October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
I hope all of you enjoy your day. I've been home all weekend with my little pumpkin (that's one of my pet names for him) who has flu symptoms as a result of getting his annual flu shot. Because of his fever and runny nose he's staying home with me today.
So in the spirit of the season I've made some regular sour dough bread, some pumpkin sweet bread, a pumpkin pie, some delicious twice baked apples and later today I'll be making my favorite - caramel apples.
Hope it's a fun day for all of you!
Posted by: Michele at
10:10 AM
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Hope your little punk'in gets better soon. Sending sweet thoughts his way!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 31, 2005 11:55 AM (6Gm0j)
With all those homemade goodies around, he'll be feeling better in no time!
Posted by: Ted at October 31, 2005 12:18 PM (blNMI)
Happy Halloween to you and your pumpkin... hope he's feeling better quickly. I'll take some pumpkin pie please... and I'll leave all the caramel apples for you. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa at October 31, 2005 02:55 PM (FZwDL)
Posted by: _Jon at October 31, 2005 05:04 PM (/R7YK)
If only I had addresses I'd send you guys some goodies!
Posted by: michele at October 31, 2005 05:18 PM (ht2RK)
Hope he feels better real soon!
Posted by: RP at November 01, 2005 11:11 AM (LlPKh)
and that is why I never get flu shots.
I hope you had a good Halloween!
Posted by: Contagion at November 02, 2005 09:09 AM (Q5WxB)
*ding dong*
Trick or Treat!
*holds out bag*
Posted by: Harvey at November 02, 2005 10:00 AM (ubhj8)
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October 27, 2005
The US & Israel "Must Be Wiped Out”
Statements like these from Iran's Interior Ministry, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad don't surprise me in the least. Does it surprise you?
This didn't surprise because they have disregarded all nuclear proliferation regulations and rejected repeated EU & UN requests for meetings to negotiate their proliferation. As per their Minister it is Iran's way of showing the western world and their Asian neighbors to the East they are a true islamic fundamentalist regime that the world will have to reckon with sooner or later (their statements not mine).
So it also not surprising to me that
they are harboring 25 top Al Qaeda operatives and Bin Laden's sons? Is it surprising to you?
Posted by: Michele at
01:25 PM
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when you have a little kid jump up on your lap and you think you're gonna be all helpful and take his requests for xmas gifts and, instead, all he does is piss all over your pants, nothing will ever surprise you again.'
so, no, i aint surprised at all...
heh heh heh
Posted by: SantaHelpful at October 28, 2005 12:24 AM (U28kD)
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October 26, 2005
A Bold Declaration
A few days ago
Harvey, my blog dad, posted
my all time favorite poem, which was written by Elizabeth Barrett-Browning before she was married. Thanks Harvey, for continuing to publish your wonderful love notes to your wife!
A little known fact about Elizabeth's life, is that Robert Browning, having read her poem -Lady Geraldine's Courtship- finally acknowledged his romantic feelings for her (though they had never met) and penned this beautiful letter to her which I've posted below. Over there 20 month courtship they exchanged nearly 600 letters. I know this probably wouldn't happen today, as her slightly deformed body would be enough to turn off any modern man. Still, I reprint it here because frankly, I'm a sucker and believer in old-fashioned romance, where inner beauty is more highly valued than external beauty.
January 10th, 1845
New Cross, Hatcham, Surrey
I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrett, -- and this is no off-hand complimentary letter that I shall write, --whatever else, no prompt matter-of-course recognition of your genius and there a graceful and natural end of the thing: since the day last week when I first read your poems, I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me -- for in the first flush of delight I though I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment, when I do really enjoy, and thoroughly justify my admiration -- perhaps even, as a loyal fellow-craftsman should, try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of herafter! -- but nothing comes of it.
all -- so into me has it gone, and part of me has it become, this great living poetry of yours, not a flower of which but took root and grew ... oh, how different that is from lying to be dried and pressed flat and prized highly and put in a book with a proper account at bottom, and shut up and put away ... and the book called a 'Flora', besides! After all, I need not give up the thought of doing that, too, in time; because even now, talking with whoever is worthy, I can give reason for my faith in one and another excellence, the fresh strange music, the affluent language, the exquisite pathos and true new brave thought -- but in this addressing myself to you, your own self, and for the first time, my feeling rises altogher. I do, as I say, love these Books with all my heart -- and I love you too: do you know I was once seeing you? Mr. Kenyon said to me one morning "would you like to see Miss Barrett?" -- then he went to announce me, -- then he returned ... you were too unwell -- and now it is years ago -- and I feel as at some untorward passage in my travels -- as if I had been close, so close, to some world's-wonder in chapel on crypt, ... only a screen to push and I might have entered -- but there was some slight ... so it now seems ... slight and just-sufficient bar to admission, and the half-opened door shut, and I went home my thousands of miles, and the sight was never to be!
Well, these Poems were to be -- and this true thankful joy and pride with which I feel myself.
Yours ever faithfully,
Robert Browning
Posted by: Michele at
09:33 PM
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A good poem'll do that to ya :-)
A note on the EBB poem that I posted.
I was in the Navy, and had been dating TNT for about 18 months. I invited her to come to California to spend Christmas with me.
While she was there, I memorized that poem and recited it for her.
TO her, actually.
She was impressed.
Posted by: Harvey at October 27, 2005 05:11 PM (ubhj8)
I'm impressed too. So far you're the most romantic living man I know.
I hope TNT knows how lucky she is!
Posted by: michele at October 27, 2005 05:54 PM (y9UuV)
Speaking as someone who went to school there, I must say it's fascinating to see that New Cross used to be in Surrey. Surrey's miles away from New Cross these days.
Posted by: Squander Two at October 30, 2005 08:38 PM (Witmn)
I think she knows. If her office full of female co-workers is anything like the women I worked with at the bank, I'm sure she's heard a lot of tales of woe about how unromantic and thoughtless husbands tend to be :-)
Posted by: Harvey at November 02, 2005 10:02 AM (ubhj8)
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October 25, 2005
Extreme Housework?
post is dedicated to
Bou, because I couldn't stop smiling, laughing, and thinking of her when I saw this picture. Here are some enthusiastic people that will gladly take at least one chore off your hands.
