August 31, 2005


I got more bad news about the repairs that are being done to my apartment, which will require me to stay at my mother's overnight.

But after seeing the devastation and the flood damage, loss of life and the thousands of homes destroyed as a result of this hurricane, well, I have little to moan and groan about. As bad as things are, I do have a dry environment, clothes, a roof over my head and a job I love. Many Katrina survivors don't even have that.

As I work today, I will be waiting anxiously to hear from my best friend in New Orleans. I've been trying real hard not to visit CNN because doing so brings back tearful memories. These images trigger memories of knowing first hand what it's like when you emerge from your shelter after a hurricane only to see the world around you totally destroyed.

Having survived 19 hurricanes during the years I lived in the Caribbean, I know firsthand the shock, bewilderment, sadness, depression and utter despair one feels in the first few weeks after a major hurricane. Being surrounded 24/7 by so much devastation influences negatively these survivors' psyche and spirit. Boudicca says it better than I can in this post, for if I were to try I would start to cry immediately; doing that at my work desk is not a good idea.

I have already sent money, but Lee Ann remind us, there's still a bit more everyone can do - by giving blood, etc. Please visit Lee Ann's post for ideas and details. Thanks.

Posted by: Michele at 08:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 266 words, total size 2 kb.

August 30, 2005

It's Hockey Season!!!!

Or it will be as of opening day, Oct 5th. So, if you haven't joined yet, Ted of Rocket Jones, has thrown down the gauntlet in a menacing way, (eww, I'm very afraid) for hockey fans to join in his Whoopass Jamboree Roster.

I've joined but I must tell Ted that he needs to think about a new name for this crew. One that conveys the speed, action, passion and agressiveness that is hockey. Whoopass Jamboree doesn't cut the mustard for me. Instead, it gives me an imagery of young boy scouts hitting each other on their naked butts with wet towels at the edge of a river. Sorry Ted but that's what comes up in my head... not appealing at all!

On the other hand, if you say hockey to me, the image I get is of panting, hot sweaty guys, sporting black and blues with splotches of red steaks on their faces. oh wait, I think that was last night's dream.

Anyway, I think something along the lines of Bloody Hockey Smackdown or BodySlam Countdown would be a more fitting name. But that's just me thinking out loud.

Anyway, if you care to join us, read the 4 simple rules and drop your team's name in Ted's comment box. So far I feel so unchallenged! There's only Victor of Publius for me to spar with, and he has a rat's chance in hell of beating me. That's a long 7 months with only 1 opponent.

I went for the Rangers as soon as I learned that RP of Random Penseur was being a poseur while having a geographic identity crisis. That's the only reason why I think he didn't choose the Rangers.

If you decide to participate, think of the bragging rights you'll have if you win.

So here's your opportunity to help me pick the logo that will be on my side bar for the next 7 months. Go to the extended entry and vote for which will look better. Thanks! more...

Posted by: Michele at 01:40 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 340 words, total size 2 kb.

Hell Day

My life is usually lived on an even kiel, most days. But when the stuff hita the fan, it comes in 3's and they're usually doozies.

Yesterday, I met my lovely new downstairs neighbors who were moving in and as promptly as they set foot in their new home they showed up and accused me of causing a leak in their apartment. After they raised holy hell, I was summoned from work and threatened with a lawsuit if any more damage occurred to their apartment if I didn't come back at once.

I did leave work right away, but it was to prove to everyone that the leak was not coming from my apartment. After doing volunteer work for 3 years with Habitat for Humanity I know my way around floor plans and structural issues really well. Well, my words went ignored (after all I'm only a woman) and when I stepped out of my apartment to go see the water damage in the apartment downstairs the plumber, who I can't stand, took a sledghammer to my foyer then proceeded to tear up my cedar lined walk-in closet. I ran upstairs just as he was taking aim with his sledgehammer for my tiled bathroom wall. You see he decided to make the holes first and inspect afterwards. I was so angry I stood in front of the sledge hammer and tore it from his hands, pulled out my cell phone, called management and told them the only lawsuits were going to be coming from my attorney who happened to be sitting in my living room at the moment (my sister in law) from the inept way they were handling the situation.

Within the hour the leak was located (downstairs midway through their wall) and I was left to clean up the plaster dust that was on my floor, furniture clothes, etc. I have already obtained receipts from the dry cleaners and laundromat for the clothes that have to be washed as a result of the plaster dust.

