November 29, 2006

Aiming for a Spiritual & Sane Holiday

Here are some tips that I received a while back which I wrote down in my journal and I keep going back to every year as a reminder of where I can go if I let myself get carried away by the holiday shopping spirit. IÂ’m sharing this in the hopes that it might help someone to think differently about the holidays. My other motivating factor comes from working at an investment back and seeing how people many people file for personal bankrupcy in March and April from not being able to pay their christmas shopping bills.

Posted by: Michele at 11:56 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 963 words, total size 5 kb.

November 25, 2006

My Holiday Wish For You

is this.

Posted by: Michele at 02:12 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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November 23, 2006

An Unplanned Thanksgiving

Today was a very strange day. Nothing went according to plan and it was one of the best holidays ever since all my friends passed on.

Since plans A to C fell through due to technical problems and illness, my son asked on Wednesday morning if instead we could volunteer at the homeless shelter and give out food as we had done once before. That so warmed my heart that I gave him a big hug and a big kiss. more...

Posted by: Michele at 08:41 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 729 words, total size 4 kb.


Yes, you! I have something very important and special to say to you! Its just 2 words, but they are important and are truly heartfelt. Thank You!

Thank you for stopping by and reading as regularly as you do, for as a budding writer you have helped my craft by simply being there and inspiring me.

Thank you for commenting and leaving supportive and funny messages, for they have helped me heal from my wounds and losses.

Thank you for continuing to extend yourselves in friendship, you have made my life less isolated and happier.

But most importantly, thank you for caring. You have all been a blessings onto me, and I do thank God for you every day.

And a special thank you to all the men and women who sacrifice much to keep our country safe. You have my eternal gratitude and prayers for a safe return back home!

May your day be filled with the love of family and friends, may you experience joy in the simple moments and may your spirits be brimming with peace and harmony during this holiday season!

A few of you know that in addition to my lust for all things penguin I also have a midget thing. For those of you who are interested in a little midget humor... I give you this.

And here's a little something to share with you:

You Are The Stuffing

You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.

People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.

Hat tip to our village Ogre

Posted by: Michele at 12:09 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 271 words, total size 2 kb.

November 22, 2006

Name That Tune #2

Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath
And I'm still standing here, and you're miles away
And I'm wonderin' why you left
And there's a storm that's raging through my frozen heart Tonight

I hear your name in certain circles, and it always makes me Smile
I spend my time thinkin' about you, and it's almost driving Me wild
And there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance Line tonight
There's a message in the wire, and I'm sending you this Signal tonight
You don't know how desperate I've become
And it looks like I'm losing this fight
In your world I have no meaning, though I'm trying hard to Understand
For 10 smarty pants bonus points, who sang the song above?

For the rest of you, here's a great Turkey Resource link when you're in need of help. Friday, they'll have great recipes for leftovers like Easy Turkey Chili so stay tuned. more...

Posted by: Michele at 01:13 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 313 words, total size 2 kb.

November 21, 2006

A Parent's Review of Happy Feet

Emperor Penguins.JPG

As most of you don't know... I have a thing for penguins. I love all penguins, and have been known to stalk a few of my fine feathered friends at the Central Park Children's zoo. But I am especially fond of the most beautiful of their species - the Emperor Penguins. Here's one of my favorite photos of them. However, these sweet, mild mannered creatures which were portrayed so nobly in the March of the Penguins are not the Penguins you will encounter in Happy Feet, so you are forwarned.

To begin with, Happy Feet has a rating of PG for some mild peril and rude humor. Well, I normally pre-screen all the movies my sun watches, except for this one. Having been written and directed by George Miller (writer/director of Babe) I thought it would be a safe movie. Well, I was wrong. And you know kids, the thing that makes the adults laugh most (the rude humor) is exactly what kids will remember most and mimmick with amazing accuracy. Well, I learned that parental lesson on Sunday morning when my son mimmicked exactly one of the rude and sassy Puffer Penguins on our way to church.

I must admit that I was both mortified and trying very hard to contain my laughter, while seriously explaining why mimmicking that character was not appropriate . Sigh!