Posted by: Michele at
12:51 PM
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Posted by: _Jon at October 25, 2005 07:01 PM (/R7YK)
_Jon: It's the thing my wife uses to make sure my shirts aren't wrinkled...
It's also the thing I used to heat sandwiches while I was in college.
Posted by: Contagion at October 26, 2005 08:59 AM (Q5WxB)
Oh, *any* monkey can iron one shirt while dangling from a cliff, but it takes real dedication to iron twenty of them while standing in the basement. Light on the starch, please.
Posted by: Victor at October 26, 2005 09:11 AM (L3qPK)
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October 24, 2005
Waiting for Bou
Bou is sitting
in the middle of the storm listening as the tiles on her roof are getting torn off one by one by the wind and rain; and I can't help but sit here at work worrying about her. I know the sounds, the smells and what the fluctuation in barometric pressure feels like all too intimately as you ride out a hurricane. All I can do is sit and pray for all Floridians. So I pray for all to be well, for there to be minimal damage, and for life as they know it to return to normal fairly quickly. Bou, I'm sending hugs and many positive thoughts your way!
Posted by: Michele at
08:00 AM
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You know... I've been doing this my whole life now... both typhoons and hurricanes and I have to say, I'm really over it. Really. Truly.
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. It is in my mind, inevitable that the big one will come. That will be the moment of truth... that will show us all what we're really made of.
Posted by: Bou at October 31, 2005 10:10 PM (5JHEt)
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What do you get a man
Mr. Helpful!
A pictorial poem on your Birthday (entirely work safe)!
What do you get a man
that has everything he possibly needs
who shares knowledge by the planting of seeds
has been on cruise ships and plenty of planes
has travelled in automobiles and a number of trains
of great possessions he has quite a few,
though none so precious as his lovely two.
So what do you get a man like this?
At first I thought of a sweet sexy pair just for you,
to sweeten your day and keep away the blues.
Next it was soft special skin that is firm to the touch
but being a woman I thought it too much
so instead, my dear friend without further ado
here is your present, and it's all just for you!
Update: I see I'm not the only one who appreciates the old man's helpful bits.
Posted by: Michele at
12:01 AM
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aww thanks michele...that was very sweet of you.
i think you and the zonkster are the only ones left in the blog-o-sphere who appreciate my...er..helpfullness...ive pretty much pissed off everyone else....
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 25, 2005 01:56 AM (U28kD)
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October 23, 2005
A Big Hello Texas Style
Below is a letter I received from my displaced NOLA friend.
Dear Michele:
I went to the State Fair of Texas, as I told you, and here is what I did and saw:
1. Cowboy Troy - Dallas Fort Worth's own country rap artist - you just knew it had to happen, didn't you, that someone would combine those genres? He was really very good.
Yaay, Cowboy Troy!
2. Pig Race - Hosted by Pork Boy Elroy - wonder if he is related to Cowboy Troy? Three races of four piglets each - it was so popular they had to turn people away. They lure the pigs with a cookie to get them to run around the track. One tried to make a break for it, and they lured him back - he fell for it, then squealed and squealed when they picked him up and put him back in the pen. He seemed to be saying, oh, curses I almost had it, and foiled by my appetites again.
3. Livestock Barns - These could be found without visual cue, if you know what I mean. My Ugg's may never be the same - ugh. But I saw the largest pig in the state of Texas - the size of a sofa, I kid you not, tumped over on his side, snoring away - beautiful velvety black cows, mules, horses, very loud and obnoxious sheep - BAAAAAHHHH - , weird little goats, and a miniature donkey that hated humans so much he SCREAMED a hee-haw whenever someone came near his pen, which was about every thirty seconds. Wow. It was more like a monkey cage in there. Eee, eee, EEE!!! I had the chance to pet another small burro, but said no thanks, based on the example of the hysterical one. Yes, it was small and seemed placid, but it, too, had hooves. And teeth.
4. Elvis - The fair would not be complete without the King, and he was present in a collection of his personal memorabilia - which was extremely fascinating: his crushed red velvet bedspread from Graceland, his draft notice, his Love Me Tender necklace that he gave to his Grandmother Minnie Mae, etc. - and also as a butter sculpture. Yes, sculpted in butter. That was really, really funny.
Posted by: Michele at
06:53 PM
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And to think I almost went to the Texas State Fair while I as down there... Damn, I missed it!
Posted by: Contagion at October 24, 2005 05:33 PM (Q5WxB)
Cowboy Troy is great!
A 6'4" Black, country rapper is how he describes himself.
Posted by: Machelle at October 25, 2005 08:32 AM (ZAyoW)
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October 21, 2005
Long Stressful Day/Week
My week has been filled with early appointments for preliminary interviews, networking breakfasts, lots of work deadlines, dealing with my son's school and navigating the issues of my new work duties. Today started with a 7:30am meeting with the head guidance counselor of my sonÂ’s school, and a few other individuals. My sonÂ’s teacher has been having a bit of a challenging time with my son adjusting to his new school environment. She was so dissatisfied with his independent and sometimes willful spirit that IÂ’ve been called to the school twice since September. On my 3rd visit this past Tuesday, she insisted so much there had to be something wrong with him, that I finally relented and agreed to have my son tested for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
I did manage to get him tested by a private Dr. recommended by our pediatrician, rather than by their staff. Hey, this is my son theyÂ’re talking about, if heÂ’s going to get labeled from now to high school I want to be the one to choose who labels him and who gets access to his medical information.
Well, having arranged for the results to be communicated to all of us via teleconference (through my Treo plugged into a regular speaker), the Dr. informed us that my son didn’t have ADD (music to my ears) and was simply bored, unchallenged and frustrated by the school environment where he’s “made to sit for hours on end” (my son’s words not the doc's). According to the Doctor, he’s a very bright and advanced student whose knowledge base is that of a 3rd grader, who happens to be in 1st grade. The guidance counselor said he suspected as much because my son has been getting 95/100’s in all his tests (he gets 5pts off for forgetting to write his name on the tests). It seems to him the conflict here is the teacher’s rigidity for not allowing them to move freely about the classroom during various points of the day. [No kidding!] Anyway, we discussed possible solutions we (me, his teacher and the support team) could implement and I set up a timetable for them to be impemented systematically and not all at once (so we could measure the success of each), then we set up a follow up date for next month to check on my son’s progress. Sigh! I’m so glad I waited till I was much older to have a child!