I've taken pictures and documented everything (did I mention it's good to have your attorney in your apartment when this is going on?). Well, at one point my attorney (who's also my sister n law) put her litigator game face on and the result was: today I will have a crew in my apartment fixing all the holes and painting the walls. In addition, I've hired a cleaning woman to clean everything after they're gone, for which the board will receive a bill.

Of course, immediately afterwards I was both visually overwhelmed and saddened seeing the damage of the hurricane. Later, when I finally finished my software upgrade I visited all my affected BE (blog) family and was greatly relieved to see they were all okay. It definitely put things in perspective for me! Everyone in that area continues to be in my prayers!

Anyway, by the time I finished sweeping, dusting mopping, and finished preparing dinner for 5, my sister in law informed me that my brand spanking new computer Hi-Speed computer had gotten infected by what she believes was a virus. I had not had breakfast or lunch, let alone a snack, and it was looking like I wouldn't have time for dinner other than a meal bar. I was ready to scream and cry at that point. I didn't because I have to keep my most excellent attorney happy and my son remindded me, "don't worry mommy, you're really good at fixing computers. There hasn't been a computer you have not been able to fix yet."

That was the inspiration and affirmation I needed. SO, after having spent the last 5.5hrs debugging, disinfecting and upgrading (with only one major issue solved with the help of a most wonderful guardian angel), I am now back to blogging full time. YAY! [doing snoopy happy dance]

My new state of the art PC is so awesome he's been christened Bad Boy!

Posted by: Michele at 01:35 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 658 words, total size 4 kb.

August 29, 2005

Sean Penn is in Iran.

Seems he's got this gig reporting for the San Fran Chronicle that's being published in 5 installments.

So what was his 1st installment about? Essentially a post full of complaints. He wasn't allowed to smoke at the airport. Wah! Other Iranians were smoking! Wah! He and his 2 travelling companions had to wait for over 2 hrs while their documents were carefully reviewed. Wah!

In essence, he was treated like an ordinary hated american! Waaaaah!

Memo to Penn:
Re: Your treatment

That's what its like being an ordinary American travelling in the middle east. Had you been play/acting a journalist you would have done your research and would have known it. Unfortunately, your role as rebel jounalist doesn't play well in Iran or here!

Posted by: Michele at 08:47 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 134 words, total size 1 kb.

August 26, 2005

Beach Blogging

Coney Isle.jpg

Being used has its privileges.

I was in court midmornng for an hour. After I was done I called into my office and was given the good news. I had the rest of the afternoon off. My reaction: Woohoo, I'm headed to the BEACH!

So here I am, having just finished a wonderful dinner by the water, enjoying the start of my weekend.

Tammi, this is for all the times I read your Florida beachside posts wishing it was me living life!

For full envy effect pictures will be provided later!

Posted by: Michele at 06:58 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.

Fire by Bruce Springsteen

I'm driving in my car
I turn on the radio

I'm pulling you close
you just say no.
You say you don't like it
but girl
I know you're a liar

'Cause when we kiss - Fire!

Late at night I'm taking you home

When I say I wanna stay
you say you wanna be alone.
You say you don't love me girl
you can't hide your desire

And when we kiss - Fire! Fire!

You had a hold on me right from the start

There's a girl so tight
I couldn't tear it apart.
My nerves all jumping
acting like a fool.

Your kisses they burn but your heart stays cool.

Romeo and Juliet
Samson and Delilah

you can bet their love they didn't deny.
Your words say split
but your words they lie

'Cause when we kiss - Fire! Fire!
Burning in my soul
it's out of control!
it's out of control!

Posted by: Michele at 12:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.

August 25, 2005

I'm a Rocking Chick!

You Are a Chick Rocker!

You're living proof that chicks can rock! You're inspired by Joan Jett and the GoGo's... And when you rock, you rock hard (Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!)

I got this via blog sis Tammi of Tammi's World, a while ago. In fact it helped inspire the CBGB post below. Yeah, had the opportunity to sing back up on occassion for a few bands. Well you can read more about my "underground rock" music phase there.

Posted by: Michele at 12:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 98 words, total size 1 kb.

August 23, 2005

CBGB's - a love ending too soon

Being sick as a dog has some benefits. For me it's laying in bed listening to my music until the wee hours of the morning, reminiscing about the place where I first heard most of the music I was listening to. The place was the same club immortalized by The Clash and in a number of movies - CBGB. I've always loved this great rock club because the music played there was always in its original, non-formulaic, cutting edge form. That level of musical honesty was so incredible, it helped inspire and fueled many an artist's creativity including my own.

