September 27, 2004

Soccer Love

Blogging will be light this week as I'll be engrossed in the European Soccer Championships. Real Madrid will be beating somebody into a pulp on Tuesday, while AC Milan will be kicking the lights out of some other opponent on Wednesday.

This is timely break as my carpel tunnel has returned and has been getting worse since I cooked up a storm on Friday.


This is Maldini from AC Milan and Raul from Real Madrid, two of my favorite players.

Posted by: Michele at 07:15 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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September 24, 2004

Dear Diary

I had a really shitty day today!

My day started off with someone running down the subway platform, knocking the Latte out of my hand and not even stopping to apologize for their actions. It went downhill from there.


Posted by: Michele at 04:58 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 228 words, total size 1 kb.

September 22, 2004

CBS' Complicity

There is a lot more to the Dan Rather story than the use of forged memos. I have wanted to post about what goes on behind the scenes in producing a story on television, so you will understand the blanket of guilt that extends beyond 60 Minutes, but my carpel tunnel has other ideas.

This morning I read Laughing Wolf, who has written two excellent posts surrounding CBS' criminal complicity on a number of issues. The first is an outstanding post that illustrates how CBS' complicit manipulation of the truth (and in my estimation, guilt of libelous acts) reaches the highest echelons at CBS.

The second, and equally important post, is on the crimes CBS and others committed. Please go read these insightful posts, so you can truly be aware of all the guilty actions and parties in this debacle.

Posted by: Michele at 08:33 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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September 20, 2004

Blogging Attire - pajamas or ...?

Contrary to popular belief, bloggers, like those at Beautiful Attrocities, don't wear pajamas when they blog.

I blog in different outfits depending on my mood. When I feel like frolicking online I wear this little number.
This is what I wear when I'm in my digital brown shirt mood.
On sleepless nights when I'm burning the midnight oil, comfort is the name of the blogging game and it's me and Mickey till dawn.
(via A Likely Story.)

Let's dispell the pajama myth now. Send Harvey of Bad Example a picture of what you wear when blogging and let's show CBS that they're wrong on more than just the memos!

UPDATE 1: Disclaimer: The above pictures are of professional models. Any resemblance between the blogger and the models is purely coincidental.

UPDATE 2: I've been receiving lots of emails with interesting pics of people that are too shy to post their attire. All I can say is, thank you, I'm touched and inspired. Inspired to explore other blogging attire. I'd like to encourage the shy ones to consider using photo shop to perhaps super-impose Dan Rather's head onto their body, to have fun "forged" out of artistry. What say you shy ones?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIXY!!!! BTW, What are YOU wearing right now???

Posted by: Michele at 12:15 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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September 19, 2004

Work Environment since 9/11

For some, life in NY has not changed much since 9/11/01. For others like me, who work for a firm that is still on terrorist lists, in a part of Manhattan that has been a target for extremists for some time, it is a life full of multi-layered security measures meant to protect.

Perhaps if I gave you a glimpse of what my morning was like today, you would get some idea what working in NYC is like these days.

Posted by: Michele at 12:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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September 17, 2004

I Forgive You

Spain's El Pais (its national newspaper equivalent to the NY Times) apologizes to New Yorkers and to US citizens for their use of 9/11 images in their online ad campaign. Below is my translation to their editorial apology.:

"El PAIS asks forgiveness for the use of images of the attack against the Twin Towers of New York, which happened the 11 of September of 2001, in a campaign to increase circulation of online subscribers to This lamentable campaign, made through electronic mail, gleaned two photographs of New York, one with the Twin Towers and another one of its smoldering remains, with the subtitle "A lot happens in one day. Imagíne what can happen in three months ". The promotion began Monday, 13 of September, and was sent to more than 50,000 adressees before it was cancelled on Wednesday, 15th of September." more...

Posted by: Michele at 12:06 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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September 16, 2004

A New York Ad

Yesterday, after I wrote the Little Nut Brown/Ronnie post and received wonderful emails of support, I decided do my daily internet walkabout. I went to visit one of my favorite sites by a gifted Spanish writer I respect very much. Barcepundit has had several Insta-lanches in the past year due to his incredibly insightful breaking news, and I always start my day there or at NetWar04.

As his page loaded I saw an all too familiar image in an ad I was unfamiliar with. The image seemed inocuous at first, then I read the ad text and BAM! I got the full impact of the ad campaign by the trigger of one word - "ENJOY"! The online ad is designed to increase subscriptions to this Spanish news website which is the equivalent to the NY Times.

It is without question the most offensive, opportunistic, sadistic and immoral ad I have ever seen. I waited more than 24hrs before posting, to see if there would be a detraction or an apology to New Yorkers or US citizens, but none has been forthcoming.

Posted by: Michele at 01:27 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 462 words, total size 3 kb.

September 15, 2004

Guess How Much I Love You?

There's a story book that I like to read to little children entitled: Guess How Much I Love You. It's a book that Amy gave me when I was recovering from cancer at age 25. My biggest worry at that time was whether or not I would be able to have children after undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. The book was meant to inspire me and help me think positively about my future.

After The Cat in the Hat, which I know by heart, this book is my favorite. There was a young marine who I used to write to who's innocence and strength of conviction reminded me a great deal of Little Nut Brown Hare, the main character in that book. After corresponding with him while he was in Iraq, I was glad to hear the news that he was finally home in Long Island. For me it meant that one more Marine had done his duty and was now safely home.