The rest of my day was spent in having my “field demotion” and possible exit, addressed by the appropriate individuals within my firm. The first meeting took place at 8:30am with my department head. He was so upset when he learned of the situation that he immediately went up the ladder with the info. To my surprise, by 3:30pm the matter went all the way to the division head. I chose this week to address the issue because next Wednesday is our deadline for everyone’s performance and compensation review to be submitted to HR. Unbeknownst to me, she is well known for her intransigence, belligerence, and inflexibility. Man she had me fooled!
So I accomplished 3 things by bringing this to light:
1) to have her input on my review minimized or neutralized by the truth of the situation, giving me the opportunity to possibly remain or to have plenty of time to move on to something better;
2) it provides those who are reviewing “her/my boss” with the proof that she’s still "not able to play well with others".
3) it helped me see that there's nothing wrong with me as she's been trying to make me believe, because the high turnover rate indicates differently.
My last meeting of the day was an impromptu one. The head of the dept asked that I accompany him to take a tour of our possible new work space. Well, I went, I saw, and I liked! Ohhhh, itÂ’s sooooo prettyÂ… cream and black marble walls and floors with beech wood trim! I would still have a cube, but this one would be a much, much bigger one. One in which my chair doesn't hit the wall when I move my chair back to get out of my seat.
Since I didn’t think the men in my group wanted to hear the word “pretty” associated with the space they’ll be spending 8+ hrs a day in, I instead used lots of big positive real estate terms with adjectives that men love to hear like: big, strong, bold, and impressive! At this last one my boss perked up, smiled wide, turned to the Property Manager and said: “Great! We’ll take it!” And thus, a deal was consummated.
Posted by: Michele at
11:57 PM
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Sounds like great news all around: you've got a smart kid, your contributions are being recognized at work and you're getting a bigger/better work environment. Congrats!
Posted by: zonker at October 22, 2005 03:16 PM (/y7q3)
Michelle, it sounds as if things are going better, given the circumstances. One thing I'm confused about, tho...when you wrote, "...she is well known for her intransigence...," who does the
she refer to? The division head mentioned in a previous sentence, or the pain-in-the-neck analyst who is the cause of so much grief?
Posted by: Victor at October 22, 2005 03:30 PM (l+W8Z)
I am so happy to hear about your son. That is great! Oh, and your work is good news as well.
Posted by: vw bug at October 22, 2005 04:59 PM (flzGe)
You manage to keep an even keel when things get rough. Way to go, kiddo!
Posted by: Ted at October 22, 2005 09:00 PM (+OVgL)
Posted by: _Jon at October 22, 2005 09:47 PM (/R7YK)
Yeah Team!!! Good news, good news.
Posted by: Bou at October 22, 2005 10:22 PM (5JHEt)
"simply bored, unchallenged and frustrated by the school environment where heÂ’s "made to sit for hours on end"
I know that feeling. Went through the same thing myself as a kid.
The school's solution was to send me to one of the higher-grade classrooms during Reading classes. It helped.
Posted by: Harvey at October 22, 2005 11:37 PM (ubhj8)
Yes excellent news about your son....terrific news for sure.
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at October 22, 2005 11:44 PM (1XnJ1)
Excellent news all around! Thanks for sharing it, and good thoughts will continue to head your way.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf at October 23, 2005 04:46 PM (5cMH5)
Great news! It is good to be assured that the problem is with her and not you isn't it? See all those blogosphere good thoughts your way are working!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 24, 2005 10:34 AM (6Gm0j)
So much good news packed into one post! I'm glad about your son and glad that you were able to stand up to what for some would be a lot of pressure from a school.
Posted by: RP at October 28, 2005 02:04 PM (LlPKh)
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October 20, 2005
Wishing I were you!
Though I have recently been picking on my
newest bestest blog buddy (he truly is a sight for sore eyes isn't he?), I have to now confess that the reason I've been doing so is because I'm truly jelous of him.
Yep, I must "cop to the fact" (as they say in NY - blame
RedNeck for his influence on me using slang in my posts) that I'm envious of Z's entire life. Not that I'd like to be a guy mind you, but I just wish I had his job. I think his job would be perfect for me because I prefer to be ignored rather than getting yelled at for stuff I didn't do. I wish I could live 10 min from work and in a pretty area with a pool, like he does, so I could go swimming every morning and evening to work off the stress from work. And although I love my son with all my heart, there are times that I wish I had the footloose and fancy free lifestyle (read as NO RESPONSIBILITIES) that I used to have years ago, and that he's enjoying now! SIGH.
So, dear Zonker, my verbal/pictorial swipes at you and my being
a bagel tease are simply those of one who wishes I could be you every blue moon. Like when you go to visit
Eric in a few weeks, and meet up with my family... or when you go to listen to Buddy Guy next month in Fla., which I used to do at the drop of a hat. All my friends would have to do is call me up and say "Road Trip" and off I went. Sigh, I miss those days.
So, when you're on the road to these places, please know that I will be with you in spirit, with my feet up on the dashboard, singing to the tunes on your player, annoying the living hell out of you! : )
Posted by: Michele at
09:47 AM
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and you left out the most important part, michele, which is zonker gets all the babes too!!
heh heh heh...
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 20, 2005 12:20 PM (U28kD)
either way, dude, you get all the babes. which is a helluva lot better than NOT getting all the babes, wouldnt ya say?
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 20, 2005 04:48 PM (U28kD)
Well, okay...so I've got these claws and these teeth. Now, how do I kill the bunny?
Posted by: zonker at October 21, 2005 12:03 AM (/y7q3)
you're like this big bear, man, you're money and you dont even know it!!!
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 21, 2005 01:32 AM (U28kD)
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October 19, 2005
H E L P!
I need somebodyÂ… Help! not just anybodyÂ… I NEED YOU!