I think a PG13 rating would have been more appropriate. Thirteen year olds have the ability (hopefully) to understand, that while certain gestures are very funny for a cartoon on a movie screen, they are inappropriate for a man of any age to approach a woman with, unless he doesn't mind being smacked by his mother or the woman.

On the other hand, the movie is appropriate for adults who love Robin Williams, have a good sense of humor, and who enjoy cartoons and music. The only other thing that bothered me was the way Miller tried to stretch the movie's theme from self-acceptance to "regulating the overfishing of the Antarctic oceans". While most adults were scratching there heads at the significance of the UN General Assembly scene. I was frustrated over the factual inaccuracies of the film. The 2 biggest of these are: a) Penguins are endangered (they are instead reaching over-population) and b) the thinking that the UN or it's members have any jurisdiction over Antartica. They do not. Here's a factoid to tuck away in your heads: since Antartica is not a country and its uninhabited, the UN has no jurisdiction over the ice caps or it's mammalian occupants. Still, if you're able to overlook all that, then I dare say you might enjoy the film.

As for me, I really enjoyed the computer animation. Oh, and the penguins!

Posted by: Michele at 09:56 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 470 words, total size 3 kb.

November 20, 2006

CPK - NYC's Reservoir


Just to give you an idea of how big Central Park really is, I used to be able to run twice around the perimeter of this reservoir, which is located 2/3 of the way into park.

Posted by: Michele at 11:18 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Herbed Turkey Tetrazzini

As a public service to all of you who will be making monster turkey's for your loved ones, I will be posting recipes you can use with your leftovers. Here's an old time favorite recipe I used to make that everyone loved. And the best part, its a casserole!


1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 - 6 cloves of garlic - chopped, add only desired amount to your taste
1/4 cup fresh mushrooms sliced
1/4 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 cup chicken broth
1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp dried whole tarragon
1/8 tsp pepper
dash of rosemary
dash of ground nutmeg
2-1/2 cups cooked thin spaghetti
1-1/2 cups turkey, cooked/chopped
2/3 cup shredded Swiss cheese or any cheese you have on hand divided in half
Optional: some people like to add 1/4 cup of celery to this dish its up to you.
Optional: as a garnish you can use chopped parsley and red pepper strips

Melt butter and then saute the chopped onions and sliced mushrooms in a large saucepan until shrooms are slightly tender and onions are translucent. Add the garlic and stir, but do not let the garlic burn. While stirring, add the milk, then slowly blend in the flour, stirring well for about one minute. Gradually add chicken broth and then let cook over medium heat while stirring constantly until mixture is thick and bubbly. Stir in parsley, tarragon, rosemary pepper and nutmeg and mix well. Stir in the cooked/drained spaghetti, turkey,
and half of the cheese, mixing well.

Pour into a greased 1-1/2 quart casserole bake at 350 for
20 minutes. Sprinkle remaining cheese over the top and
bake an additional 5 minutes. Garnish with parsley and pepper strips.

Posted by: Michele at 07:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 300 words, total size 2 kb.

November 19, 2006

The Jedi Test

Jedi Padawan
You scored 61% on the Force Sensitivity/Jedi Chart!
Other Jedi like you are: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I), Luke Skywalker (Episode IV) and Anakin Skywalker (Episode II).

You are a Jedi Padawan, your fundamentals of good and justice strongly influence you. You may still have some tendencies the dark side may claim, like fear and love, but for the most part though, the Light Side flows through you with strength.

You have not fully discovered your powers through the Force but you are most definitely powerful, though you don't use your power to harm unless threatened. You have probably helped a fair number of people and have a core understanding of what is right, wrong and just. You probably command respect from others simply from your status and the way you serve a greater purpose. Be wary of your feelings as thoughts of yourself only lead to fear and hate and the dark side.

Concentrate on controlling yourself and let the Force flow through you, only do what is just and promotes peace and in time you will become a greater Jedi. Be wary of your feelings for they may still be strong especially if you were discovered later in your life. Be careful of the Sith for they will seek to either destroy you or seduce you.

