March 31, 2005

The Demise of a Relationship

Frank of IMAO and Sarah of Mountaineer Musings, have officially declared their love for each other by becoming engaged. I must be the only one not surprised by what I thought was a wonderful natural course of events. From reading their websites on an occasional basis I could tell how much love they have for each other.

My dear Blog Father wrote 2 wonderful posts (Free Advice and Helpful Wedding Advice) in an attempt to enlighten and prepare the happy couple. I read some of the comments that were left (some are very funny), and thought about what they need to guard against. It is something that is not easily noticed, the slow and almost imperceptible death of a relationship. Here's my humble experience on the sign posts and how to avoid them once you spot them.


Posted by: Michele at 12:16 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 30, 2005


There are times when the depth and intensity of my emotions impede my ability to think or write clearly, until I've come to terms with what I'm feeling. It's during those times, when searching for the words that escape me, they find birth in snipets of a poem that will come to mind. I need these poets words to restore my spirit's flight and order to my soul.

Since midnight these lines have circled on the fringes of my thoughts, and now they've come to fully restore my peace. They are as close to what I can remember Shakespeare's words to be:

Love is not love,
which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Congrats to Frank J. & Sarah K. on their engagement.

Posted by: Michele at 08:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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As I watched the moon across the sky
I thought "what a lucky girl am I"
to have been at the edge of an abyss
and narrowly escaped it's precipice
having stood there is all I want to note
continuing to escape it's grip is all I'll ever hope
I pray for God to bless and keep
the men and women who fight for peace

Posted by: Michele at 07:04 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 29, 2005

My Kingdom

As I woke up from my dream
I dreamt that I'd become your Queen
heared my son then thrash around
I awoke without my crown

Those were the words that came to me at 4:30am this morning after being awakened by my son. Shortly thereafter he threw up. No time for poetry on my first day's reign.

Once everything was put away, I said good bye to dear Gawain.

Posted by: Michele at 08:47 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 28, 2005

High Anxiety

IÂ’m a bit nervous this morning. At 10:30am my son has to take a 2 hour aptitude test to see if he is able to attend a top elementary school in NYC via a scholarship. My son wouldn't be able to attend this school otherwise.

At the same time I will be taking a test of my own: a psychological computerized profile followed by an evaluation by a psychiatrist. I'm sorry, donÂ’t mind my uncontrollable twitching as I explain. That only happens when IÂ’m nervous. ItÂ’ll go away soon enough. They want to make sure that parents are able to handle the pressure of the hours of homework involved with children in this school.

If my son scores high, as I hope he will, then this scholarship and his acceptance to go to this school will be contingent on a positive evaluation of my mental state. He already passed his psychological evaluation two weeks ago, with a notation that he has to work on his impulse control.

IÂ’m okay with whatever happens. If he doesn't go to this school I can always supplement the education he receives anywhere, as IÂ’m doing now. ItÂ’s just that I donÂ’t like open psych evaluations that are available to several schools simultaneously. I donÂ’t want a negative evaluation to get into my soon to be ex-husbandÂ’s hands, if you know what I mean. I just don't want to give him ammunition.

Sighhhh! Well, thank goodness that I know IÂ’m Okay. Y-you all think IÂ’m okay, I-I-I mean balanced... right?

What was that? What did you say? Are you talking to me? Are YOU talking to Me?

Posted by: Michele at 09:20 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 26, 2005

Spring Break in Space

I began to plan for my sonÂ’s spring break in February. For a single parent, 8 days of togetherness with a 5 year old Sprout can either be quite boring or stressful, if no plans are in place. When planning for a vacation I usually start with a theme and work my way from there to include outings, activities, crafts and lesson plans that will incorporate as many aspects of the theme and will also support his curriculum at school.

The theme this vacation was to be Aerodynamics and Flying. I write “was” because my son began to get sick the day before spring break started. It’s a real bummer because I had obtained free tickets (by pulling some strings) to the Intrepid Air and Space Museum and the Liberty Science Center.