When I was younger, so much younger than todayÂ… my parents bought me awful presents & still do it to this day!
ThereÂ’s only one way to save me from receiving torturous gifts like the kind Eric has received; and that is to give my family a detailed list of what I really want for Christmas. ThatÂ’s where you, my dear reader, come in.
HereÂ’s how you can help me have a wonderful Christmas!!!! PLEASE TELL me, if you were stranded on an island with only a cd player and/or a dvd player, which music cdÂ’s or movies would you want to have with you and why. I'll take every last one of your suggestions and will put it on my Xmas Wish List and will see what shows up under my tree Christmas morning!
I need you guys to suggest your choices in the comments ASAP as my family is going Christmas shopping for me this weekend and need my selections in their hands by tomorrow night. YIKES!
So please, PLEASE help meÂ… donÂ’t let me suffer the same cruel fate that Eric has fallen victim to!
Posted by: Michele at
12:00 PM
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Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.
.. heh heh... you poor girl...
... here are a few CDs that'll get your creative juices flowing...
Tom Waits - Small Change
Tom Waits - Raindogs
... both CDs are brilliant...
Posted by: Eric at October 19, 2005 12:18 PM (uHA2j)
(can't make href work...)
CD: U2's Rattle & Hum
DVD: City of Angels (w/ N. Cage)
CD: Sountrack: City of Angels (U2, Alannis, Jimi...)
CD: Bob Seger - Live Bullet
DVD: Bourne Identity & Bourne Supremecy
DVD: Top Gun
CD: Soundtrack: Top Gun
DVD Set: Family Guy
Posted by: _Jon at October 19, 2005 01:25 PM (ewFgD)
Hmmm... with moving I haven't watched anything lately - haven't listened to much music either. So FWIW...
music - I'll only give this rec
Toby Keith - Greatest Hits Vol 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean
Rush Hour (Jackie Chan)
The Fifth Element
Galaxy Quest
Casablanca or The Big Sleep
The Thin Man (the series of all the movies is out as a set!)
The Incredibles
No I don't have any new ones to suggest... oh well. Hope you get great gifts!
Posted by: Teresa at October 19, 2005 01:48 PM (FZwDL)
First season of LOST on DVD
Rocky Horror Picture Show

(for kicks)
Soundtrack for the Commitments
How about tickets for movies, you can go with your kid.
Oh, and a portable dvd player, why not?
Posted by: oddybobo at October 19, 2005 01:48 PM (6Gm0j)
The movie tickets suggestion was of course should you not be stranded on an Island and need ideas for gifts . . .
Posted by: oddybobo at October 19, 2005 01:49 PM (6Gm0j)
James Bond... Particularly with Pierce in them. I can't remember the names off hand. The Lord of the Rings set, the Harry Potter set, and I'm sure there are more, but I have to stop Tot from smearing pb and j every where!
Posted by: vw bug at October 19, 2005 02:12 PM (MNp8q)
CDs: Anything by The Who, but especially Quadrophenia.
DVD: Are you sure? I like Joe Don Baker and zombie movies and they are definitely an acquired taste. I like some classy movies, though:
Sunset Boulevard
Citizen Kane
The African Queen
The Caine Mutiny
The Manchurian Candidate (the original with Frank Sinatra)
Any James Bond with Sean Connery
DVD set: The Prisoner
Oh, ok, one zombie movie: Night of the Living Dead
Posted by: Victor at October 19, 2005 02:45 PM (L3qPK)
The Sophtware Slump--Grandaddy
Nothing But A Burning Light--Bruce Cockburn
Live At The Tower (1984)--David Bowie
Doughboy Hollow--Died Pretty
The Last Broadcast--Doves
A Man Called E--E
Switch--Golden Earring
Son Of Schmilsson--Harry Nilsson
Haughty Melodic--Mike Doughty
Rhythm Of The Saints--Paul Simon
Peter Gabriel(3)--Peter Gabriel
Amused To Death--Roger Waters
Kimono My House--Sparks
We Get There When We Do--Suddenly Tammy
*Scorcerer (a totally unknown gem directed by William Freidkin)
*Rustler's Rhapsody (starring a very young tom berenger)
*The Player (director--Robert Altman)
*Sorry, Wrong Number (starring Barbara Stanwyck)
*Thief (James Caan's second best role after The Godfather, directed by a young Michael Mann)
as you can probably tell, ive tried to skirt the mainstream with these suggestions...heh heh heh
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 19, 2005 08:25 PM (U28kD)
Earth, Wind & Fire - That's the Way of the World
Earth, Wind & Fire - Spirit
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life
ZZ Top - Deguello
Glenn Miller - Greatest Hits
Johnny Cash - Live at San Quentin
Movies... hmmmm... how's about a pair with John Goodman?
King Ralph
Posted by: Ted at October 19, 2005 09:17 PM (+OVgL)
DVD - Can't believe you people forgot "Princess Bride". Most quotable movie EVER.
And seconding Family Guy.
Don't forget Firefly. 15 VERY re-watchable episodes.
Posted by: Harvey at October 20, 2005 03:57 PM (ubhj8)
Well, I can't believe no one suggested Monty Python!!!!
I included him on my list!
Thank you all for playing and just so y'all know... I wrote down every last suggestion
my post on christmas day will be whether or not I'm happily surprised or if christmas once again bites the dust! so that for
Posted by: Michele at October 20, 2005 05:00 PM (FJ2Bh)
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October 18, 2005
After sitting silently watching the moon cross the sky for hours, she finally turns and absentmindedly shifts her gaze back to the blank computer screen before her. “Where are you? Where have you gone?” She whispers sweetly into the air, sighing a deep wistful sigh full of longing. She turns to look out the window once again.
“You know I’ve not gone far. In fact, I’ve been nearby all along. It’s you who’s been so busy and so preoccupied that you’ve left me out in the cold with no room for me.”
“That’s not true! I sit here every night hoping you’ll visit, waiting for a word from you that will fill my soul, and what do I get? Nothing… silence.” She paused and took a few deep breaths to gather her courage. Courage that would finally let her speak the truth and shatter the fragile icy lies between them, “We’ve become estranged you and I. It used to be that the sound of your whisper at my ear would inspire my soul to write sublime poetry. It used to be, that I would wake up from a deep sleep with a big smile and an impassioned soul that could fill a thousand pages in my diary. And in those moments, I would have complete songs or poems emerge from me, all inspired by my dreams and thoughts of you. But that’s no more... you’ve slowly taken it all away from me with each absence."