Posted by: Michele at 12:20 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 225 words, total size 2 kb.

November 18, 2006

Should I stay or should I go?

It's not been easy figuring out whether I should stay at my current job or if I should go for the job in London. So I thought this would be a neat way to figure things out. So what do you think... should I listen to the results % stay?

Your Job Satisfaction Level is 85%

Sure, no job is perfect - but yours is pretty close. You're resepcted by your co-workers and boss. Plus, you usually get credit for your succcesses.
Don't quit, unless you know you've got something much better lined up.

Posted by: Michele at 08:46 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 1 kb.

The Pie Here Is Good Too.

You Are Lemon Meringue Pie

You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet. Those who like you have well refined tastes like you.

[Hat tip to our village Ogre]

Posted by: Michele at 08:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 41 words, total size 1 kb.

November 17, 2006

It's Over!!!!!

I'm preparing my documents and materials for our after-event-debriefing scheduled to begin soon, so this will be a short post. I couldn't tell you what I was doing yesterday for security reasons. I still can't talk much about the conference, but what I can say is that we hosted 50 full bird Colonels and some of their spouses to amongst other things discuss Business Crisis and Strategic Planning pre & post 9/11. It was a very interesting, lively and educational discussion on all sides and by all accounts a complete success. There are 3 people who I need to thank for sharing their experience, and providing me with invaluable guidance and support. I will be thanking them personally later on today.

There were 3 men & their wives whom I just adored and really went out of my way to make them feel comfortable and assist during their stay in NYC. I was both honored and lucking to be asked to join them for part of dinner last night.
They were 2 Marines both with Iraqi combat experience and an Army Air Assault Helicopter Pilot w/Afghan and Iraqi experience. During dinner we were able to discuss NY history, military history, politics, NY culture & parenting. The wives were equally impressive. I unfortunately had to leave early to tuck my son in bed but they understood and were very kind about it when I initially accepted their invitation. Anyone else would have pressured me to stay.

Having had such an engaging dinner with like-minded people made me realize a few things. Chief among them is that it's not me who's not been able to make friends in NYC, it's just that I've not found the right kind of people that would make it worth while to extend myself in friendship.

Well, I've got a debriefing session to run to sooooo, see ya later. In the meantime, I'll leave you with another beautiful picture of Central Park. I took this one also with my now dead Treo 650. Enjoy!

the creek.JPG

Posted by: Michele at 11:48 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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November 15, 2006

Mixed Bag

Some days there are just such a conflagration of events that brings one's spirit just above curb level. On those days all I want to do is pack a few belongings into a truck, and move to Montana with my son.

Instead, I sucked it up, took spiritual bathroom breaks where I prayed, and tried to deal with the following:
- Discovered I had left my make-up bag at the restaurant where I had dinner with my son the night before, forcing me to look like a pasty white ghost even though halloween is over.

- Forced to deal with a stopped up toilet that overflowed just as I was leaving the apt. for an early morning mtg in one of my best suits. Forwent picking up breakfast because I was too grossed out and running late.

- Upon greeting some of the advance team of Birds for tomorrow's conference, we began to talk and I realized he was an acquaintence of Rick's, who had served in Nam with Rick and who could not stop talking about him. I was missing my friend and mentor, and didn't participate in the conversation for fear of crying. This conference was started by Rick almost 10 yrs ago and was one of the things he was most proud of. Instead I spent the entire hour doing controlled and focused breathing while making sure my eyes did not betray me.

- Was humiliated by a woman in a meeting, who was trying to impress a man she's been trying to date for over a year. I knew I was in trouble at the start of the meeting when she turned around just in time to see the object of her desire mouthing the words "call me" in a seductive way as he winked at me from across the table. What she doesn't realize is that the handsome former Marine is gay, and he does this to drive her crazy. That's 2 dinners he says he owes me. I could do without the dinners and use a lot more respect.