Part of my love for this place had to do with the small intimate setting; you could practically stand on stage with the band. The rest had to do with being surrounded by people who, like me, were there primarily because of our love for music, not to show off stylish clothes or expensive accessories. No Hiltons or Ricci's were seen there. Just great bands getting established and poets/song-writers trying to get their music recorded. I don't think there was another venue in NYC where a songwriter could try out their music.

For the underage crowd, and for those who felt music was a religious experience CB's had concert sessions on Sunday afternoons. Oftentimes there would be between 10 and 15 bands playing any given Sunday afternoon trying out their material and talent on young minds eager to explore and develop their own relationship to music.

Imagine being able to see Squeeze, Blondie, The Clash, The Talking Heads, The Police, The Ramones, Springsteen and the irreverent Patti Smith on a regular basis as they explored the bounds of their own creativity on the audience, while peers like Lou Reed and David Byrne encouraged them on. To this day I can vividly remember an impromptu duet between Patti Smith and a very young, not yet famous Bruce Springsteen. The song, called "Fire", was one that he wrote early on and had never been recorded. When I heard it I fell so in love with it that I instantly memorized it and sang it all the way home that late afternoon. There's one part that I remember vividly till this day:

When we kiss
I'm on fire
Your tenderness
Gives me desire
I can't resist
Your tender lips
When we kiss
Ooh... Fire

I remember wondering what it would be like to feel such passion for the one you loved while kissing them. I'm still wondering.

Musically, it was an amazing time for me and for women. I got to see women evolve in rock and roll before my very eyes. It was these women rockers who simultaneously gave birth to many new music styles as they emerged into their own musical style without imitating the guys. Women like Debbie Harry & Patti Smith created the path for so that the Sarah Mclaughlin's and Avril Lavigne's of today could perform as headlining acts.

CB's was all about the love of music and talent, not about novelty acts or trendy looks. Too bad I no longer have pictures of me in my hiked up catholic school girl skirt that I wore to the club sometimes because I would go directly there right after school and before evening choir practice. There also nights when I was supposed to be doing sleepovers with friends or at the Library and I would sneak over to CB's to blow off some steam. I remember on a couple of occassions trading in my knee high socks and penny loafers for black fishnet stockings and doc martens steel toe boots and would apply the spray on purple die on my hair to complete the look. Yes, I was a bit of a rebel during high school, but I never went as far as showing up with the torn clothing as some punks loved to wear in those days. My safety pins were all strategically placed, and they made my own fashion statement to punks and designers alike. I was unique even in punk rock circles because I was comfortable and confident in who I was and didn't compromise my values simply to be accepted by my peers.

For me it was a fun, sweet time. Though I was young, I never once got harassed or pressured to drink, use drugs or do anything else for that matter. Life then was all about having fun with new styles of music and exploring the bounds of our creativity. For some of us it was not about making any political statements, but rather enjoying the enormous talent that was found there, which inspired our own work, even with my conservative values. It came through in everything I did, including in my music and poetry. What can I say, I was a complex individual even in those days!

I had some incredible musical memories there and lots of firsts. Like the first time I filled in as back up for a little known band called Essence. Or the first time someone used one of my poems on stage in a song. Yes it was almost 4am, and I don't even have the poem they used anymore, but wow, what a mind-blowing and creatively validating experience that was!

Why the sudden sentimentality for this place? CB's is scheduled to close its doors forever soon, thus making an iconic place inaccessible to a new generation. Recreating this club anywhere else (as has been talked about) will be virtually impossible as the rock club's energy, the very essence of CBGB can never be transported elsewhere. Yet in another way the spirit of the club belongs to all of us collectively, it'll be there whenever we gather together to express our creative vision for the purpose of sharing our talent freely.

[Music takes center stage while the lights dim and fades to black. In the distant darkness you hear Joan Jett's voice pierce the darkness by singing "I love rock and roll..."]

Posted by: Michele at 03:57 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 978 words, total size 6 kb.

Spice Up Your Marriage

Hi Everyone, Colin here.

Because of the Munu server issues we lost the original post. I've re-posted the part of the entry I remember at the request of a friend.

Michele called me this morning with the most unusual question. "What's the title of that Carmen Electra video you love so much?" My answer: "Which one?"

That left her non-plussed. Anyway, she wants to pass along the information below to those she was engaging in interesting email intercourse with last night about this topic.