“But I’m here now. Doesn’t that count?”
“Yes, you’re here, but you’re not giving me anything I can hold onto or believe in. Yes, you’re here now, but in a sense you’re not, because you keep looking at your watch and fidgeting, hoping this conversation will end soon so you can be gone once again.”
“I never promised you anything… I never said I’d stay. I…”
“I never asked for anything either. It was you who came back into my life, insisting on being a part of it. It was you who sweetly worked your magic into my heart and mind, with your tender "baby's and sweatheart's" sweeping me off my feet and filling my soul with passion for months on end. You were always there, never leaving my side. Now you're almost never there and each time you leave you stay away longer, leaving me empty, barren, a wasteland... leaving me wanting you all the more with each absence. I wish you had never come back!”
“You don’t really mean that… do you?”
“Do you remember your first words to me? [He shrugs his shoulders and drops his head down to stare at the floor.] You quoted William Stafford to me: "I am your own way of looking at things …When you allow me to live with you, every glance at the world around you will be a sort of salvation" and then you took my hand, gazed deeply into my eyes and placed my hand on your heart. You stared intensely for a long time, long enough to possess my heart and fill my soul. Each day with you was a new affirmation of my limitless possibilites. Then one morning, after months of living in such bliss and spiritual union… after there was such a true deep connection between us... a connection where I could sense your thoughts though you were miles away... one morning I woke up to find you gone… without a word, without so much as a goodbye.”
“It seems to me that you want more from me than I’m able to give you. I’m only your muse, and you need to remember that. And you knew all along that I don't live for just one person, I live and eed to be shared amongst many in order to live and thrive. You knew I exist only when I'm back in the world exploring, and you refused to do that. You refused to let me exist outside your small little world. If you want someone to blame, then blame your fears for keeping me hidden, apart and secluded from the world and the people I love. If there’s any blame to go around then you are to blame for fearing those around me, would love me more than you.”
“Bastard! Had I known I was to share you I would have never let you into my life!”
“Well, until you accept that about me, I won’t be able to stay or make you happy. I’m really sorry that it has to be this way, but that’s the way things are with me. It’s not personal, you understand… it’s just the way I came to be."
Angrily grabbing the open notebook on her desk, she proceeds to tear the pages inside. “Know this, you bastard… I... don’t… need… you! I was fine before I met you, and I’ll be fine once again when you’re gone.” Throws the notebook across the room and into the trash bin.
And with that he was gone. She turned to stare out the window once again, trying hard to stifle her sobs, as she realized she will never experience the passion they once shared.
Posted by: Michele at
12:04 AM
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Maybe he was pining for the fjords?
Posted by: Ted at October 18, 2005 11:35 AM (blNMI)
... From the street below, she heard a clucking sound. She peered out, fearing he would be there - and he was. He was looking up at her, shaking his head. Softly, he said; "But you know I'm not unique. I have .... teammates."
He seemed to struggle for words himself. Inspiration and ideas came so easily when he was just flitting from person to person - dropping in during a quite moment and providing a thought was just 'how it worked' for him. But here, as he stood looking up, he found himself saddened. It seemed the rules were so simple. They were for him. But not for her. And despite all the joy, hope, and love that they had shared, he now saw that he had brought her sadness and sorrow - even regret. It tore him apart inside. He didn't even know that was possible.
All this time, he shared openly. He delighted in delivering the gifts he brought. They were often accepted with such open arms and thankful words. That was how it was supposed to happen. He stood there - dazed and confused. He struggled to find the words to show he wanted to help, but he found himself speechless for quite a while. He listened to the sobs, felt the anger, and shared the frustration. Then he had an inspiration.
"My friends, perhaps they can help you. Perhaps one of them can ... share with you."
"What friends??" She asked softly, choking back the depression. "You've always come alone, you've never mentioned anyone else like you. Besides, knowing what I know now - I'm not sure I want to associate with anyone like you now." She began to feel the anger from lost hope rise within her. "You lift me up just to watch me fall. I don't think I can handle that anymore. It may be fun for you, dropping spirits just to see if they'll sprout wings, but I'm all busted up from the hard landings. These scars don't heal quickly - despite your soothing words and lilting melodies."
"I'm not the girl I used be." She sighed, sadness returning to her voice.
"I know you aren't a girl anymore. Being a woman is different than being a girl. It's better. You have more sources to draw from now than you ever imagined before. But it's important now you understand me here: I don't change. I'm always going to inspire young women to create, flirt, explore, and grow. That's what I do. This pain you feel is partly my fault. I --- I grew too attached to you and stayed too long."
He found himself choking on his own words. His realization was coming out of him faster than he could think about it. He was speaking as if someone were speaking through him. He took a deep breath and let himself continue.
"I've helped many, many people. I've interacted with some special souls. But I never shared like I shared with you. No one has been like you. No one. I did what I wasn't supposed to do. You see, I... I kinda kept you for myself. Others - like me - came and I pushed them away. I wouldn't let them in. I should have. It would have made this difficult time not happen. You would have had - " his voice softened even more " ... a more smooth transition."
In a flash, he realized how selfish he had been, and how much damage he had caused. His shoulders slumped. A came across him. A sadness enveloped him.
"I'm speechless, if you can beleive that."
His future became clear. He broke the rules. And now he wouldn't be sharing with anyone. 'If I had just done it right.' he thought to himself. He gently kicked at the ground. He shoved his hands deep in the pockets of his coat. He sniffled.
He took a deep breath. He could feel her begin to fall asleep. Their time together was at an end.
"Well, My Voice," he wispered " I'll be going now. I have some final words for you though: You will have other muses. You should have had more by now, and it is my fault that you didn't. You will always be special to me. Somenight - long from now - I will return to see what you've created without me. I am interested to see how your voice changes when others have inspired you. I'm sure it will be fantastic."
His voice faltered.