- Was humiliated by yet another woman during a different meeting in which she referred to the analysis I presented as: sub-par, baseless, and full of erroneious assumptions. She got away with it because I was too tired to fight and felt the documentation spoke for itself. It seems the attendees chose to believe her because she was young, pretty, blonde and had pert knockers. It also didn't hurt that her uncle sits on the Board of Directors.

- Discovered in the late afternoon that my beloved cell's screen had been smashed and cracked. Even though it was inside a protective case inside my purse all day. Hmmmm, I wonder how that happened. Yes I am sad and bummed out as that phone is such an important part of my life. But there's worse things in the world than not being able to Treo Blog, comment on other's blogs and read the funny comments you guys leave me. Now I'll never be able to win any of Richmond's Brain Benders. Sigh!

- Was not able to eat a thing all day until 3:00pm, only to have that meal interrupted due to issues that required my attention with the conference I'm running tomorrow.

- Got stuck on the train on my way to pick up my son and discovered he had refused to eat at the sitter's because he wanted to have dinner with me. We normally eat dinner at 6:30pm and it was 8 o'clock by the time I got to him. That forced me to stop at Burger King - a place I hate with a passion - to get dinner. Unfortunately I only had enough money for his dinner because I never got to go to the bank. It's now 11pm and I'm just too tired to eat.

- After a 14 hr day I decided a nice hot shower was in order. When I got out and looked in the mirror I noticed not only did I still have lipstick on, but now it had darkened to a sort of purplish color. In checking the packaging I noticed several warnings none of which I heeded or read in my hasty quest to look human. Folks, when Loreal says Stay-on color they color stays on and it can only be removed by an industrial strength lip remover which only they sell. Not even mineral oil has removed the color off my lips. Hopefully it will wear off by tomorrow morning or I'll be thinking like Lucy Ricardo.

The best part of my day: was getting some really nice messages from 2 bloggers, and getting a really big hug and a big kiss from my son, who said to me I really, really missed you mommy and I waited to have dinner with you.

With positive incentives like those, I'll go to bed in peace hoping tomorrow's a better day. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to apply Industrial strength Motor Oil as cream to my face to soften my skin and hide the puffiness and dark circles under my eyes from sleeping only 4hrs/night for the last 2 weeks. Before I apply I will pray for no more life complications or color shifts, otherwise I'll be booking myself as tomorrow's entertainment as Bozo the clown.

Posted by: Michele at 10:59 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 897 words, total size 5 kb.

November 14, 2006

For those in need of a break

I took this with my cell phone camera this weekend. Any guesses as to where I was? Anywho, I was spacing out in this meeting I'm in and felt like I needed to take a mental break. So here's my Photo Treo Blogging for today. Enjoy!


Posted by: Michele at 01:39 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 60 words, total size 1 kb.

November 13, 2006

My Day Yesterday

In 12 hrs I had 14 mtgs, read 257 emails, responding to 89 of them and rescheduled 5 mtgs cancelled by others. I also produced 1 report and must finish & email another before midnight. I made calls to 2 people in London (former colleagues who were transferred there by the firm) to get insight and input on how their move impacted their families and about the British educational system. In addition to all that, I called my insurance agent, health/benefits Rep., company assigned financial advisor, mortgage co., and the Intl relocation team with lots of questions (and those were just the personal calls). These questions came up Sunday, after I read the 275 page book thatÂ’s given to potential international employees, so they can make informed decisions financial/benefits decisions when accepting an overseas position. The deadline to give my answer is 11/22, for a start date in London on 1/8/06. Tomorrow, I donÂ’t have as many meetings, but I do have just as many phone calls and emails. Boy, am I looking forward to Friday! ThatÂ’s when I hope to pick some bloggers brains about this IT offer. Hopefully theyÂ’ll help rather than confuse.

But enough about me, what do YOU think about me? LOLÂ… Just kidding! What I really want to know is how YOUR weekend was, and how your week is shaping up?

Since the rest of this week will be demanding I will be share here interesting articles over the next few days which might interest and amuse you, until my life returns to normal (if in fact it ever does).