I discovered one of these bloggers has bragging rights on being the #1 Google result in the search for "stripper music". She commented on this to a few other bloggers while chatting via text with them. Well, it seems at least 2 now have an interest, for different reasons, in my Exotic Dancing Video collection.

This collection is for couples, but in particular for women who wish to explore and release their inner seductress. The videos cover every possible topic in the age old art of seduction, from the classic art of striptease to the ever popular pole dancing. Nothing like a little private bedroom dance to spice things up in a marriage.

Posted by: Michele at 12:04 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 205 words, total size 1 kb.

August 20, 2005

If u cn rd dis thrs no nd 4U 2 tak dis tst!

Last week, Michele wrote in this post how cell phone technology has impacted culture and business in Asia, and how that trend is moving west.

Yesterday, the title of this online article caught my eye: R u redy 4 uni's txt msj classes?. Before you shake your head and start laughing as I once did, I suggest you go take this short quiz and see how familiar you are with this technology.

The only reason I'm so good at texting now is because Michele persisted in teaching me text messaging through consistent use. As I got better I would txt teasing messages to her or txt jokes about others while we were in meetings together. My aim to make her laugh, was successful and came during an excrutiatingly boring meeting.

In the extended entry you'll find Michele's instructions to me on how 2 txt someone + her top txt msg accronyms to help you get started.

And the message I sent which made Michele laugh outloud... one of my coworkers shared this new acronym with me which I later sent to Michele: TD2M which means: Talk dirty to me.

After she had done blushing and the attention was no longer on her, the txt she sent back was: FU (I don't think I need to translate this, do i?)
My immediate reply was: A3 which means: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace

After that she quickly turned her phone off :C [sad face] thus ending our SEX txt chat and my fun. more...

Posted by: 1Colin at 12:25 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 869 words, total size 5 kb.

August 18, 2005

Emails and Jury Duty

Michele found one sure way to get out of Jury duty even after being placed on a case. She was dismissed earlier today because she became so ill she nearly had to go to hospital. Running a high fever and what seemed to me in a somewhat incoherent state (she kept referring to me as John), she told me that a court officer had helped her get into a taxi to get to her doctor's. Afterwards I learned she had a fever of 104 and had been diagnosed with Strep throat. Apparently there was a bit of a fracas w/her doctor because she wouldn't bend over and let him give her a shot in her butt. Sorry Michele but that was an interesting imagery.

So instead she opted to swallow pills which to me sounds a bit more painful. Poor thing can barely talk. So I'll do the writing for her tonight and will only note nice things about her. Like for instance her calling me to see how I was doing after the fright of this past weekend.

Which brings me to the Email portion of this post. It seems we have received quite a bit of email in which some of you are concerned that there might be friction or a rift between Michele and I. Not so.

We are still the same co-bloggers / work collegues we were before. I was just very spooked by that psychic episode but that's because nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I'm relieved to know that Michele can't read my mind and therefore no charges of sexual harassment can be brought against me for my thoughts.

Michele assures me that she isn't psychic, if she were she'd "be a rich lady living on easy street, because then [she'd] know which stocks to buy and which to dump." What a relief it was to hear that. But then I thought, imagine that, as sick as she was she wanted to make sure I was okay.

In 3 other emails I'm both asked, and offered if I'm interested in blogging, at my own site. Nope, not at all. Michele knows me too well and knows I cannot have expectations placed on me, and I cannot commit to anything, not even blogging. In fact, I will be leaving in the next few weeks as I've got a business trip that will begin in London where I'll be for 2 weeks, then I'll continue for 2 weeks in Germany, followed by 3 weeks in Russia (one of which will be vacation where I'll take time to savor slavic delights). I'll then continue on to Beijing for 1 week before returning to Wash DC, in time for some interesting meetings and some social engagements.

Too bad Michele refuses to do some of these DC social things. I rather enjoy them, but then again I'm a social animal. She on the other hand, tells me she hates them because she's a homebody. If it's not quality time with people she likes she refuses to do it. Her usual answer to all my invites is: "Thanks, but I really want to spend more time with my son." Although I find her approach to parenting highly commendable, it is one of the reasons I don't ever want to have children of my own, they consume too much of your life and time.

As one of my female co-workers puts it: "At first you're excited that you have this divine force growing within you. Then it comes out and there's no time for you as it's all about them. And they continue sucking the life/blood out of you for 18 more years and even then it doesn't stop because then there's grad school and unemployment after grad school. The only time you stop giving is when you're dead, and buried 6' under." That's pretty much my take on it.