It was not a total loss. Even though he had a cold we were still able to make a variety of paper airplanes and watch some of the theme related videos I borrowed from the Library. For me, making and flying the paper airplanes has been my favorite part of the week so far. I used The Klutz Book of Paper Airplanes which provides step by step instructions and visuals on how to make ten of the worlds best paper airplanes. Information is also included about distance, speed, and trajectory, among other things. This helped me teach him about the relationships between bodies at rest and those in motion I also taught him how to use some basic math to predict distance.

We then used that knowledge to also figure out the distance of the moon from earth, learned about the moon mission of the past and current NASA missions to other planets. It was perfect timing since last night we had a full moon and we were able to track easily itÂ’s movement with a hand held telescope. While he surveyed the sky he spotted the North Star, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (heÂ’s known how to find and identify them since he was 3 years old). ItÂ’s absolutely amazing how much of a little sponge he is. Can you tell IÂ’m really proud of him? Well, that was until he let me know that next year for spring break he wants to attend NASA's Space Camp for kids.

ItÂ’s been a great way for him to learn and for us to spend time together in a closed environment. If you have kids I recommend you consider this book for bad weather days, when theyÂ’re sick but especially if you get stuck on vacation with bad weather. Klutz books always provides endless hours of incredible fun while helping kids explore the world they live in. HereÂ’s hoping your spring break was phenomenal.

--------------------------- UPDATE --------------------------------------------------
Received a couple of emails from concerned individuals in my parent's group. No, my son is not being tortured with mathematical equations the size of Pluto, or Eistein's theories of relativity. We covered that 2 vacations ago. We're now discussing "Laws of Motion" and how String Theory and Quantum Mechanics combine to explain quantum gravity.

Getting back to the math computation of distance between planets...ever heard of scale models? We used colored balloons and colored tape to do a 3D model of our solar system and their planetary orbits. Observing the moon and other stars at night through our telescope has given my son a true concept of the magnificence of this world.

Posted by: Michele at 08:41 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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If I could dream a dream

If I could dream a dream,
it would be a dream of love;
where soft caresses and sweet words
would be a blessing from above.

If I could dream a dream of love,
it would be of love eternal;
with a man who looking in my eyes
holds my heart and sees my soul.

If I could dream of such love,
it would be for life eternal;
where nothing in this frightful world
could tear this love from up above.
-- Anonymous

Posted by: Michele at 12:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 24, 2005

Best Medicine? Humor

Just like with any drug, once you start feeling the pain again you want another hit of pain meds to feel better again, so in search of comic relief I decided to do my usual digital walk about. I know who to visit on the web to get my funny on, and as usual they did not fail me. One who I happen to always visit is Eric of Straight White Guy I read this post and lost it. I have not been able to stop laughing the rest of the day. DonÂ’t bother reading the comments, just read the post and the linking article.

Who knows, lovemaking might not ever be the same for you too. I know I still have a smile on my face and have been giggling all day just from the visual in my head.

Anyway, in an effort to continue my therapy while IÂ’m not blogging due to tendonitis, IÂ’ll be leaving this post at the top and the comment space open, in the hopes that you may want to leave a clean joke or two for me and other visitors to enjoy. Thanks for visiting!

Posted by: Michele at 08:30 AM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
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March 23, 2005

Peace be with you

Yesterday was the first good day IÂ’ve experienced in more than 6 years. For the first time I thought about Mike, Larry and the others in a way that celebrated and honored their lives during my morning walk.

Afterwards, while in Chinatown buying some Chinese herbs I ran into the Master, whoÂ’s Karate school I trained in for a year. After learning of my condition he insisted I go see his practitioner. In fact he insisted on taking me to him right then and their. Because heÂ’s a man whom I greatly respect I complied willingly. For 3 hours my arms underwent an herbal wrap, localized Chinese style acupuncture w/Moxa (incense) treatment followed by the slathering of some interestingly scented oils on my arms, and a very deep tissue massage that included acupressure in the most painful areas. Afterwards all my pain was gone. GONE! For the last 24 hours I have not used any form of pain relief whatsoever.

Afterwards, I floated down to the river and sat facing the sun for almost an hour. During that time I meditated, while in a state of gratitude, about everything and everyone in my life. I also made it a point to say prayers for the wonderful members of my blog family.