First up, are some great tips from the ProBlogger on How to Drive More Traffic To Your Site During The Holidays. Link sent to me by someone who thinks I should make money on my blog. What he doesn't know is that I blog to write, not to make money. If I had to worry about making money while I write I'd neither write nor would make money as the pressure overwhelming.

Next up, are some incredible poems and stories hosted at the by the Tarheel TavernÂ’s Blogging Poet. ThereÂ’s something there for everyone, you just have to look. Here's was my favorite post of the round-up. [Hat tip to Ogre]

For those of you who want something a little ‘heavier’ to read, I give you John’s essay on the effects of feminism on literary study programs. I know exactly what he’s talking about, because I too was in the minority whenever I offered a balanced, contextual view of literature in my graduate classes.

Finally, a post from my blog-sis TammiÂ…. What she said!

Posted by: Michele at 11:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 441 words, total size 3 kb.

November 11, 2006

To Honor My Hero

I have lived for extended periods of time in a number of countries around the world. In each new place of residence my family would register with the local American embassy soon after our arrival, in order to ensure our safety and connection to the homeland. Another practice which began early in our lives, was that of memorizing the local embassyÂ’s telephone number and address. My photographic memory also helped in that I always had a visual map in my head of where we were and where the embassy was located and how we could quickly get there.

It's never been easy living in some of these countries, especially given the basic cultural and political differences. I had been living in Chile for only a few weeks when the brutal Pinochet took control over the government through a bloody coup de etat. It was a place where fear reigned everywhere, even inside your home. Walking on my way to school one morning I saw the government security squads, known as the Caravans of Death, arrive in their black jeeps. They had begun to break down the doors randomly into peoples homes. A friend of my fatherÂ’s who worked at the embassy had instructed the American families that were members of my father's church on what to do in the event we were ever caught in one of Pinochet's dragnets. My father took it one step further by having us all wear a single dog tag imprinted with our personal information that would enable American authorities to help us should we ever get separated or lost our parents.

Posted by: Michele at 11:08 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 1139 words, total size 6 kb.

Torn between many

FINAL UPDATE: Thanks to all for participating, I really appreciate how much you cared for those who serve us. You all inspired me & now I've decided to give my old upgraded IBM Thinkpad to SoldierÂ’s Angels so they can pass it along to a deserving member of our Armed Forces. Now here's the disclaimer: Since this is my blog I reserve all rights to do as I please. That's the wonderful thing about liberty and this country. If you disagree you are free to start your own blog and moan ad naseum there. All my decisions are usually final! Ask my son, he'll tell you.

Oddybobo's decision - our Chief Judge and executioner of all internet related decisions on this blog: "I didn't count Tink, she wasn't really a vote, I split RSM's vote (just to shake things up a bit) cause he voted for Army and Marines in one post. So I gave each 1/2. So I have declared Air Force the winner by 1/2 point! I really didn't think you'd mind. Besides, there can be no recounts! *snicker* This was fun. And this year everyone's a winner!" more...

Posted by: Michele at 03:56 AM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
Post contains 553 words, total size 4 kb.

November 10, 2006

Semper Fi!

It's the Marine Corp.'s Birthday! Go hug, shake hands, kiss, or do all the above with a Marine today. Or you can simply do what I'll be doing, writing to all my favorite Marines to thank them for their service to our country.

Posted by: Michele at 08:47 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 47 words, total size 1 kb.

November 09, 2006

Founder's Quote

"Do we owe debts to foreigners and to our own citizens contracted in a time of imminent peril for the preservation of our political existence? These are the subjects of constant and unblushing violation."

-- Alexander Hamilton (Federalist No. 15)

Posted by: Michele at 04:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

November 08, 2006


My day yesterday started out at 5:30am. after having gone to bed around 2:00am. I was busy setting up a pick up schedule and had to email, txt message or call everyone to confirm their pick up time to take them to the voting center, after which I had to get the house spotless to be turned into a mini day care center. I volunteer to help shuttle the elderly & disabled to and from the voting site from 6:45am to 8:00am. Then from 8:00am to 9:15am I open my home to single parents w/toddlers in the neighborhood who need someone to watch the kids while they vote.