Anyway, so as you see, though I'm enjoying this inmensely, I'm one of those kind of guys that's here today and gone tomorrow. Although in this particular case I'm having so much fun with the blog and Michele that I have to say I will be back. I still have a few weeks here yet so I'll see what interesting things I can come up with as parting gifts for you to read. Any suggestions?

Posted by: 1Colin at 11:59 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 734 words, total size 4 kb.

August 17, 2005

Government-related Stats

The amount the Shell oil company spent to install the first hydrogen pump at a U.S. gas station in Washington, D.C.

The number of hydrogen fuel cells cars in use, as of November 2004, in the D.C. area.

The number of days the U.S. House of Representatives met in 2004; the lowest number in decades.

The percent of 'cost of living' increase or raise, members of Congress voted for themselves in September of 2004.

The dollar amount of that raise.

Posted by: 1Colin at 05:53 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 89 words, total size 1 kb.

Texas Passes Eminent Domain Protection Bill


Cartoon and posting courtesy of Queens County Court Clerk and fellow blogger Nathan.

On Tuesday, the Texas legislature passed a bill to restrict government's power of eminent domain. The bill has now been sent to Gov. Rick Perry, which he is expected to sign shortly.

Posted by: Michele at 05:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

August 16, 2005

How many men...

Treo Blogging: IÂ’m on Jury Duty this week, so Colin will be taking over and posting until IÂ’m released from my wonderful civic duty or die from boredom. While sitting in one of the Jury Rooms I overhead this joke between a group of Ladies, which I thought worthy of posting.

How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Four. One to actually do it, and three more to listen to him brag about the screwing part.

Posted by: Michele at 05:20 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.

August 15, 2005

Witchy Woman

So out of frustration Michele emails me in the wee hours of Saturday morning professing she’s had it with her site and she’s quitting blogging. I was so shocked I called her from the club I was at, while my voluptuous, soon to be companion for the evening excused herself and went to the bathroom. When I got her on the phone I discovered she was experiencing some sort of coding frustration. So as she finishes her quick vent, she pauses briefly and says to me, “btw, don’t try so hard or be overly fawning with the girl you’re with, she already likes you and I don’t think she’s the kind of girl you want.”

“Are you kidding me, that’s exactly the kind of girl I want.” I begin to look around to make sure Michele isn’t playing some sort of practical joke on me. She then says, “Stop looking around I’m not there”.

“Okay, you’ve got my attention”, so I ask, “How do you know she’s not the girl for me. You want to keep me for yourself?” I say laughing loudly. A pause ensues on the other end followed a by a heavy reluctant sigh.

“Don’t laugh, okay?” she says in a very serious tone. I can tell she’s deciding whether to trust me or not. After a moment I promise I won’t laugh, she takes a deep breath and says, “It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while I have a Deja Vous type dream. I dreamt about this situation about 6 months ago”.

Posted by: 1Colin at 11:49 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 925 words, total size 5 kb.

August 14, 2005

Having a really bad MT day

Yes, I know my date header is on drugs! Tell me something I don't know. After spending what is to me an unreasonable amount of time on trying to fix it, all I can say is: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a darn!"

SO... until somebody comes along and tells me how to freakin' fix this, it's staying that way. Oh by the way, just in case you were considering making any suggestions... [can you tell I'm mad as hell?] you better first tell me why... OH why after setting the following syntax up in my stylesheet template:

<$MTSetVar name="highlight_color" value="#CCCC66"$>

and indicating the corresponding MTGetVar syntax in the .date subsection of my stylesheet, WHY... W.H.Y. IS MY DATE HEADER STILL FREAKIN' GRAY?

So if you've stopped by to read pt. 2 of the mobile blogging post, try guessing when I might be posting it.

Instead, I suggest you go visit:

Eric, of Grumbles Before The Grave, and get his code on Creating a Cell/PDA version of your site with comments enabled. Folks, this is a first for an MT blog community, so get it while you can still say you were the first on your block to have it. Then visit...

Paul, of Light and Dark, who has a great post for ICEing your phone, it's a way of setting up your phone in the event of an emergency with special info. It just might save your life.

Now if you'll excuse me, my hot and sore wrists and elbows need some icing of their own!

Posted by: Michele at 03:07 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 260 words, total size 2 kb.