Posted by: Michele at 04:50 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 455 words, total size 2 kb.

September 12, 2004

Nazis and Islamists - An Unholy Alliance

I was one of those children that always loved to stay up and listen to adults discuss the news of the day. Since we didn't have a tv set (my parents were against owning one) my sole entertainment were the political discussions my parents, grandparents and our elderly Jewish neighbors had from time to time.

It was from them that I learned about the Geopolitical factors that led to WWII. But of all the historical stories they told me, there was one that I just couldn't believe. Who could believe that Muslims would join hands with Nazi's in an unholy alliance to eradicate Jews from the world?


Posted by: Michele at 09:21 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 503 words, total size 3 kb.

September 11, 2004

Tammi speaks for me

Their names having been read, I now lack the words to encapsulate the feelings of this day. However, my blogsister, Tammi does an incredible job of saying a little bit of how I feel this morning.

Thanks to all of you who have sent me emails and who have left comments of support. Please know that although I have been overwhelmed with preparations for several memorial services, I am truly grateful for the messages you've sent me. Thank you!

Posted by: Michele at 11:58 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Voice of a Prophet?

On this day I would like to honor and thank those courageous and dedicated men and women of our Armed Forces, who continue to give of themselves for love of their family and country. You may count amongst your fallen brothers my colleague, friend and mentor, Rick Rescorla.

From the moment the first plane hit the World Trade Center I immediately thought of Rick's words and predictions. As a seasoned soldier, and one of the men who was featured in both the book and the movie We Were Soldiers, he knew our enemies very well and spoke out of our need for preparedness for many years prior to 9/11.

My heartfelt thanks to the National Review and the Mudville Gazette for honoring such a wonderful friend and mentor by sharing his biography with the world.

For a blogosphere round-up of the best postings on this day visit Winds of Change. There you will find everything from the touching to the humorous and the heartfelt. more...

Posted by: Michele at 08:46 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 07, 2004

Dearest Mike, Jack, Tony, Larry, Amy, Rick & Nancy

Today, the day after Labor Day, is and forever will be my official day of remembrance for all of you. Just as I did these last two years, I took the day off today and picked up different bouquets with all your favorite flowers and headed downtown.

Posted by: Michele at 10:10 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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September 05, 2004

Thinking of you

A great many of you have been on my mind since yesterday. you will continue to be in my thoughts & prayers, until we connect digitally and I hear you are well and safe.


Posted by: Michele at 04:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 04, 2004

The Chechen - Al Qaeda connection

UPDATE 9-4-04: If you want actual proof of the Chechen - Al Qaeda connection, please read the Al-Battar/Al Qaeda Manual on Kidnapping

Original posting was at noon - 9-01-04
It seems that the tactics of the Abu Sayyaf – a terrorist group run by Bin Laden’s cousins – trained these Chechen rebels well. They have now attacked the heart of a country and are holding it hostage. This type of action is an Abu Sayyaf’s signature tactic. They have done this a number of times over the last 5 years. It is what they do to hold a country hostage and bring them to their knees. The Philippine authorities, with the assistance of the US military, have never been successful in rescuing or saving all the children that have been taken hostage by the Abu Sayyaf. I doubt the Russian government will have better results.

How do I know that the Chechen rebels were trained by Bin Laden's relatives? more...

Posted by: Michele at 12:10 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 03, 2004

Kerry & the DNC Rapid Response Team

This is a response to a post from distinguished journalist, Juan Hervada, which can be found at NetWar04. His commentary is a must read, if you want to understand how Europeans and the various groups within Islam view us. He writes in various languages including English, however, a simple translation at Babel Fish will help you understand everything he writes.

Hi JH,

These are a number of the reasons why Bush was pulling ahead in the polls prior to the convention, and Kerry was floundering. more...

Posted by: Michele at 09:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 02, 2004

NY's Latest Trend: Getting Arrested

As of 10:00am today, there have been a total of 1,786 protest related arrests. From listening to the protestors as I walk past them in the East Village, it now seems to be cool and an honor to have multiple arrests under your belt. People mill about in groups sharing their arrest experiences and try to one up one another in telling their own tale of what they did to fend off police .

Yes, they are violent and they are proud of it. But what of there message? IÂ’ve been getting emails with questions about this very thing. You are puzzled as to why there have been so many arrests. What are they trying to do/accomplish or say? Well Jeff Jarvis, commenting about this phenomenon yesterday in his blog sheds some light on these very questions and poses one of his own:

Posted by: Michele at 09:02 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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September 01, 2004

RNC Arrests at 1,596

Yesterday, the stats of convention related madness went through the roof. Yesterday alone: close to 1,000 arrests were made, 16 police officers were hospitalized or treated for injuries, 23 civilians were attacked by protestors (some of them RNC delegates) and were treated at nearby hospitals. ThereÂ’s more, but at this point IÂ’m just sick of reporting it and IÂ’ll let you read it and see pictures from the NY Daily News, NY Newsday (see photos), and NY Times. Please keep in mind that these papers are very liberal and are minimizing the true effects of whatÂ’s going on.

Posted by: Michele at 09:08 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 513 words, total size 3 kb.

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