Needless to say it was a morning where there was little dialogue between my son and I because things had to get done & he had to help, plus he was going to vote with me for the first time. When I layed out his school uniform and asked him to get dressed he kept delaying and then tried to negotiate out of his uniform, or so I thought. I gave him my no-nonsense look with the "no back talk or negotiation" warning as we had a very tight schedule and he'd be in big trouble. Resigned he put his school uniform on, quickly ate breakfast and off we went. My first group of 9 Seniors were the first people in line. I voted quickly, though angrily, when I saw that for some offices 1 candidate was running on the Republican, Democrat, and Right to Life Party simultaneously. Where on earth is democracy there? At that moment I definitely would have voted for myself via written ballot just out of my constitutional principal, but I was on a time schedule.

On our last shuttle ride home my son said he had a request. I asked what that was and he said, "since there's no school today can I wear my regular clothes". Oh, I felt like such a heel and I apologized profusely while hugging and kissing him. Trying to push my guilt to his advantage he asked if he could also have a popsicle stick when we got home because he was thirsty from all the running around. "Sorry Mr., not a chance.!"

In the hour I hosted daycare I had a total of 12 kids. My day began to peak when a cute tiny 5yr old that I adore walked in and kept staring at me while his mom and I talked. He kept staring at me even as his mother was trying to say goodbye. Finally I squatted down to his level, and with a smile and gentle voice asked why he was staring at me so much, did he like my choker or my earings. He shook his head and finally worked it all out in his head and said to me: "You're pretty!" with such a sweet sincerity that I just had to give him a big kiss on the cheek for starting my day off right. He then ran away from me to the children's table as he wiped the kiss off his cheek. I sighed and reflected on how yet another man was running away from me.

By 10:00am I was back at my desk working like mad. On my way to the copier I passed a collegue who stopped to stare at me forcing me to look at the front of my blouse to make sure my buttons weren't open. Finally he says to me, "You look faaaantastick!" To which I asked in a sweet voice and with a slight smile on a straight face: "As opposed to the rest of the time when you don't say anything because I look like crap?" He was speechless and turning beet red. Me I was laughing on the inside because I knew my point had been brought home. He had gone over board with the exhuberance so he definitely wanted something from me which now he couldn't ask because he realized his charm didn't work on me.

At 1:30 my old boss, Mr. Global IT Director for Division 1, called me to go upto his office for a chat. It had been over a year since I had left him. I didn't really want to take another position, but leave I had to just so I could have my life back. When working for him I worked at times 18 hrs a day. While in his office we chatted for awhile about changes in the dept. structure, personnel and technology. We caught up on the global projects I had managed and on our personal lives. Then suddenly his tone changed. It was the tone that he used during my annual performance reviews, when he cleared his throat a gazillion times trying to find the right words to convey his message. While he's doing this, I'm wondering what time it is because I have to pick up my son at 3:00pm and by now I know I'll be cutting it close.

Suddenly from his mouth I hear: "I think you would be perfect for this new position in London. I'm hoping you'll consider applying for it as you'll have my full support." Then my mind starts racing with questions and objections, and I'm thinking could I raise a happy, healthy, sane child and have a normal life doing RSM's job in London. That's when my cell phone began to go off like crazy and I realized I had 5 min to get into the elevator go down 40 flights, run through the huge lobby & out into the street to pick up my son.

So as calmly as possible I interrupted him, thanked him for the offer, letting him know that I had to leave immediately to pick up my son and asked if we could continue the conversation tomorrow. Luckily my son was late which gave me a few mintues to let it all sink in: living in London, working again in IT, working for one of the best bosses I've ever had... as I sit here writing this all I can muster to think or say is... WOW. And I know the feelings will be short-lived because I don't have enough information to wrap my head around it. Still, it's like finally being asked to the prom. I was never asked to go to the prom, but if I had been asked, I bet you it would feel like this - faaaaantastic.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed. I can't think about this now 'cause I'm dog dead tired!

Posted by: Michele at 01:29 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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