August 12, 2005


In the England, there's an immediate, knee jerk response to everything:


Posted by: 1Colin at 04:04 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 13 words, total size 1 kb.

August 11, 2005

Mobile Blogging - The future is here

Mobile blogging is the current trend from Europe to Asia! With camera/video phones becoming a permanent accessory in US phones (though it's been available in Asia for the past 6), real time multimedia blogging is here to stay. Case in point is this post, being written and submitted via my Treo 650.

Earlier today, on my Live Journal blog (for my family), I posted my son's birthday party pics & video clips. My family is scattered worlwide and we truly stay connected via our mobile phones.

In Asia, there is no excuse for not reaching anyone, because cell phone coverage there is ubiquitous. The cost of PC's is still very high for the working class and the electric grid so unreliable, that it's useless to invest in a desktop. Seeing a golden opportunity, Telco's capitalized on cell phone solutions, and used them to fill all their customers needs.

Today, in many countries around the world, the primary device for user connectivity is wireless internet connectivity - mainly through cell phones. The main reason has always been lack of a reliable infrastructure (for both land lines & electricity) and high cost of existing wired solutions.

In a report I read recently I learned there are over a trillion (yes, that's right) a trillion cell users in Asia w/online capability. That number is expected to double by 2010. Just to give you an idea of how advanced their mobile infrasturcture is, when I lived in the Philippines a 5 years ago, I was able to pay ALL my utilities via my cell. That's right: my elec, gas, tel, cell, pvt postal service, cable,...and even my rent (through a wireless bank transfer between accounts)!

In the last 3 months my most consistent medium for commuinication has been my cell. I'm currently not able to access close to half of my Bad Example Family from most, if not all, public internet places due to their content. As a result, I've been forced to either read them on my PDA or not read them at all.

A great example of this situation is my adoptive blog dad Harvey, of Bad Example. Due to content safe software and word filters the only place I can read him is at home. While my pc is being repaired I can't read him anywhere and so I tried on my pda. Unfortunately, I failed because his 3 column site is so complex & link rich, it's too large & slow to load. As a result, I've been forced to miss his naughty & very wity humor.

Posted by: Michele at 11:17 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 701 words, total size 4 kb.


Prime Minister Chirac has officially raised the French terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide ” .There are only two higher levels in France -they are ” Surrender ” and “Collaborate ” .

The rise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed FranceÂ’s white flag factory - effectively crippling their military capability.

[via Xset]

Posted by: 1Colin at 06:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.

August 09, 2005

The New Aushwitz

Eighteen months ago, I started writing about corruption at the highest levels in the United Nations organization, which extended to vendors and subcontractors and which funded violence in Israel, in Darfur and other areas of the Sudan. I would link to some of those posts now, but when my old blogspot site was hacked into, I lost most of them. In those posts, I wrote about the corruption involving Kofi AnnanÂ’s son and Boutros GaliÂ’s son, as well as other high-ranking UN officials in the Oil for Food program.

On Monday, Paul Volker released a full report on Part 1 of his investigation on the Oil for Food programÂ’s bribery and corruption scandal, which is believed to involve a number of senior officials. One official, Alexander Yakovlev, has already pleaded guilty in Federal court to charges of bribery, after being stripped of diplomatic immunity. Benon Sevan, the former head of the Oil for Food program, continues to be in hiding somewhere in Cyprus, he is expected to receive indictments this week.

As the investigation continues, the focus will now move to the Security Council staff and members. The committee has already requested AnnanÂ’s notes, as well as Security Council meeting minutes related to sanctions against Iraq in the years before the 2003 Iraq invasion, for possible conflict of interest.

HereÂ’s what angers me the most, the failure of the UN to live up to its responsibilities and charter time and again, especially in the face of dire human crisis. We began to see their disregard for human life in Uganda. We continued to see their ineffectualness in Somalia. We are now seeing the UN's analysis/paralysis in Nigeria, where thousands have already died, and where it is expected that hundreds of thousands more will starve to death over the next few weeks. This is in spite of the self-delusional attempt to end poverty and famine through the world-wide Live8 concerts, which featured Kofi Annan as one of its speakers.

The true crime here, and the crime no one will be prosecuted for, is the continual victimization of the youngest victims through greed, corruption, abuse of power, and in-action. In doing so, the UN secured an Aushwitz-like death for thousands of the worldÂ’s poorest and most vulnerable children.

Posted by: Michele at 06:17 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 382 words, total size 3 kb.

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