"It just won't be from me."
He sobbed. It shocked him.
He found himself unable to lift his eyes to gaze upon her. He knew she wouldn't be looking down. He also knew he needed to let her go. So he lifted his heavy foot and placed it in front of the other. It landed heavily on the pavement, and his back foot lifted gently behind him. Slowly, he began to trod up the street. Each step hurt. Each crack in the sidewalk threatened to swallow him. He didn't look up. He didn't look back. He couldn't.
She heard his first footstep. Somehow, it cleared her mind. She glanced at the notebook in the trash. "That's done" she thought to herself. From the top drawer, she removed another notebook. Empty. Clean. Fresh. She placed a pen across it and took a long deep breath.
"I'm ready."
Posted by: _? at October 18, 2005 05:53 PM (/R7YK)
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October 16, 2005
Dear Zonker
Well... well... well; so you thought that going out of town would prevent people from posting pictorial evidence of your drunken debauchery at the blogmeet? How naive and trusting you are! Don't you know where there are bloggers, there are people with cameras waiting for a moment of weakness or drunkenness, they use to show on their blog just how low others can go? Or did you think they would ignore the fact that because you were
found in this vulnerable state you would be spared?
Unfortunately, your exposure at the blogmeet was such, that everyone has been able to identify you everywhere. I know that because of all this new found notoriety you've tried to take on a new persona, that of Mullet-man, or Cousin It's younger sibling. However, my concern is that you won't learn your lesson in time for the next blogmeet, and will make yourself vulnerable once again. I pray for your sake you do become more cautious. After all, Eric and the rest of my blog kin are a wonderful group. But if you don't learn from mistakes like these, there's no telling what might happen with my family as they are practical jokers extraordinaires! So beware and be aware when you next visit Eric!
Posted by: Michele at
08:49 PM
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those of us who were wondering if there was a mullet er...on the "other" end can now rest easy knowing there isnt. unless, of course, someone shave it off. if so, i'd be pretty pissed dude because it musta taken a LONG time grow one "down there"
where would we all be if there werent well intentioned people like michele to bring us the the story, the whole story and nothing BUTT the story...
happy birthday dude!!
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 16, 2005 09:00 PM (U28kD)
Hahahaaaaaaaa! I didn't know they took pictures of me, too!!!
Posted by: zonker at October 16, 2005 11:18 PM (/y7q3)
.. yep... those things happen.. but don't worry.. I'll be gentle next time....
Posted by: Eric at October 17, 2005 08:54 AM (uHA2j)
Heheh... nicely done, Michele!
Posted by: That 1 Guy at October 17, 2005 02:10 PM (OiVIK)
Posted by: _Jon at October 17, 2005 05:04 PM (/R7YK)
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October 15, 2005
Better Late Than Never!
Or I should entitle this post: The Best For Last. Meaning that it took me this long to come up with what I think is the
perfect pair of digital presents for my dear, sweet, and talented blog brother. Harvey, stop scrolling down and please get your mind out of the gutter! It's not like that at all!
After spending an inordinate amount of time first searching for what I wanted, then debating on which would be your birthday present, I finally narrowed it down to 2 things. Since I couldn't decide on which one would bring a bigger smile to your face I decided to present you with these two. So enjoy!
The first is a lovely poem by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, entitled "In My Craft Or Sullen Art" which was published in 1946 (I believe that's the date of your birth per Laughing Wolf). It's included here for your reading pleasure.
In my craft or sullen art
Exercised in the still night
When only the moon rages
And the lovers lie abed
With all their griefs in their arms
I labour by singing light
Not for ambition or bread
Or the strut and trade of charms
On the ivory stages
But for the common wages
Of their most secret heart.
Not for the proud man apart
From the raging moon I write
On these spindrift pages
Nor for the towering dead
With their nightingales and psalms
But for the lovers, their arms
Round the griefs of the ages,
Who pay no praise or wages
Nor heed my craft or art.
Your second gift can be found in the extended entry, it's a little off focus but nevertheless worth viewing. Here it is Tadaa! It's a lovely picture of what I believe is a very pretty, sweet, smart, and sexy librarian. I hope Mrs. SWG will understand and forgive me for indulging you. Since this is simply meant for Eric, no one else need look any further.
Happy Birthday Blog Bro and may you have many, many more days and years of good Mojo!!
Posted by: Michele at
10:26 PM
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... that was beautiful, Michele... thank you very, very much....
... now, bring on the NASA librarian!..
Posted by: Eric at October 16, 2005 08:07 AM (uHA2j)
Um, my birthday is coming up in April...
Posted by: Sgt Hook at October 16, 2005 04:35 PM (jlMVG)
I knew you were a tease...
Posted by: _Jon at October 16, 2005 10:26 PM (/R7YK)
Posted by: time first at November 13, 2005 03:10 PM (AqDGi)
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October 14, 2005
My New Name
Behold, my new name in Chinese:

It's Min Li which translates in English to smart and nimble jasmine flower.
I know where my colleagues got the smart and the jasmine part (I love jasmine leaves in all my teas). But where the heck did they get nimble from? Must investigate... excuse me while I send off a few text messages.
This. however, is not my first adopted name. When I taught English as a 2nd language in the Middle East, I was given a name that people could pronouce locally because otherwise I would have been known as Miss. The naming task fell squarely on the shoulders of the Village Chief where I lived just 100 miles outside of Cairo.
He gave me a very unusual sounding name, but one which I took too easily because everyone could pronounce it very well. Phonetically it was pronounced Neal-ba. I thought it was neat sounding name so I kept it and never asked what it meant. It was only later on, almost upon leaving really, that the translation of my arabic name was revealed to me, after much grinning ensued at the airport. It was Big Storm Amounting To Nothing. To this day I don't know what the Village Chief saw in me on that first day, as he stared into my eyes, to come up with such a name.
I guess I've moved up in the world since then, huh?
Posted by: Michele at
04:59 PM
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Yeah, you've sure amounted to a great person!
Posted by: _Jon at October 15, 2005 12:26 AM (/R7YK)
i shudder to think what my name would be in chinese. it would probably mean "he who kicks dead squirrels off his deck" or something like that, eh?
