004

Terror Alert for 8 US Schools

Three major news organizations (CBS, CNN and ABC) have reported that floor and security plans for 8 schools were seized in a recent raid from an insurgent in Iraq. Two of these organizations, CBS and ABC-NY, had originally broadcast the story as 6 schools, they have since issued corrections that indicate it's 8 schools in 6 states.

ABC news has some details of this story online.

Posted by: Michele at 12:03 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

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