The rest of day was spent in appreciation of the world around me and connecting to it in a spiritual way. By the end of the evening, the sense of inner peace I was experiencing was incredible. To my blessing, it has carried over through to today. So while in this state, I will continue thinking and saying prayers of gratitude for all of you.

Posted by: Michele at 04:40 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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March 19, 2005



I lay awake last night in my darkened bedroom staring at the stars I glued to my ceiling some time ago. I really miss laying on the soft grass of my front lawn, surrounded by the smells of a dewy earth. I remembered many a nights staring up into the heavens searching for a number of planets and stars and feeling a sort of cosmic connection to the universe once I found them.

They were my anchor during times when I felt adrift in places and times I now wish I could forget. It was at those times that I thought of Copernicus turning to the heavens for answers in solitary introspective moments during times of great personal challenge.

Last night, as I tried not to stare directly into a star's light, I discovered it was already being reflected back to me through a most unlikely mirror. As I lay there, lost in thought, I saw that my celestial oracle had revealed more about myself than I anticipated seeing.

As the stillness of the night turned to daylight, I finally realized that in spite of all my losses, I don't regret the path my life has taken, because it has brought me to where I am today: a place where I can finally heal myself, and allow others to help heal me.

Thank you for being here and commenting, and for your friendship and support. The greatest lesson last evening was learning I could never grow or heal in an isolated vacuum.

Posted by: Michele at 09:39 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 17, 2005

Erin Go Bragh!

As someone who was educated in an Irish Convent for a number of years, I can hardly let today go bye without wishing all a spiritual and reflective St. Patty's Day! Below is one of the first poems I memorized thanks to those wonderful nuns.

When You Are Old and Grey

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

~ William Butler Yeats

Posted by: Michele at 12:57 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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March 16, 2005

Dearest Blog Brother _Jon:

First, thank you ever so much for the videotape. YOU ARE TRULY THE BESTEST! The exercises are definitely helping and I am slowly feeling better. Your jokes and those of my blog family help enormously. Some of them were uproariously funny. Thanks!

Regarding your SOX project, if you're referring to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements, then you truly are screwed! At my firm we have close to 100,000 employees and I was managing a very, very small portion or a roll-out [that was gearing up to go global] out of a huge development team project. The end result, my hands are what they are now because of it. My condolences, sympathies and prayers are with you. I'm still not back at work and spend part of my days in either physical therapy or acupuncture.

What I have been doing with the other 6 hours of my day is planning my exit strategy. I love myself and my life too much to work in an environment where my soul, creativity and life blood is being sucked out of me on a daily basis. Since I've been out of work I've handwritten 3 story treatments for novels and 1 outline and chapter breakdown, along with research needs for a non-fiction book. I've been researching and looking around for possible agents I can approach and lots of other things along those lines. You see, writing is my first and most passionate calling. Teaching comes second. What I'm doing now is between fourth or fifth on that list.

It is what pays the bills and affords me to live comfortably. It pays my mortgage and helps me plan my future and achieve other goals. But during these past 8 weeks I've come to the realization that I can try to do what I love and live like a poor happy person OR I can continue the work I'm doing, get paid well without being able to enjoy it and be continuously miserable. I've made my decision. I was happiest when I was teaching as an adjunct at the University for peanuts. However, in my free time I was able to be creative and to publish a few of my stories

Posted by: Michele at 08:48 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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March 11, 2005

In Memoriam

Today my thoughts are with those who perished, those who survived the Madrid bombing and their loved ones who are trying to put the pieces of their lives back together. May they all find peace.

A dear friend and blogger, Barcepundit, has listed the names of the deceased to help put a face and remind us of the human cost of this war on terror.

Os tengo a todos en mi corazon y mis pensamientos.

Posted by: Michele at 01:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 02, 2005

Target: Midtown

Via Barcepundit comes this:

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reports that one of the suspects of the March 11 terror attacks in Madrid was found to have a detailed skecth of Grand Central station in New York:

You can read the post in the extended entry or visit the link above. Michele misses you all!

~ Melissa


Posted by: Michele at 02:09 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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