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 15, 2005 02:36 PM (U28kD)
The Chinese letters aren't showing up in my browser.
Would it be possible to post a jpeg?
Posted by: Harvey at October 15, 2005 06:17 PM (ubhj8)
Hey Michele;
Here's a better translation for your Chinese name:
'Keen Jasmine'
Let me explain. Min is hard to translate; but I wouldn't use smart and nimble - As min does not refer to just book-smarts or high IQ (I am not saying that you don't have that!) it is more along the lines of both book-smarts and being able to use those book-smarts in a clever way (is that where they got the nimble from?)
However, I wasn't aware of this word 'min' being used for physical agility; I had always thought that it refered to mental agility, but perhaps I am wrong. Can we say someone is nimble-minded? That just doesn't sound so good!
The word min has good connotations - so words like 'sly', or 'witty' are out. I think, perhaps, quick-witted, clever, or, perhaps, the best translation would be keen.
The only problem with 'keen' is that it seems to me that we don't use this word often enough or by itself enough that it can sound funny or somewhat archaic, and I don't mean it that way. But, ask your colleagues if they think these suggestions might be better words to express the feeling of 'min'.
The 'li' part is easy; that is white jasmine flower.
But, no matter how you translate it; it is a really great name and sounds very much like an authentic Chinese name; not something 'made-up' for a 'wai-guo ren' (foreign person) And from reading your writings here on your blog it does sound very much like you!
congratulations, Keen Jasmine!
Posted by: Charles at October 18, 2005 10:00 PM (TPBu/)
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October 13, 2005
It's a Beautiful Day!
Just had to blog because its such a great morning! Theres a steady heayv rain falling since Friday that had made everything that's green wet and lush. I love the rain almost as much as I love music. Because it's been raining so heavy lately the scent from the river, which is at high tide, is reaching farther inland than usual and the scent is magnificent. The river scent is so strong I almost feel like if I turn the corner I'll see the buoys a block away.
Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stopped by and left comments. I also want to say thanks to those of you who have sent supportive emails and and text messages. And finally, to the select group of you who have called, thank you for making my day. You guys are ALL awesome!
Posted by: Michele at
12:23 PM
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Even though you don't say it, it has to feel good to have someoen there not only recognize the work you do, but to appreciate it.
Your company may need to look into what is going on in your position to have that many people pass through it in the last year.
Posted by: Contagion at October 13, 2005 12:47 PM (Q5WxB)
I agree with Contagion. Perhaps its the person at the top that has to go this time! Hang in there, it is a beautiful day.
Posted by: oddybobo at October 13, 2005 01:09 PM (6Gm0j)
Hope things continue to work out for you.
Posted by: vw bug at October 13, 2005 04:44 PM (MNp8q)
I think when/if you leave... this will not be the end. I think you made such an impact, that your leaving will have more of an effect than those others before you.
Sometimes someone has to stand up and say, 'Stop the madness!" Perhaps what has happened to you and your actions as a result will make someone grow some cajones and finally take a stand.
It could happen.
Posted by: Bou at October 13, 2005 05:06 PM (5JHEt)
Ooooh, that worked well!
Hey, wanna go swimming?
Posted by: _Jon at October 13, 2005 07:47 PM (/R7YK)
thanks for quoting me!!
here's some other things ive said:
"dont eat the yellow snow"
"spring only comes once a year"
"a bird in the hand is worth seventeen dollars according to the latest exchange rates"
"it's always darkest before it's lightest"
"its always more shadowy before it's pastel"
"tomorrow's a beautiful day too!!'
"why put off today what you can put off tomorrow"
"today is the first day of the rest of my massive royalty checks"
see you all on the next tour!!
Posted by: bono at October 13, 2005 08:43 PM (U28kD)
Well I would say that unless your boss goes - you are very smart to use the probationary period to get out. Working for that kind of person will only get worse - as I know you know.
At least you know of one person (maybe more) from this job who will give you good references. I am so sorry this job isn't working out and I'm praying that an even better job will come your way.
Posted by: Teresa at October 14, 2005 11:42 PM (FZwDL)
Michele, if your little discussion with the senior staff member was half as well-phrased as I suspect it was, I bet a certain other analyst will soon find herself under a microscope. It's such a pity that the higher-up some people get, the more mature your average kindergartner seems by comparison ("Professional" my fat, balding ass!) Fortunately, a company with a good corporate environment frequently finds ways to weed out those who don't deserve their jobs. The only thing that has me concerned about your corporate environment is that no one seems to have twigged on the fact they can't keep a warm body in your job slot--nine people, turning over fairly quickly, should have raised a red flag *somewhere* higher up.
The more and more I read your blog, though, the more I'm convinced that should you find yourself handed a pink slip, the more I'm convinced you'll find a better job quickly. And I'm also more convinced I don't want to play p0ker against you :~)
Posted by: Victor at October 17, 2005 08:25 AM (L3qPK)
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October 12, 2005
My Precious Love
He is a very special and unique person in my life. I account much of my willingness to live, slay dragons and fight much of my own personal demons to him. He is the reason I continued to live in spite of so much death that surrounded me after 9/11.
When I met him last night for dinner he immediately knew something was wrong and asked, “Ohhhh, why the long face.” His warm embrace, beautiful smile, the crinkle of his nose when he laughed, and his silly jokes all worked their intended magic on me. I never really got to tell him what a bad day I had, he was too busy telling me about his exciting day, which mesmerized me completely for awhile.
This morning when we parted, he turned around and ran back to hug me one more time. As he pulled me down to his level, embracing me real hard, he whispered softly in my ear, “I love you lots mommy, and your kisses are still magic medicine on my booboos,” and with that he began to give me lots of kisses all over my face making us both break out into a fit of giggles.
I think he now realizes that his hugs and kisses are magic medicine for my soul too.
Posted by: Michele at
12:04 AM
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Post contains 222 words, total size 1 kb.
The love of a child....is there anything MORE magic??
Posted by: Tammi at October 12, 2005 07:39 AM (mL9hT)
As I've learned over the past few years - it truly is magic. My kids can have the same effect on me, too.
Posted by: _Jon at October 12, 2005 12:32 PM (/R7YK)
Definitely a wonderful feeling. Glad he was there for you.
Posted by: vw bug at October 12, 2005 05:59 PM (MNp8q)
As crazy as they make me, sometimes my boys are the only reason to get up in the morning. I could not be without them.
Posted by: Bou at October 12, 2005 10:38 PM (5JHEt)
Sometimes when I'm having a rough day or bad times, just thinking about Clone and Boopie is enough to make me smile and keep going.
Children just cast a spell of happiness on anyone around them.
Posted by: Contagion at October 13, 2005 12:48 PM (Q5WxB)
I was just saying to a friend that my son does this for me, when he sits in my lap and watches tv and reaches up to touch my face and whisper "I love you mommy", no other reason than him to get out of bed!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 13, 2005 01:07 PM (6Gm0j)
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October 10, 2005
Hit with a 2x4
That's how it feels right now! It started as an awful day and it went steadily downhill from there.
Essentially... I was demoted as a result of using false and/or incorrect info given to me by a 3rd party. I have no way of checking the info's veracity or accuracy, as that's the responsibility of others. Yet, because I published it unwittingly in today's reports, I'm the one that gets crucified this week.
I've also been put on 30 days notice.
Well using me as the scape goat enable the senior analyst in my dept to escape from censure and more for all the errors she's committed these past 2 weeks. Using those reasons also enables my boss to continue sleeping w/my Ex's uncle without a care or concern for my uncomfortability.
In fact, they kill 2 proverbial birds with one stoning.
So now I have to figure out if I let them fire me, or quickly begin looking for another job after being there for only 2 months. Or, try to do both simultaneously. I've never, ever, been demoted or fired. I've always had stellar reviews! So this is also a blow to my ego.
As Dax Montana would say: Damn! Just damn!
Posted by: Michele at
06:45 PM
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Post contains 212 words, total size 1 kb.
.. ouch.. Just Damn, indeed....
Posted by: Eric at October 10, 2005 08:18 PM (uHA2j)
I'm so sorry. That just stinks. Plain and simple.
Posted by: Tammi at October 10, 2005 09:30 PM (hgbsg)
at the risk of cussing, i shall join the general chorus of just damns with my own.
Posted by: mr. helpful at October 10, 2005 11:05 PM (U28kD)
Michele, I'm so very sorry to read this. One thing that took me years to realize is this: It's pretty much standard procedure to put new empolyees on a probation program, in case they don't work out for some reason. However, your employer is on probation to you from day one for forever.
Another friend reminded me once: Talent is rarely out of work for long.
How you decide to handle it is a decision only you can make--I have faith you'll make the best decision for you.
Posted by: Victor at October 11, 2005 07:37 AM (L3qPK)
Damn. Just Damn. Document the hell out of it, and start looking.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf at October 11, 2005 08:09 AM (5cMH5)
Yep, Just Damn. Good luck, and I'm with the Wolf, document the hell out of it, where you got the info and why and how it all happened. Oh, and the sleeping with the ex-uncle, hmmm, hostile work environment? Sorry, that is just the lawyer in me!
Posted by: oddybobo at October 11, 2005 08:35 AM (6Gm0j)
Unbelievable! What did they demote you to? Copygirl?
It sounds like that job is just not the right fit - these people are crazy. If they fire you, they fire you. In the meantime, you can always look for work elsewhere.
Sorry to hear. :<
Posted by: Lisa at October 11, 2005 10:58 AM (y9UuV)
Well shite! (didn't want to say damn like everyone else) This just sucks, hopefully you are able to document everything so that if you really wanted you could go for a wrongful termination suit.
Posted by: Contagion at October 11, 2005 12:04 PM (Q5WxB)
People are not only defined by what they succeed at, but how they handle failure too. I've seen many good managers promoted because they handled a bad situation well. It is relatively easy to handle a successful situation. Talented people handle bad situations well also.
Posted by: _Jon at October 11, 2005 02:51 PM (ZM3Qb)
Holy crap.
And... What _Jon says. He is right.
Posted by: Bou at October 11, 2005 05:06 PM (5JHEt)
just remember what i always say...
"if the story doesnt fit, then they must not fire"
uh...wait...that isnt what I say, exactly.
how about...
"if the story doesnt fit then they cant make a slit"
no, no...that aint it either.
oh, i got it now!
"if the glove dont fit then you must acquit!"
yeah, THAT'S the ticket! i think. or maybe not.
awww, what the hell do i know? after all, im dead, anyways.
Posted by: johnny cochran at October 11, 2005 08:40 PM (U28kD)
I'll leave the advice-giving to those with more experience :-)
Posted by: Harvey at October 12, 2005 11:39 AM (ubhj8)
Ouch. Everyone has said the most important stuff... I'm just here to let you know you can call and talk if you want.
Posted by: vw bug at October 12, 2005 05:58 PM (MNp8q)
Oh my... I think JUST DAMN says it all. I'm so sorry. I'm with the rest - document and get looking.
Posted by: Teresa at October 13, 2005 12:13 AM (FZwDL)
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Email is my salvation
On days like today, emails are my only salvation. Below is one I got from a from a friend. A sad but funny tale about getting older. Enjoy
Posted by: Michele at
12:12 PM
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Post contains 357 words, total size 2 kb.
... I could've been me. 'Cept I usually just wanna be left alone and unnoticed on my birday. I view 'em as just another day. But the naked on the couch thing... yep, that coulda been me now...
Posted by: RedNeck at October 10, 2005 07:54 PM (3Z5dW)
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October 09, 2005
What Type of Warrior are You?
You are a Samurai.You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you
Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
Via Redneck Ramblings; please go check out the pics on his sidebar... they're priceless.
Posted by: Michele at
12:07 AM
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Post contains 173 words, total size 1 kb.
But you have a big beautiful smile!
Posted by: _Jon at October 09, 2005 10:40 PM (/R7YK)
They might have been "priceless" while you were there, but two of three are random ones, and some just aint, well priceless. Tasteless, probably...
Posted by: RedNeck at October 10, 2005 07:57 PM (3Z5dW)
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October 07, 2005
For He's a jolly good fellow!
Posted by: Michele at
11:57 PM
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